2024 Presidential Race

First, he was right, it has been transitory. It was approaching 9 percent in 2022, it is now 3.4 percent.

Second, his description of it, even if he was wrong, does not create inflation. The inflation we had was a combination of primarily three things: 1) the massive amount of stimulus put into the economy by Trump (I don't blame him for that, by the way, as it was necessary); 2) pent up demand when covid relaxed; 3) continuing supply disruption as production and transport came back on line.

None of that had anything to do with Biden. And the increase in interest rates, which is largely responsible for the increased cost of a monthly mortgage, is imposed by the Fed, which Biden does not control.

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You forgot 4) Continued deficit spending by Biden (not needed nearly as much as 2020 spending) and 5) Anti business rhetoric towards energy industry without a clear plan

Yes, given how CPI is a multi-month lagging indicator some of it was clearly related to Trump. However, instead of taming it, Biden's fiscal and social policies poured fire on it...
Is it really a .gov tax or a local/state law mandating employers provide health insurance? It doesn't specify on the bill.
my bad..looks to be voluntary..regardless, the cost of business is already built in the cost of the service.
True but I don't have a problem with (actually like the idea) of putting it out there.
It is optional and I would have them remove it from my bill. Health insurance is a company expense. Raise your prices if you want but don't itemize this on my bill. I wouldn't want to see a rent itemization on my check either
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It is optional and I would have them remove it from my bill. Health insurance is a company expense. Raise your prices if you want but don't itemize this on my bill. I wouldn't want to see a rent itemization on my check either
Being opted in by default is a hassle. Like privacy laws..
Didn't realize you hated capitalism!

hog said it already... customers pay for everything, otherwise the business doesn't exist.
Correct, just like when corporate taxes are raised. Those corporations just raise prices for their goods and services or lay-off people. Math is math.
It is optional and I would have them remove it from my bill. Health insurance is a company expense. Raise your prices if you want but don't itemize this on my bill. I wouldn't want to see a rent itemization on my check either

How do you think the company pays for most of its expenses? Lol.

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