2024 Presidential Race

I don't think we should overlook this. Under the Biden Administration, America has turned into a banana republic.

Milley admitted to calling China behind Trump's back. That gave the left another authoritarian idea.

You are so painfully short sighted. Lol.

Dems and their taxes..🤡🤡🤡

This has been around for quite some time. I remember seeing this at least five years ago when I had to regularly travel to LA and SF. I believe it started when Obamacare was passed. It’s not a tax, just a fee that varies by establishment to help offset the cost of providing staff healthcare.

Trump tops his opponents while Biden hits a new low in approval ahead of Iowa caucus: POLL​

72% of Republican-aligned adults would be satisfied with Trump as the nominee.

The Breakdown: Republican voters view Trump as the most electable candidate ABC News Political Director Rick Klein breaks down the brand-new ABC News/Ipsos poll ahead of the Iowa caucuses on “This Week.”

The 2024 primary season begins with Donald Trump well ahead of his Republican opponents on key measures of popularity, while Joe Biden's job approval rating has dropped to a low for any president in the past 15 years, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.

With the Iowa caucuses Monday, the national survey finds Trump especially well rated by Republicans and Republican-leaning independents on three metrics: having the best chance to win in November, being a strong leader and being the party's most qualified candidate.

It's a hassle 'cause I'm forced to tell them to take it off my bill

It’s really too bad you can’t get a full breakdown of expenses on your bill. Like:

State tax,
Federal tax,
Local tax,
Cost of EPA regs
Mandated healthcare costs
And so on

You bet your ass governments would be looking to outlaw itemized bills real fast.
Doesn't surprise me at all.

If there is one thing Republicans are good at it's losing. I've stated I'm going Desantis or Vivek in the primary because I like them more in part due to temperament, but given the choice of Biden or Trump it is an easy decision or we can keep going down the same hole for 4 more years and there will be 20 million illegals over the border.
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