2024 Presidential Race

The gangster has zero chance of winning the next election. Young people will vote against him in droves, blacks--despite the dreams of a few
MAGA--will vote against him in big numbers. He is getting killed in polling of older voters in PA. He lost the last election--and there's been nothing but negative news about the creep/clown/undemocratic Putin butt boy for 3+ years. Republicans would be absolutely stupid to nominate him again--but then MAGA are...well, I just said the word. Haley would be much more dangerous for Biden.

Government schools continue to pump out manipulated garbage. What else is new?
First, he was right, it has been transitory. It was approaching 9 percent in 2022, it is now 3.4 percent.

Second, his description of it, even if he was wrong, does not create inflation. The inflation we had was a combination of primarily three things: 1) the massive amount of stimulus put into the economy by Trump (I don't blame him for that, by the way, as it was necessary); 2) pent up demand when covid relaxed; 3) continuing supply disruption as production and transport came back on line.

None of that had anything to do with Biden. And the increase in interest rates, which is largely responsible for the increased cost of a monthly mortgage, is imposed by the Fed, which Biden does not control.

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Just left off Biden's stimulus....color me shocked
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North Dakota Gov. Burgum Endorses former President Donald Trump​


Trump Tells Eco Mob Protester to 'go home to your mommy' after hecklers in Iowa call ex-president a 'climate criminal' and are dragged out as crowd chants 'USA'​

Donald Trump told young protesters who infiltrated his campaign stop in Indianola, Iowa on Sunday to 'go home to mommy' and to 'grow up' after experiencing his first outburst at a rally in years.

A group of environmental protesters interrupted Trump's rally in Indianola, Iowa on Sunday, holding up banners accusing the former president of being a 'climate criminal.'

The demonstrators were littered throughout the crowd, and were escorted out of a student union building where Trump was holding a final rally before Iowa's caucuses on Monday.

'Thank you darling, thank you. That's alright,' Trump said to the first protesters who interrupted the rally saying. 'Go home to mommy, you're mommy's waiting. Go home to mommy.'

'So young. So young,' he continued after a few other protesters burst out in chants. 'You know, it's amazing because that used to happen all of the time, and I don't think it's happen in two-and-a-half or three years.'

The ex-president said the interruptions 'always add excitement.'

'They'll grow up and understand that it's very important what we're doing when we speak from common sense,' the former president said of the young protesters.

The same group of protesters also appeared at rallies held by biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Des Moines rea the week leading up to the Iowa caucuses.

I haven't seen anyone in the news bestow that meaning (messiah) to Trump. Only you.
Btw, there was only one "cult" ever & that is & still is the Obama 'Cult".
You know how these low life libs are Blood. They want to call conservatives names for which they're already guilty of.

Trump Tells Eco Mob Protester to 'go home to your mommy' after hecklers in Iowa call ex-president a 'climate criminal' and are dragged out as crowd chants 'USA'​

Donald Trump told young protesters who infiltrated his campaign stop in Indianola, Iowa on Sunday to 'go home to mommy' and to 'grow up' after experiencing his first outburst at a rally in years.

A group of environmental protesters interrupted Trump's rally in Indianola, Iowa on Sunday, holding up banners accusing the former president of being a 'climate criminal.'

The demonstrators were littered throughout the crowd, and were escorted out of a student union building where Trump was holding a final rally before Iowa's caucuses on Monday.

'Thank you darling, thank you. That's alright,' Trump said to the first protesters who interrupted the rally saying. 'Go home to mommy, you're mommy's waiting. Go home to mommy.'

'So young. So young,' he continued after a few other protesters burst out in chants. 'You know, it's amazing because that used to happen all of the time, and I don't think it's happen in two-and-a-half or three years.'

The ex-president said the interruptions 'always add excitement.'

'They'll grow up and understand that it's very important what we're doing when we speak from common sense,' the former president said of the young protesters.

The same group of protesters also appeared at rallies held by biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the Des Moines rea the week leading up to the Iowa caucuses.

Probably being paid to be there by the DNC

Florida Sen. Rubio Throws Support Behind Trump ahead of Iowa Caucuses​

Rubio announced his support of the former president in a post on X, saying when Trump was in the White House, the senator was able to see success with policies he worked on for years because the U.S. had a president who did not cave to special interests or let bureaucrats block them.


Almost Half of Haley Supporters Say They Would Vote For BIDEN Over Trump: Iowa Poll​

Just under half of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers who support former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley indicated that they would make a crossover to the Democratic party, saying that they would rather vote for President Biden over former President Trump.

A new NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll released just one day before the Iowa caucuses found that 43 percent of Haley backers in the state said they would vote for Biden if Trump is the GOP nominee, while 23 percent say they would vote for the former president. Eight percent said they would vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


Biden Campaign Staffs Up, Hires Ocasio-Cortez Spokesperson​

The Biden campaign hired a former spokesperson for progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to its communications team, as it seeks to beef up its national staff ahead of the election.

Lauren Hitt, the now-former communications director for Ocasio-Cortez, confirmed the move on Saturday, writing on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter: “Pretty excited to be joining this very talented team and incredibly important fight.”


Almost Half of Haley Supporters Say They Would Vote For BIDEN Over Trump: Iowa Poll​

Just under half of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers who support former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley indicated that they would make a crossover to the Democratic party, saying that they would rather vote for President Biden over former President Trump.

A new NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll released just one day before the Iowa caucuses found that 43 percent of Haley backers in the state said they would vote for Biden if Trump is the GOP nominee, while 23 percent say they would vote for the former president. Eight percent said they would vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

EXCLUSIVE: College Republicans of America Endorse Donald Trump for 2024 President​

On Friday's episode of Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec, guest Will Donahue, president of the College Republicans of America, announced that the group is officially endorsing Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election.

He announced that because of Trump's current domination in the polls and the fact that the Left is attempting to take him off of state ballots, "this is the move that the College Republicans needed to make."

He reported that there was an "overwhelming vote" in favor of Trump after the Board of Governors spoke with "1000s of students across the country."

You still don't get it, do you? Prices are still going up, just not at the same rate. That 3.4% increase is on top of the 9% increases from the past.

Deflation is rare, you are correct. Other than gas and some commodities prices won't retreat as much as we'd like.

Again, however, that was not caused by Biden. The conditions creating that pressure predate his election and the Fed response is not directed by Biden.
Deflation is rare, you are correct. Other than gas and some commodities prices won't retreat as much as we'd like.

Again, however, that was not caused by Biden. The conditions creating that pressure predate his election and the Fed response is not directed by Biden.
Why do you keep ignoring Biden Bucks as an employee of mine called them? You do realize, you are obviously a clown, when you can't even have an honest discussion about this right?
Why do you keep ignoring Biden Bucks as an employee of mine called them? You do realize, you are obviously a clown, when you can't even have an honest discussion about this right?
He is a clown.

Some dude will slap his wife around somewhere and LG will start a new thread, post the story, link the guys social media, and go on some rant about how Trumps rhetoric was the root cause of all of it. How Trump created this environment of hostility towards women. Etc etc. Trump is directly responsible!

But even the idea that Biden, the Prez for the last 3 years now, should receive even the smallest amount of criticism for the dumpster fire we are seeing home and abroad is just absurd from LGs perspective.
LOL. It's true it's damn true. Nobody likes Biden who has destroyed our country.
He want get out & campaign because he knows nobody but 5 people will show up.
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He is a clown.

Some dude will slap his wife around somewhere and LG will start a new thread, post the story, link the guys social media, and go on some rant about how Trumps rhetoric was the root cause of all of it. How Trump created this environment of hostility towards women. Etc etc. Trump is directly responsible!

But even the idea that Biden, the Prez for the last 3 years now, should receive even the smallest amount of criticism for the dumpster fire we are seeing home and abroad is just absurd from LGs perspective.

The economy is doing well and economists expect it to be even better this year. Your "dumpster fire" is like most things with MAGA---totally in your imagination.

As for the gangster, rednecks like him because he sounds like them---dumb and loud and fake tough. We're talking Private Bone Spurs. That rednecks think he's tough is just part of the con.

The economy is doing well and economists expect it to be even better this year. Your "dumpster fire" is like most things with MAGA---totally in your imagination.

As for the gangster, rednecks like him because he sounds like them---dumb and loud and fake tough. We're talking Private Bone Spurs. That rednecks think he's tough is just part of the con.

The economy is doing well and economists expect it to be even better this year. Your "dumpster fire" is like most things with MAGA---totally in your imagination.

As for the gangster, rednecks like him because he sounds like them---dumb and loud and fake tough. We're talking Private Bone Spurs. That rednecks think he's tough is just part of the con.

Oh. Hey LG. Thanks for responding to my post.

“His approval on the economy is 31 percent, up from 30 percent in September”

Yes. 70% of the country are rednecks. Only 30% are educated, sensible, and wise such as yourself.

And I noticed you didn’t even bother to defend his foreign affairs record. The world looked like a utopia under Trump when compared to what we are seeing under President Senile Biden.

Those are facts ACE! If you weren’t such an Earl, raised by Rubes, you would see the truth. The same poll cited in the article showed only 28% of respondents believe Joe Biden is mentally sharp enough to be President. 0% of VN believe you are mentally sharp enough to perform any job, anywhere, at any time.
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