2024 Presidential Race

All politicians are holy and righteous until lobbyists wave dollars under their noses. Then they are trained to sit, roll over, and play dead on command. The only ones that ever refused to do this were Shirley Chisholm, and the mythical Jefferson Smith.
But we should consider what the Kennedy's have to say? Interesting way to talk out of both sides of your mouth.
But we should consider what the Kennedy's have to say? Interesting way to talk out of both sides of your mouth.
I learned that skill from RepubLiars. They are very good at illustrating how to do that. And I'm a good pupil, certified by Ole Donnie Trumpie himself.
You should hear some of the crap that old codger is saying today.
If his mouth is open and his lips are moving you know he's lying up a storm.
Same things he says about how it's all Trump's fault. He takes no responsibility at all.
Any more relatives eaten by cannibals this week? 😂

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