2024 Presidential Race

Antisemitism in America hasn’t been this en vogue in well over 50 years.

And elements of the Progressive Left are fueling it.

No doubt this is the genocidal left at work, now they won't broadcast it on CNN and MSNBC what's going on in this country. They were all over the George Floyd summer of love and even got a national holiday out of it.
Because most of the students are too busy at protests calling for the annihilation of the Jews. Holocausting is hard work you know.
On a more serious side, while I severely disagree with the protesting students, an ugly truth exists. The antisemitism of the students (excluding the Hamas imports), is unfortunately very American. That is, history-wise. America has always been antisemitic, among other anti-ethnic-isms. Colonial America's aversion to Jewish settlers. Grant's General Order No. 11 (1862). Right up to the 1940s, excluding Jews from certain areas of employment. When a boat load of Jews fleeing the murdering being some in Nazi Germany, the USA refused them entry, sent them right back to Germany. They have never been truly welcome in America. So what we see these protesting students doing, unfortunately, is a continuation of America's historical legacy.

Now, all that said, in NO way does it mean I perceive Jews as somehow holy, and faultless. When South Africa was an apartheid state, some of the most vile mistreatment of the indigenous people was conducted by Jews. Indeed, they referred to the native people in the EXACT same terms as the Nazis referred to Jews prior to and during WWII, word for word. Dutch behavior toward the Africans, bad as it was, the Jews matched and exceeded it. Humans gonna human, you know.

I still think America should deport the imported Palestine flag-waving Hamas.
Seems to me there is a fundamental distinction between antisemitism and anti-Israeli-at-the-moment.

That is, I have always viewed antisemitism as targeting the religion, itself, for hate. But being critical of a given Israeli military action doesn't make you antisemitic. And if that were the case, then there are Jewish antisemites living in Israel right now because they think things have gone too far in Gaza.

(Incidentally, fwiw, I am not all that critical of what Israel has done. I am sure there are individual instances of errors, but the fact of the policy they have to have after 10/7 I agree with them on that.)
Seems to me there is a fundamental distinction between antisemitism and anti-Israeli-at-the-moment.

That is, I have always viewed antisemitism as targeting the religion, itself, for hate. But being critical of a given Israeli military action doesn't make you antisemitic. And if that were the case, then there are Jewish antisemites living in Israel right now because they think things have gone too far in Gaza.

(Incidentally, fwiw, I am not all that critical of what Israel has done. I am sure there are individual instances of errors, but the fact of the policy they have to have after 10/7 I agree with them on that.)
Wouldn't antisemitism apply beyond a religious construct? For instance, a person could be bigoted towards Jews even though those Jews might be non religious?
Lol ...here's another uninformed voter, according to crackhead, who doesn't know the truth of anything about what's happening in the usa.

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Wouldn't antisemitism apply beyond a religious construct? For instance, a person could be bigoted towards Jews even though those Jews might be non religious?

I suppose so, yes. If its using the fact of Jewish identity as the source of bigotry that's the same as hatred based on religion. But that's still different than being critical of Israel, itself, based on particular policy or military action.
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Yep, Biden has played no part in global inflation. Pretty remarkable feat considering he's the President of the worlds last superpower.

Who says he plays no role? Problem is, you set up the straw man of "he plays no role," and mock that straw man, so as to suggest he plays a controlling role, which is significantly different.
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Who says he plays no role? Problem is, you set up the straw man of "he plays no role," and mock that straw man, so as to suggest he plays a controlling role, which is significantly different.

This guy, your liberal brethren that I responded to say Biden played no role.

Another uninformed, clueless voter. This is a global issue, not exclusive to America. Not a Biden issue.

Biden has been POTUS for over 3 years and has done nothing to tame or reduce inflation, he owns it now.
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What, specifically, should he have done?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

1. (This goes back to the Trump administration) The federal government should have put pressure on states/cities to remain open during Covid and there should have never been "relief" bills passed that pumped money into the economy while much of the production was shuttered.
2. Once Biden took office he should have never waged his war on oil.
3. Once the pandemic started to subside Biden should have kicked his Transportation secretary in the ass along with most of his cabinet to ease regulations to make the supply chain flow easier and quicker.
4. Biden should have stopped printing money and putting it into the economy while the supply chain was still in shambles

Shall I go on?
I suppose so, yes. If its using the fact of Jewish identity as the source of bigotry that's the same as hatred based on religion. But that's still different than being critical of Israel, itself, based on particular policy or military action.
I agree. Disagreeing with a national policy is =/= to bigotry for the people in that nation.

Do you think the same on the Palestinian side? People are opposed to Hamas and Palestinian terrorists and that doesn't mean people hate all Palestinians/Arabs/Muslims?
Well, I'm glad you asked.

1. (This goes back to the Trump administration) The federal government should have put pressure on states/cities to remain open during Covid and there should have never been "relief" bills passed that pumped money into the economy while much of the production was shuttered.
2. Once Biden took office he should have never waged his war on oil.
3. Once the pandemic started to subside Biden should have kicked his Transportation secretary in the ass along with most of his cabinet to ease regulations to make the supply chain flow easier and quicker.
4. Biden should have stopped printing money and putting it into the economy while the supply chain was still in shambles

Shall I go on?
No reason.

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