2024 Presidential Race

So if this is true, honest Latin America immigrants are having their livelihoods threatened by the cartels that reach their tentacles in via illegal immigration. Since said illegal immigration has been placed on steroids by Puddinhead, wouldn't they want to vote Republican in the upcoming elections?

I'll believe it if I see it
Biden should lose 50% support of the people in these crowds after such embarrassing speeches. They are worse than 1950's Japanese Godzilla movies. I'm wondering of they blurred the crowd to keep people from being identified and laughed at later for being there.
During Stalin’s speeches, the KGB would watch to see who the first person was who stopped clapping. Then it was straight off to the gulag.
Maybe the attendees at Biden’s speeches don’t want to be identified for insufficient enthusiasm 😂

After 2020 and 2022, I shall remain nervous until after the election, regardless of what the polls say. Way too much can change and way too much leeway with some states’ lax election laws.
It’s gotta be a blowout this time
After 2020 and 2022, I shall remain nervous until after the election, regardless of what the polls say. Way too much can change and way too much leeway with some states’ lax election laws.
It’s gotta be a blowout this time
538's latest polling has it razor tight with a trump lead
538's latest polling has it razor tight with a trump lead
It will come down to five or six tossup states. I will of course be expecting the inevitable burst water pipes, computer connections down, suddenly found ballot boxes, slow tabulations, miscalibrated machines, and heaven knows what else they haven’t even thought up yet.
I wouldn’t be surprised with “our dog ate the ballots” at this point 😂
The thing is he's too dumb & stubborn to see it for what it's worth.
The pandering ain't working anymore. Even when lying Jill is going on the liberal
talk shows that middle America isn't watching the garbage she spews out.

I always thought he would pull a LBJ in early 2024. Looks like they will have to force him out by the convention.
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Who will the Democrats replace Biden with on short notice? They are stuck with him just like Republicans are stuck with Trump. They are also stuck with Kamala Harris.

The best hope for Democrats is an economic turnaround the next few months. I think the President gets too much credit (or grief) based on the economy but it is the main deciding factor in most elections.
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I always thought he would pull a LBJ in early 2024. Looks like they will have to force him out by the convention.
All Jill Biden does is go on all the liberal shows & spew out the fear mongering to their audience. They don't talk about the issues & what's important to the voters of America. It's just Trump wants to be a dictator to destroy the world and take all our freedoms away ..... that's what the exact same damn thing they're doing right now w/Biden in Office.
Who will the Democrats replace Biden with on short notice? They are stuck with him just like Republicans are stuck with Trump. They are also stuck with Kamala Harris.

The best hope for Democrats is an economic turnaround the next few months. I think the President gets too much credit (or grief) based on the economy but it is the main deciding factor in most elections.
It would have to be Kamala. They cannot leap frog over her and delegate someone else at the D convention. That would be seen as evidence she is out of her depth.

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