2024 Presidential Race

The current calculus has Virginia going to Biden, right?

If Trump took Virginia would that not be a death blow?
Yup, VA has went Dem in the last four Presidential Elections. Biden would be almost certain to lose if he can’t hold VA. And even if Trump doesn’t win, VA, every formerly safe Blue state he can put into play means Joe has to spend time and resources that would be better spent in the true swing states
MO would waltz into the WH.

I don’t think so. It’s getting to the point any candidate with a reasonable chance to win needs boots on the ground. You don’t stand that up overnight. If they wait until the convention, forget about it.

I am in agreement with McDad. If it’s not Biden, they are going to have to sacrifice Giggles. Or they could recruit Kennedy and his existing operation before the convention.
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I don’t think so. It’s getting to the point any candidate with a reasonable chance to win needs boots on the ground. You don’t stand that up overnight. If they wait until the convention, forget about it.

I am in agreement with McDad. If it’s not Biden, they are going to have to sacrifice Giggles. Or they could recruit Kennedy and his existing operation before the convention.

She would have the entire DNC, she would have the entire MSM and not to mention that her candidacy would lock up the "I voted for the first woman president" crowd which includes almost every Hillary voter. She would inherit a ground game with the MSN playing defense.
She would have the entire DNC, she would have the entire MSM and not to mention that her candidacy would lock up the "I voted for the first woman president" crowd which includes almost every Hillary voter. She would inherit a ground game with the MSN playing defense.
WTH is her policies for solving on the issues though? Does she have any good policies?
Just running on the 1st Black woman POTUS want work will it?
She would have the entire DNC, she would have the entire MSM and not to mention that her candidacy would lock up the "I voted for the first woman president" crowd which includes almost every Hillary voter. She would inherit a ground game with the MSN playing defense.

I agree with most of this, but it would have to be done before the convention - otherwise she won’t be on all state ballots.

She would still require a ground game in contested states, and these people are typically more loyal to the candidate than the party. There would be a lot of infighting. Mo would need to stand up her own team, and that takes planning and time.

It’s also important to consider: MO doesn’t want the job. I don’t even think she liked being First Lady.
WTH is her policies for solving on the issues though? Does she have any good policies?
Just running on the 1st Black woman POTUS want work will it?

All good points. She would still need to meaningfully distance herself from Biden’s policies.

And if it were as easy as running the first black lady, they would just go with Giggles.
2020 convinced me that one doesnt have to campaign. Covid sure, but it may still hold true. Saturate the airwaves and demonize.
I agree with most of this, but it would have to be done before the convention - otherwise she won’t be on all state ballots.

She would still require a ground game in contested states, and these people are typically more loyal to the candidate than the party. There would be a lot of infighting. Mo would need to stand up her own team, and that takes planning and time.

No candidate has the official nomination until the convention so how would that impact being on state ballots? The only reason there was a question in OH is because the Democrats decided to hold their convention latter than normal.
WTH is her policies for solving on the issues though? Does she have any good policies?
Just running on the 1st Black woman POTUS want work will it?
Nothing to solve. The left loves the direction this country is going. Why change course? It will be a litany of empty promises followed by more of the same type of “feel good” social policies that do little to nothing to actually solve big problems.
All good points. She would still need to meaningfully distance herself from Biden’s policies.

And if it were as easy as running the first black lady, they would just go with Giggles.

MO has an ex President as a husband and no political record so she won't have to answer any questions on policy, all she has to do is be likeable.
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Who will the Democrats replace Biden with on short notice? They are stuck with him just like Republicans are stuck with Trump. They are also stuck with Kamala Harris.

The best hope for Democrats is an economic turnaround the next few months. I think the President gets too much credit (or grief) based on the economy but it is the main deciding factor in most elections.
I'd bet on Newsome out of Cali and Lord help us if he gets that kind of power. I think we're screwed no matter who is the next POTUS unfortunately
No candidate has the official nomination until the convention so how would that impact being on state ballots? The only reason there was a question in OH is because the Democrats decided to hold their convention latter than normal.

Yeah, I meant everyone is going to have to get aligned before the convention.

It’s not like they just throw some names out there and someone is surprised with a nomination. “Hey, congrats you’re running for President on the Democrat ticket!”

They nominee would also have to be setting up ground ops prior to convention to get momentum as soon as convention is done.
Trump wants to destroy the world..freaking nutsies.
People on the left act like we haven’t already had four years to see how Trump handles things in reality. In four years, at least in terms of foreign policy, he may have said some crazy things but his actual policies were fairly conventional and we had four years of relative peace and quite around the globe. MUCH more stable than the last 3 1/2 under Biden.
So we actually for the first time in our lifetime get to actually compare the on the job record of the two candidates. And Trump’s foreign policy resume actually look to be the better

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