2024 Presidential Race

Hmmm: Republicans have 'great ideas.' I'm dying to know which great ideas he's referring to. Republicans have no ideas, which is why they always do nothing when they are in charge. They like giving tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations, and they oppose everything and anything the Dems do to help Americans.
True, true. No "liberal" celebrities ever attend big fights or other sporting events.

Remind us again how you aren't a lying enemy of the state.

UFC is not a typical "sporting event. "it's sporting thuggery attended by uneducated men who are into violence....
Might want to check the guest list, sister.
You are just being gauche. One does not check the guest list at a polo match. You find out who is there when you stomp the divots.

He has many cars at his million dollar home in a blue state . Did I mention the Jack Russell terrier?

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"Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to federal gun charges in U.S. District Court for Delaware after Weiss charged him with making a false statement in the purchase of a firearm; making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a licensed firearm dealer; and one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance. "

If he somehow skates on this it will highlight some people are above the law. Trump campaign is going to milk this. Thousands of people are incarcerated for this exact thing.

"Judge Noreika ruled ahead of the trial that Weiss’s team cannot use some salacious evidence in the first son’s criminal trial, including references to the Navy discharge and his child support case for his out-of-wedlock daughter in Arkansas.
Noreika also said Weiss must show Hunter Biden was addicted to drugs but not necessarily using drugs the day he purchased the gun.

Noreika said the government may use part of Hunter Biden's book in which he discusses his addiction to drugs.

The prosecution does not plan to bring out the entire infamous laptop containing details of Hunter Biden's life but will introduce certain portions. Noreika ruled that Hunter Biden’s team will be able to question aspects of the laptop in front of the jury. The laptop, which leaked in 2020 just before the presidential election, was decried as Russian disinformation by 51 former intelligence officials.

Noreika also ruled that the special counsel cannot mention Hunter Biden's pending federal tax trial in California during the trial in Delaware, which is also part of Weiss's investigation and scheduled for a September trial."

"In addition to pretending everything is just peachy, Joe Biden is sending cash to his wealthy supporters.

A Wharton analysis of his student-loan-payoff boondoggle found it would assist about 750,000 households making over $312,000 in household income.

Biden didn’t choose to ease the pain of an elderly couple struggling with their electric bill or a single mom figuring out how to pay for health-care costs; he gave an absurd amount of money to some of the richest people in the country."

Gotta pay off the base so they can demsplain it to the elderly and single moms.
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You are just being gauche. One does not check the guest list at a polo match. You find out who is there when you stomp the divots.

He has many cars at his million dollar home in a blue state . Did I mention the Jack Russell terrier?


It's true---I'm far too civilized to watch cage fighting. That's a MAGA thing. "Gee, he so skillfully kicked the guy in the face!"

Maybe there'll be a monster-truck show somewhere nearby that I can attend soon!
It's true---I'm far too civilized to watch cage fighting. That's a MAGA thing. "Gee, he so skillfully kicked the guy in the face!"

Maybe there'll be a monster-truck show somewhere nearby that I can attend soon!
It takes determination and mental toughness to get a black belt. I can see why it offends folks with delicate sensibilities.
Hmmm: Republicans have 'great ideas.' I'm dying to know which great ideas he's referring to. Republicans have no ideas, which is why they always do nothing when they are in charge. They like giving tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations, and they oppose everything and anything the Dems do to help Americans.
Did you give your tax break back? As far as the wealthy and the big corporations go , you act like they have committed a crime by keeping what they earned. Dems are the greedy ones trying to take the income of others that they no right to. You are going to make good little commie along with your lefty friends. I got a great idea. Move to Cuba or Venezuela for a year and report back. Let’s see if you change your mind.
Hmmm: Republicans have 'great ideas.' I'm dying to know which great ideas he's referring to. Republicans have no ideas, which is why they always do nothing when they are in charge. They like giving tax breaks to the wealthy and big corporations, and they oppose everything and anything the Dems do to help Americans.
Great idea: Let’s follow the Constitution.

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