2024 Presidential Race

True, but consider this:
I'm stopped at a traffic light where the speed limit is 50. The light turns green. I press down on the accelerator until my speed reaches 50. I continue to press down on it until my speed reaches 100. Am I going over the speed limit because I pressed down on the accelerator between 0 and 50 or because I continued after I was going over 50. That answers the question of blaming Trump or Biden.
Move that 50 mph threshold to the GWB administration and it's more accurate. He, Obama, Trump, and Biden all kept it floored when they were already flying, each more than the one before.
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The only way Trump doesn't win is if the Dems force Biden out and run someone conscious. Anyone. For the love of God!
The problem is that the only possible candidate that the Dems could run and win is Obama and she hasn't expressed interest at this point. How could the Dems replace Biden with anyone else and skip over the black female VP in the process? After all a big part of the Dems strategy every election is identity politics and race baiting.

Also, it's still very early in the race. Trump has a modest lead thus far in most swing states but that could easily change in 5 months. Trump's biggest problem is himself and his big mouth. Biden's biggest problem is his dementia and the economy/inflation.
Move that 50 mph threshold to the GWB administration and it's more accurate. He, Obama, Trump, and Biden all kept it floored when they were already flying, each more than his predecessor.
This is sort of spot on. There were some differences between the administrations as to taxation. Also, some different regs as to banking
You might want to double check that 'no communist people' statement. Leftists were fairly common in politics until McCarthyism. We've also had freaks and geeks of different sorts forever. The heterogeneity you seem to dislike is not a new phenomenon.
Isn't politics all about social issues?

Not really. Federal government should be more about budget/spending, national defense, foreign policy, etc. Social issues used to be left more to the local states or government stayed out of it total. Then again, we were heavily an agrarian nation.
Sure did. And he might have. He says a lot.

But I was talking about what actually happened.

He may get a chance to pour more gasoline on this thing. Wouldn’t surprise me to see him do something that stupid.
Ya im pretty over the just give trump a pass about what he says bc so much ******** falls out of it. Not saying you are ok with it. It's a huge negative. Yet many of his supporters just blow off what he says bc "well he doesn't mean it." That's bull
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Ya im pretty over the just give trump a pass about what he says bc so much ******** falls out of it. Not saying you are ok with it. It's a huge negative. Yet many of his supporters just blow off what he says bc "well he doesn't mean it." That's bull
Not saying he wouldn’t have tried. He might have. But he is a bit of a wild card.

Could he have gotten it passed? Maybe, idk.
If you support Trump at this point, you oppose our democratic system. Trump lost a free and fair election, yet was (and is) unwilling to accept his loss. He also faced a criminal trial of his peers, and lost unanimously, as well... which he similarly was (and is) unwilling to accept.

It's really that simple.

The GOP can still select a candidate other than Trump. But, it likely won't.

When Trump loses in November - which he must for the sake of our country - I hope the GOP and it's conservative supporters will choose country over man and accept the loss.

Otherwise, the GOP may, in fact, come to an end altogether as a party.

If you support Trump now, you support this:

download (2).jpeg
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A mouthy New Yorker with questionable morals with some good policies.


A dementia addled, racist, corrupt doofus who is trying his best to start WWIII ( or at least his completely clueless handlers).

WWIII isn't exactly blowing my kilt up .....
Ya im pretty over the just give trump a pass about what he says bc so much ******** falls out of it. Not saying you are ok with it. It's a huge negative. Yet many of his supporters just blow off what he says bc "well he doesn't mean it." That's bull
I don't have the bandwidth to monitor all of his mouth masturbation. I just assume there is no substance until he acts on words.
I do it with other politicians too but not nearly as much as I do DJT. Trump takes the cake.
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If you support Trump at this point, you oppose our democratic system. Trump lost a free and fair election, yet was unwilling to accept his loss. He also faced a criminal trial of his peers, and lost unanimously, as well.

It's really that simple.

The GOP can still select a candidate other than Trump. But, it likely won't.

When Trump loses in November - which he must for the sake of our country - I hope the GOP and it's conservative supporters will choose country over man and accept the loss.

Otherwise, the GOP may, in fact, come to an end altogether as a party.

If you support Trump now, you support this:

View attachment 645214
Many don't support DJT. They oppose The Frail One.
In fact, I personally think the last 2 presidential elections have been agaisnt the opponent rather than for a candidate.
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If you support Trump at this point, you oppose our democratic system. Trump lost a free and fair election, yet was unwilling to accept his loss. He also faced a criminal trial of his peers, and lost unanimously, as well.

It's really that simple.

The GOP can still select a candidate other than Trump. But, it likely won't.

When Trump loses in November - which he must for the sake of our country - I hope the GOP and it's conservative supporters will choose country over man and accept the loss.

Otherwise, the GOP may, in fact, come to an end altogether as a party.

If you support Trump now, you support this:

View attachment 645214

If you support Trump at this point, you oppose our democratic system. Trump lost a free and fair election, yet was unwilling to accept his loss. He also faced a criminal trial of his peers, and lost unanimously, as well.

It's really that simple.

The GOP can still select a candidate other than Trump. But, it likely won't.

When Trump loses in November - which he must for the sake of our country - I hope the GOP and it's conservative supporters will choose country over man and accept the loss.

Otherwise, the GOP may, in fact, come to an end altogether as a party.

If you support Trump now, you support this:

View attachment 645214
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If you support Trump at this point, you oppose our democratic system. Trump lost a free and fair election, yet was unwilling to accept his loss. He also faced a criminal trial of his peers, and lost unanimously, as well.

It's really that simple.

The GOP can still select a candidate other than Trump. But, it likely won't.

When Trump loses in November - which he must for the sake of our country - I hope the GOP and it's conservative supporters will choose country over man and accept the loss.

Otherwise, the GOP may, in fact, come to an end altogether as a party.

If you support Trump now, you support this:

View attachment 645214
For ****s sakes

The left, media, most of Hollywood didn’t accept the 2016 election
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