There are lots of people who once said God doesn't exist. Or that God is dead. Then later changed their minds and became passionate Christians, even pastors. You, too, have said things at one time, then said the opposite later. So you and all of us are just as guilty of changing direction as Bitten. Just the same, as a politician, Jo-Jo, is verbal spewing BS for the sake of votes, namely the female vote in this case. Politicians will say and do anything for your money and vote. Trumpie does the same, except he lies more often. Trust no politician, they are all a pack of liars, embezzlers of taxpayer money, promise breakers, power-lusting, lobbyist-infected, rotten scammers. All of them. The last decent poli we ever had was probably Shirley Chisholm. And I'm not 100% sure even about that.