2024 Presidential Race

It's beyond stupid, and I don't like him bringing up this kind of crap. What he's doing though is lying (drawing straight from the liberal playbook) to specifically target the young, seriously in debt, low IQ voter that the left preys upon. He knows there's no chance in hell this ever goes anywhere.
Somebody, somewhere managing the campaign talking points had to know bringing it up was a bad idea AND it still made the teleprompter.

I can accept, even enjoy, Trump going rogue when he speaks but this wasn't that, this was an approved topic somebody besides just Trump thought was worth mentioning.

I'd appreciate it if those behind the scenes didn't toss in these "headscratcher" topics that are just going to be fired on from both sides as bad ideas.

/old man rant mode off
Somebody, somewhere managing the campaign talking points had to know bringing it up was a bad idea AND it still made the teleprompter.

I can accept, even enjoy, Trump going rogue when he speaks but this wasn't that, this was an approved topic somebody besides just Trump thought was worth mentioning.

I'd appreciate it if those behind the scenes didn't toss in these "headscratcher" topics that are just going to be fired on from both sides as bad ideas.

/old man rant mode off
Desperate people say Desperate things.
It's beyond stupid, and I don't like him bringing up this kind of crap. What he's doing though is lying (drawing straight from the liberal playbook) to specifically target the young, seriously in debt, low IQ voter that the left preys upon. He knows there's no chance in hell this ever goes anywhere.
Yeah, he should just take a page out of the liberal playbook and say he's gonna pay everyone $2000.00 in stimulus money if they vote for trump
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The military? I guess you are talking about the entire DOD, AF, Marines, Army, Navy, Coast Guard. Yea I am sure there have been incidents where this has happen. More than once. Kind of strolled off the bridge here, didn't you?

NG Unit Commanders, CSMs NCOs and officers are trained at Ft Sill, Ok. They receive training there and any classified material stays at Fort Sill, OK. Knowledge does go, but the reality is what I stated earlier that it would never happen for a NG unit.
Yeah a little. I expected maybe training manuals for nuclear capable artillery might be classified. Do they have to train from memory when they go back home? They do a weekend a month at home right? in addition to two weeks a year.
Yeah a little. I expected maybe training manuals for nuclear capable artillery might be classified. Do they have to train from memory when they go back home? They do a weekend a month at home right? in addition to two weeks a year.
Manuals are classified and are in something similar to a SCIF. Two person control.
SOPs are generic in nature and set in a bookshelf or Opns Center with free access to all. Available to all with or without a security clearance.
NG soldiers are trained and don't do training at home. Some requirements are for education on their own time, but not on weekends they are drilling. Education requirements are set with grade/rank. Some civilian and some military education is required for promoting. Again does not involve classified documents. They take tours individually on AD to enhance their skill set in addition to their 40 days. They are trained to do their job more so than your average joe worker.
This is among the weakest Trump whines out there. The Fed has been signaling a cut for the better part of six months. And the effect on prices or home sales, etc., will not be felt for many months, well after the election. If they wanted to help Biden or Harris they'd have done it 3 months ago, not now.
Don’t forget to prepare for the Great Pumpkin on Halloween night
Sheesh, now the Catholic Church - with all their BS about being nice to people and helping them and not telling lies about them - has gone woke.

Ah yes, the Catholic Church leadership. They can’t condemn Biden or Pelosi over abortion because that would be “getting involved in politics”; but now finds time to issue a statement singling out a Republican politician 🤔
The Catholic Church is a denomination filled with hundreds of millions of faithful and devout members currently led by a group of spineless nobodies more concerned with winning favor with Man than with God.
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Ah yes, the Catholic Church leadership. They can’t condemn Biden or Pelosi over abortion because that would be “getting involved in politics”; but now finds time to issue a statement singling out a Republican politician 🤔
The Catholic Church is a denomination filled with hundreds of millions of faithful and devout members currently led by a group of spineless nobodies more concerned with winning favor with Man than with God.
Think they're worse than evangelicals? The Catholic Church has taken some well deserved lumps over the years. Their clergy was ripe with pedophilia. They took needed, unprecedented action. There are tens of millions still faithful to the church.

Why do so many evangelical ministers advise on politics? Specifically mentioning it to their congregations
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My biggest thing with both candidates is they never get to the issues that real, every day people care about. Forward example, nobody seems to care anymore about getting rid of these Bill Gates microchips many of us have been injected with.
Think they're worse than evangelicals? The Catholic Church has taken some well deserved lumps over the years. Their clergy was ripe with pedophilia. They took needed, unprecedented action. There are tens of millions still faithful to the church.

Why do so many evangelical ministers advise on politics? Specifically mentioning it to their congregations
Where are you getting this from? Is there any data to support that?
Think they're worse than evangelicals? The Catholic Church has taken some well deserved lumps over the years. Their clergy was ripe with pedophilia. They took needed, unprecedented action. There are tens of millions still faithful to the church.

Why do so many evangelical ministers advise on politics? Specifically mentioning it to their congregations
None of my ministers (Baptist) have really mentioned politics and I can’t EVER remember one endorsing a particular candidate.
I have no problem with the Catholic hierarchy making political statements as long as they do so consistently. They called Vance out BY NAME for opposing ILLEGAL immigration. I do not recall them ever calling out Pelosi or Biden by name for their support of abortion which is a mortal sin in Catholic believe. Either call candidates out specifically or not; just do it consistently. I think that is fair to request .
Now if we DO want to talk about Churchs specifically being blatantly political even to the point of inviting politicians to the pulpit to speak and openly endorsing candidates; that would be the black churches; but strangely the left never seems to have a problem with that when they start calling for conservative leaning church to be stripped of their tax exempt status.

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