2024 Vols will have the best d-line in the country....BY FAR

I noticed Omari Thomas did not start against OU, the tackles on play one were Eason and Simmons. Was that covered in another thread? I’m pretty sure Thomas played I was just surprised Simmons got the start. Anybody know specifics on this?

One of the defensive lineman said that they have a different starting lineup just about every game since they rotate so many guys. The more interesting stat to look at is snap count not who is out there on the very first play. That's more indicative of who they trust the most.
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No, because he has said so much wild **** that he has to be right at some point. A broken clock is right twice a day, and never anymore. He still shows up all "matter-of-fact" with everything.

What other wild claims did I make this year that have been proven wrong?

This thread is literally the only "prediction" I made going into this season.
Setting aside the obvious riffing on D4H's winning % on the big predictions I don't want to get too far out in calling anything "right" that many rungs up the ladder. Remember, the claim is "best d-line line in the country...BY FAR".

So after playing literally 1 legit team (that Houston held to 16pts and 249y) is it even possible to call that one way or the other? I think it's fair for even the BVS types to come out and acknowledge this is a really good defense. Of all the d-lines in the country it's already a forgone conclusion it's us and everybody else fighting for crumbs? I want to see more. And I mean that literally...how great would it be to come out of the GA game and look back over the season and still view our D like we do now? But we obviously can't do that yet and reality is cumulative. There's plenty of time left to ascertain exactly what we have with this team moving forward, d-line or otherwise.

It's 4 weeks into the season. Almost no one has played big boy competition. Even then the numbers are the numbers. We're currently #1 in total defense. And the only team close to us is Ohio State who has played a pee-wee schedule compared to us. Obviously as we play better competition the numbers will go up. But they will go up for everyone else as well as they start to play better competition.

Bet against this defense at your own peril. The eye test should tell you they're the real deal. Football people all over media are saying we're the real deal.
It's 4 weeks into the season. Almost no one has played big boy competition. Even then the numbers are the numbers. We're currently #1 in total defense. And the only team close to us is Ohio State who has played a pee-wee schedule compared to us. Obviously as we play better competition the numbers will go up. But they will go up for everyone else as well as they start to play better competition.

Bet against this defense at your own peril. The eye test should tell you they're the real deal. Football people all over media are saying we're the real deal.
FFS dude you're so predictable in your approach it 's bewildering. In the very post you quoted I state "even the BVS types" should be able to muster some confidence in this defense. Then you hilariously go off on how few teams have seen any real amount of testing yet...which was the primary gist of my post. How good we (or indeed any team) truly are will be borne out with on field results against vetted competitors over time, not some eye test* barely out of mid-September.

*And you are, with no exaggeration, the last person on this forum, if not the planet, to invoke "eye test" as a credible means to establish merit.
FFS dude you're so predictable in your approach it 's bewildering. In the very post you quoted I state "even the BVS types" should be able to muster some confidence in this defense. Then you hilariously go off on how few teams have seen any real amount of testing yet...which was the primary gist of my post. How good we (or indeed any team) truly are will be borne out with on field results against vetted competitors over time, not some eye test* barely out of mid-September.

*And you are, with no exaggeration, the last person on this forum, if not the planet, to invoke "eye test" as a credible means to establish merit.

The best teams tend to treat bad competition the way we're treating them. This is why I don't get your criticism. Obviously we'll play better competition but so will everyone else. The point however remains that we've dominated weak competition more than everyone else who has also been playing weak competition. Typically the teams that dominate weak competition the most tend to fare the best when the level of competition increases.
Is it seriously worth a thread to acknowledge that a poster who routinely makes outlandish predictions and claims like throwing schiit against a wall to see what will stick, said something that many here were saying all summer?
Oh yes. It’s worth the 38 secs it took to make that thread. This is turning out to be everything I hoped for. 😂
The best teams tend to treat bad competition the way we're treating them. This is why I don't get your criticism. Obviously we'll play better competition but so will everyone else. The point however remains that we've dominated weak competition more than everyone else who has also been playing weak competition. Typically the teams that dominate weak competition the most tend to fare the best when the level of competition increases.
There's nothing in this that controverts anything I've asserted, here or elsewhere.
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FFS dude you're so predictable in your approach it 's bewildering. In the very post you quoted I state "even the BVS types" should be able to muster some confidence in this defense. Then you hilariously go off on how few teams have seen any real amount of testing yet...which was the primary gist of my post. How good we (or indeed any team) truly are will be borne out with on field results against vetted competitors over time, not some eye test* barely out of mid-September.

*And you are, with no exaggeration, the last person on this forum, if not the planet, to invoke "eye test" as a credible means to establish merit.
The eye test is what is obvious to all of us.
Not just him.
But HES just the one saying it.
What is the eye test???

It’s when you look at a team and see that they are at least as good IF NOT BETTER than the opposition taking the field against them, week in, week out.
You see their speed against fumbling Kent State just as you see it against a Top 10 defense in Oklahoma. We ran by both of them…

We dominated a Top 15 team and you still have people saying - at their house where they haven’t lost in 8 years- that “Tennessee is vulnerable “

What team isn’t “vulnerable “ in some way???
All that being said I don’t get the hate on @Dobbs 4 Heisman .

I’ve never seen him be rude, disrespectful, or anything along those lines here.

He clearly generates conversation, which is the point of a forum.

He seems like a pretty decent guy and a fun one to have a beer with.
He never has.

He’s just a nerd lol.

And his Dobbs takes were “off”. But he’s not wrong about this Dline.
Again he’s just the one saying what we all think, WHAT MANY ARE STILL AFRAID TO BACK UP with their own words.

We have not 4 but 12 older- some much older- dudes in the trenches. Some of them were NFL eligible 2 years ago!! And they’re skilled. And there’s 12 of them. Who’s the dline coach? Oh Rodney Garner! Oh well that makes sense 🙄.

Basically, it’s not really “going out on a limb” yet he was one of the few to actually come out and say it.

So yes he deserves credit for that.
All that being said I don’t get the hate on @Dobbs 4 Heisman .

I’ve never seen him be rude, disrespectful, or anything along those lines here.

He clearly generates conversation, which is the point of a forum.

He seems like a pretty decent guy and a fun one to have a beer with.
That's cause you don't know his past history. I never found him offensive as some did, he was, for a while, a bit obnoxious. But so what? I'm worse obnoxious, and that's what made him funny. Least to me. Made frequent predictions that didn't pan out, but so what, who hasn't? Plus, it's clearly, in his heart of hearts, he's all Vol. Is that so wrong?

When D4H vanished, then came back, I for one, was very glad to see his return.
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He never has.

He’s just a nerd lol.

And his Dobbs takes were “off”. But he’s not wrong about this Dline.
Again he’s just the one saying what we all think, WHAT MANY ARE STILL AFRAID TO BACK UP with their own words.

We have not 4 but 12 older- some much older- dudes in the trenches. Some of them were NFL eligible 2 years ago!! And they’re skilled. And there’s 12 of them. Who’s the dline coach? Oh Rodney Garner! Oh well that makes sense 🙄.

Basically, it’s not really “going out on a limb” yet he was one of the few to actually come out and say it.

So yes he deserves credit for that.
I spouted the “three deep” rhetoric 2-3 times dating back to Pruitt and doubled down when Byron Young left. Felt we had the BODIES but the quality has improved as Garner’s process took hold. They feed off each other and keep bringing it. Five stars…three stars…whatevs. Rodney knows who can play for him.
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The eye test is what is obvious to all of us.
Not just him.
But HES just the one saying it.
What is the eye test???

It’s when you look at a team and see that they are at least as good IF NOT BETTER than the opposition taking the field against them, week in, week out.
You see their speed against fumbling Kent State just as you see it against a Top 10 defense in Oklahoma. We ran by both of them…

We dominated a Top 15 team and you still have people saying - at their house where they haven’t lost in 8 years- that “Tennessee is vulnerable “

What team isn’t “vulnerable “ in some way???
His history with "eye test" is legendary in it's failure rate.

You've let his contentions move the goal posts. You actually make the correct observation with the
opposition taking the field against them, week in, week out.

take. I have not said one word...not-one-word...that's negative about this defense or team for that matter. Hell, we're a top 4 team (after today's AL/GA game) and it's GREAT to be a TN VOL. That doesn't mean I have to be all in on any team being the clear cut "best" at anything at this point in the season. These kinds of discussions will have much more merit later in the season.
That doesn't mean I have to be all in on any team being the clear cut "best" at anything at this point in the season. These kinds of discussions will have much more merit later in the season.

Nobody said you had to be all in. Just saying we look the best so far would suffice. Instead you took this moment to try and doubt what is obvious to all just because it's a take I made.
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Nobody said you had to be all in. Just saying we look the best so far would suffice. Instead you took this moment to try and doubt what is obvious to all just because it's a take I made.
Read later replies to other posters regarding ANYONE having a real claim to "best" anything at this point in the season. This isn't a TN thing at all. I mean, MS started today with the best offense, right?

FTR I think our D was more legit than OM's O but it would have been the same kind of argument their fans would have made before today.
All that being said I don’t get the hate on @Dobbs 4 Heisman .

I’ve never seen him be rude, disrespectful, or anything along those lines here.

He clearly generates conversation, which is the point of a forum.

He seems like a pretty decent guy and a fun one to have a beer with.
I have no idea why people reply to his idiotic post. I always thought he was a high school student when he started posting. Now he is older, living in mom‘s basement, still posting to get people to react. Works though.

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