It just my opinion and I haven't wanted to say this directly but since you asked, no, I don't think Mia's the game changing first olive out of the jar. Close, and a good accomplishment on paper for the new staff, but not quite.
Height is part of it. Someone's going to roll out Shannon Bobbitt once again and yes once in a while a waterbug guard is it. But a bigger part of the hesitation for me is the offer list. I go by two things, ratings and offers. If Dawn, Geno, and all the rest pass on a player, it's for a legit reason. Texas Tech ain't it. We need a player to chose us over tippy top programs. May take a year or so of watching Kim's progress to accomplish.
Again, it's opinion, I sincerely hope I'm wrong and I think she'll be a player with energy we enjoy. I credit the new staff for the get. But I just don't think she's the player that's going to make other top players sit up and take notice. It's a step closer though