There’s a log jam of 6 teams trying to avoid the last two opening day spots. Two of the 10-6, 9-7, and 8-8 teams will have to start on Wednesday. I’m not going to try to figure out the tie breaking scenarios for those 6.
TN nails down a double bye if they win at Ole Miss on Wednesday. An extra day off (Thursday) could make a big difference in the NCAAT.
DOUBLE BYE (4 teams)
Barn (15-1): at TX AM, Bama
FU (12-4): at Bama, Ole Miss
Bama (12-4): FL, at Barn
UT (11-5): at Ole Miss, USCjr
SINGLE BYE (4 teams)
Missouri (10-6): at OK, KY
TX AM (9-7): Barn, at LSU
Ole Miss (9-7): UT, at FL
KY (8-8): LSU, at Mizz
MS State (8-8): TU/ut, at Ark
VU (8-8): Ark, at GA
OPENING DAY (no bye)(8 teams)
Ark (6-10): at VU, MS State
UGa (6-10): at USCjr, VU
TU/ut (5-11): at MS State, OK
OK (4-12): Mizz, at TU/ut
LSU (3-13): at KY, TX AM
USCjr (2-14): GA, at UT