This is idiotic. Zeigler, Mashack, Grant Williams, Schofield, Bowden, Lamonte, Kevin Punter, Aidoo, JJJ, and many more improved offensively under Barnes.
If you don’t think so, you simply don’t know basketball. And you’re hard up to criticize a great coach, so you make absurd statements.
What you are saying is what silly. I am not saying players don't get better. but none of those guys were offensive juggernauts.... name one that was? All of those guys came in as scorers and outside of Grant none of them were the leading scorer for UT ever...all of Barnes top scorers outside of grant were inherited, one and done and/or transfers.
ZZ his uptick in scoring tracks directly with his increase in minutes each year.. He has improved by about 1-2 points each year...his minutes per game has increased by about 3 mins a year also.. if he cant get you and extra 2 points in 3 minutes whats he doing? He started at 9 a game in 22 mins peaking now at 14 a game in 34. SO in 12 minutes 5 points.... OMFG what development.
Mashack are you kidding me?
Schofeild.. same as ZZhe came in a scorer and increase in experience and minutes tracks.
JJJ got better each year because played more games lol so if him being injured less is counted as development then sure.
Santi by most peoples opinions regressed.
AIdoo got more minutes so of course more points.
same with them all. their rate of scoring did not change drastically.
Name one guy that came in as a non-scorer and developed into one? you cant because that's not this system its not a knock on Barnes its reality.
Every player that comes and sticks to this system will improve. They will improve a lot less on offense here than they would almost anywhere else because that's not the focus.
Outside of DK and Lanier (transfers), there has been no scorer perse in the CRB era outside of the one and dones and Grant. our leading scorer most years under him has put up 12-14 points a game.
Even funnier if you go by the things I put down. transfer, one and done, grant Williams. Only one player has lead this team in scoring and averaged over 14 points a game and falls outside of that. Kevin Punter a senior CRB's first year.
Grant Williams IS THE EXCEPTION OT THE RULE WHICH AYS ITS WAS MOSTLY HIM NOT THE SYSTEM. If you equate someone playing more minutes and having their scoring increase in direct proportion to their extra minutes.. I am dead wrong. But that would mean you don't understand math either. OF course if I play more minutes I am gonna score more points. ZZ improved