He very well may, but it would seem fair to say that is the exception and the lesser likely of what he likely brings. Given the fact he’s a true freshman, and we know many struggle with Barnes’ demands of them, and that he won’t have the ball in his hands for 30mpg (we aren’t running the offense through him), it would seem quite unlikely his impact is even close to Chandler level from a PPG/APG standpoint. Again that isn’t to poo-poo him, if he was a 25mpg 10ppg 5rpg efficient scorer for us that would be huge imo and a very impactful role. There just aren’t many, like hardly any, off ball freshman scoring 14+ at the P5 level.
Totally fair and valid points. But, for the sake of discussion, because I enjoy this chat, I guess the way I look at it is through the lens of having 31 PPG in production that we lost this off-season and have to replace. We had an elite defense last year, one that will be hard to improve upon because we were near the top of the list. So, we're going to have to find a way to replace those 31 PPG if we want to maintain our championship caliber success. So, where do those points come from?
I'm going to assume we land Akawa and Jefferson, just because those are the only two names with any other chatter right now outside of Phillips. I don't think it is fair to assume either of those guys will come in and make an immediate impact next year. It is more likely they are 2023-2024 contributors. We added Key. So, looking at the roster, where do those 31 PPG come from?
Josiah Jordan-James: 8.0 PPG (2020) to 10.3 PPG (2021)
Santiago Vescovi: 8.7 PPG (2020) to 13.3 PPG (2021)
I think the safe best is that you can expect those two guys to
hopefully add 1-2 more points each to those averages after another year of improvement. Key is coming off major surgery and will be taking a step up in level of competition. What is the "safe" bet for him? 7 or 8 PPG? I think we can hope Zakai can make a JJJ like leap and add 2 PPG and become a 10 PPG guy. All of that combined is 14 PPG on the high end.
IMO, Uros is Uros. I expect similar numbers from him. Olivier was an 8.6 PPG guy last year. Can he get to 10.6 PPG? There is your 16 PPG. Still missing 15 points though.
I guess the wildcards here are Aidoo and Maschack. What do those two bring to the table? We don't know.
It's an interesting conversation to have, and I don't know where we ultimately makeup for those 31 PPG we lost, but we'll see how things go.