Thanks man. Just a job
The law has always intrigued me. Out of high school I worked at a firm. ( one if the largest in Memphis at the time) I was a glorified mail boy. But the office manager and several of the attorneys liked me. I actually was allowed to listen in on some debates the attorneys had with one another on cases before the firm. I learned a lot and even more respect for the law. I should have stuck with it. They offered at the time to help me with school to try and get a legal back ground.
Hind sight is 20/20
Every typical college kid does plenty of stupid things.
However, AJ is not a typical college kid. Regardless of what occurred, right or wrong, he should know better than to put himself in that type of situation.
He is a team leader and will be a senior captain. He should act like it.
I'm interested to see how Jones handles this as all the others (players) will be watching. Too harsh and consequences. Too lenient and consequences.
Its not like these guys murdered nuns
They got into a fight. Men fight
It happens. Suspend them for the first game and make them do some Community Service