3B - Billy Amick - Clemson Transfer

I read that too. Really glad to have Denton back. I do think Amick’s D will improve with lots of reps, but assume Amick primarily DHs, and gives occasional breather to Denton and Blake. Nice to have depth and his big bat.

He didn't come to UT to DH. If that does happen, IN MY OPINION, there will be major problems between him and the coaching staff. Which will lead to problems in the locker room. IN MY OPINION!
I believe with all my heart that the coaching staff will play the best guy at each position. I'm sure there were no promises made when he came and I don't see if there is someone else who beats him out for a position and he has to DH that there will be any problems in the locker room. The players want the best teammates on the field. I think he will find a place to play but if not he will DH until he does. Tony is more worried about winning games than guys playing where they want to play. He will put him and everyone else where they help the team the best. That is what makes him a successful coach and coaching staff. That has been lived out.
There is some discussion also by D1Baseball that he could be an outfielder which has worked out in the past.
He didn't come to UT to DH. If that does happen, IN MY OPINION, there will be major problems between him and the coaching staff. Which will lead to problems in the locker room. IN MY OPINION!
Nah. Amick is a junior and knew what he signed up for…that was a chance to play for a Coach that allows him to be himself and not a “cookie cutter” approach that Clemson HC Bakich allegedly used. And, a chance to compete for a spot at 3B. Keep in mind, Bakich didn’t recruit Amick and really “showed him up“in the Supers by benching him in the 9th against UT. Amick wasn’t enamored with the new coaching staff at Clemson, and liked what he saw at UT. No locker room issues when the best players are playing, and Denton will be hard to beat out at 3B. Amick will likely DH or be a utility at 3B, 1B, and LF IMHO.
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Repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true. 😀. If he doesn’t earn it, he wont be starting in the field. Period. 👍😀😃👊🍊👍
It is absolutely true. If he doesn’t play in the field there will be issues. He did not come to UT to DH or be a utility player.
NO I do not believe he came to DH but nobody comes to redshirt or sit the bench. Most pitchers do not come to throw out of the bullpen. But life happens. There are like 21 new guys coming in, and all of them expect to play, but not all of them will. There are only so many spots left. Do you not think Zane came back to play a fielding position also?
My biggest problem with what you are saying is the fact that you claim there will be chaos in the locker room. To me that says that other players will be in an uproar, which I do not think will happen, because one player does not get to play where they wanna play. If he or any other one player is not happy about their playing position, they have a choice get better, play where they put you or move on.
I do not believe that any player shows up on campus to be a redshirt, DH, bullpen pitcher, bullpen catcher, or any other secondary position. But they should also know that they are trying to earn a spot on a top-five team in the nation.
Mine is nothing against Amick. Great young man I hear but no player should be able to dictate where they play or when they play and I think that was made obvious with Chase Burns last year. The coaching staff is going to play. Whoever helps them win at the position. They think we’ll have them the most.
So you believe Amick came to UT to be a utility player?? And my opinion is misguided? LOL!!! You're delusional.
Nope. Amick came here to play for CTV and staff, compete for a 3B spot, and compete for a NC. Nothing was guaranteed and Amick is mature enough to know that he will have to earn a starting position.
I don't know what you're trying to say, here
He didn't come to UT to DH. If that does happen, IN MY OPINION, there will be major problems between him and the coaching staff. Which will lead to problems in the locker room. IN MY OPINION!

Amick did not come to UT to DH. Period.

Amick did not come to UT to be a utility player or DH.

It is absolutely true. If he doesn’t play in the field there will be issues. He did not come to UT to DH or be a utility player.

So you believe Amick came to UT to be a utility player?? And my opinion is misguided? LOL!!! You're delusional.
Mine is nothing against Amick. Great young man I hear but no player should be able to dictate where they play or when they play and I think that was made obvious with Chase Burns last year. The coaching staff is going to play. Whoever helps them win at the position. They think we’ll have them the most.
Didn't Griffin Merritt pitch a well documented fit last year when he didn't get what he wanted? And then was put back in the line up? That is dictating.

A top 5 team in the nation has many dudes with BIG egos. If you think that locker room is all peaches and cream then you have never been in a competitive locker room. There are not 35 guys marching in lockstep unison towards a common goal. Doesn't happen. See the transfer portal for proof.

Denton came back because he didn't get drafted. And must not have received a very enticing free agent offer (pure speculation).
I’ve never heard that Griffin pitched a fit. I know he had a meeting with the coach and he worked on some things and got some things straightened out and slowly worked his way back in the lineup as a DH.
Maybe we have a different opinion of problems in the locker room. To me problems in the locker room is guys fighting each other in total disarray. I don’t think a new player would have enough friends already to cause a problem in the locker room. I’ve never heard that there was a problem in the locker room with the Chase Burns situation. He was not happy and told a few guys, but I believe most of the team sided with the coaching staff and their decisions. Most elite players at that level want the best guys on the field with them in the best way they can to help them win.
Again, I hope he succeeds, but I also want the best players representing the team on the field. My son and I have had this conversation for five years that if you are the best, then you’ll play, if not, he will sit. If another left-handed pitcher comes in and can pitch in the situation’s that Kirby has been pitching with the success he has had then they will pitch and he will not. But just because someone is a better pitcher does not mean they can pitch in those situations. Everybody wants to pitch in almost every game but very few want to come in with bases loaded and no outs and try to get out of it That is the same with playing third base. That is big boy baseball.
I’ve never heard that Griffin pitched a fit. I know he had a meeting with the coach and he worked on some things and got some things straightened out and slowly worked his way back in the lineup as a DH.
Maybe we have a different opinion of problems in the locker room. To me problems in the locker room is guys fighting each other in total disarray. I don’t think a new player would have enough friends already to cause a problem in the locker room. I’ve never heard that there was a problem in the locker room with the Chase Burns situation. He was not happy and told a few guys, but I believe most of the team sided with the coaching staff and their decisions. Most elite players at that level want the best guys on the field with them in the best way they can to help them win.
Again, I hope he succeeds, but I also want the best players representing the team on the field. My son and I have had this conversation for five years that if you are the best, then you’ll play, if not, he will sit. If another left-handed pitcher comes in and can pitch in the situation’s that Kirby has been pitching with the success he has had then they will pitch and he will not. But just because someone is a better pitcher does not mean they can pitch in those situations. Everybody wants to pitch in almost every game but very few want to come in with bases loaded and no outs and try to get out of it That is the same with playing third base. That is big boy baseball.
Baloney I disagree with basically everything you just typed. Won't be a popular stance around here but.....

How we quickly we forget. Rumors ran wild the last half of the season of turmoil in the locker room surrounding the Chase Burns situation. And by the way, he is now at Wake Forest.

Even TV announcers reported on "intense" conversations between Merritt and the coaching staff. Maybe using the term "fit" was a stretch but by all accounts, it was not a pleasant conversation. Merritt wasn't being given what was promised in the recruiting process and he called out the coaching staff. He got his way. And to his credit, he produced towards the end of the season.

I've never met a pitcher in my life who didn't relish the opportunity to come in a game with the bases loaded and nobody out. I've never met a pitcher in my life who wanted to come out of a game with the bases loaded and nobody out. Especially not in "big boy baseball" as you put it. You can't successfully pitch at this level without a profound (maybe even unwarranted) belief in yourself.

Shoot, you don't really have a lot to lose by coming in bases loaded and nobody out. Let all three runs score and your ERA still doesn't take a hit.
My bad. I don’t listen to the games because I’m at them so I’m very rarely hear what I TV announcer has to say. But I do talk to parents every weekend and players every week and no one ever talked about Griffin pitching a fit or even Chase having intense conversations with the coaches. Were either one of them happy? Probably not but I don’t know that there was chaos in the locker room.
It will do me no good to argue the Pitching situation with you. But I can promise you a pitcher cares more about his losses than he does his ERA. When you come in with a game on the line and bases loaded and no outs and you give up all three runs you take the loss. Simple.
Baloney I disagree with basically everything you just typed. Won't be a popular stance around here but.....

How we quickly we forget. Rumors ran wild the last half of the season of turmoil in the locker room surrounding the Chase Burns situation. And by the way, he is now at Wake Forest.

Even TV announcers reported on "intense" conversations between Merritt and the coaching staff. Maybe using the term "fit" was a stretch but by all accounts, it was not a pleasant conversation. Merritt wasn't being given what was promised in the recruiting process and he called out the coaching staff. He got his way. And to his credit, he produced towards the end of the season.

I've never met a pitcher in my life who didn't relish the opportunity to come in a game with the bases loaded and nobody out. I've never met a pitcher in my life who wanted to come out of a game with the bases loaded and nobody out. Especially not in "big boy baseball" as you put it. You can't successfully pitch at this level without a profound (maybe even unwarranted) belief in yourself.

Shoot, you don't really have a lot to lose by coming in bases loaded and nobody out. Let all three runs score and your ERA still doesn't take a hit.
Merritt was not good early at all and maybe took out frustration of that and saw his chances slipping away as he got worse. Maybe he expressed to work through it and wanted it to be known. If you perform you will play as it should and if you do not you will not (Chase Burns) This is not little league and everybody plays and you get a participation trophy.
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My bad. I don’t listen to the games because I’m at them so I’m very rarely hear what I TV announcer has to say. But I do talk to parents every weekend and players every week and no one ever talked about Griffin pitching a fit or even Chase having intense conversations with the coaches. Were either one of them happy? Probably not but I don’t know that there was chaos in the locker room.
It will do me no good to argue the Pitching situation with you. But I can promise you a pitcher cares more about his losses than he does his ERA. When you come in with a game on the line and bases loaded and no outs and you give up all three runs you take the loss. Simple.
Interesting. Pitchers don’t care about their ERA huh? I’ve never heard that one before. Ever. Been around baseball for over 60 years and have never heard a pitcher say that their ERA was not important to them. ERA is how a pitcher is judged. At least externally. There are obviously other factors as well but you saying something like that really makes me question your credibility.

Does batting average matter to hitters? Or is that an ignored stat as well?
Read. I said a pitcher cares more about losses than era. If you are 70 years old, you should not be putting words in my mouth. I fully understand this game but I also know that pitcher cares more about losing a game than keeping their era in tact. If you lose every game, no one cares what your era is. ERA is a huge part of how a pitcher is judged but not the only one. Wins and losses is probably greater than era. interesting because ba against has become a huge qualifier for a pitcher which I think is interesting. I think each pitcher and coach have different qualifiers as to what dictates a good pitcher. Coach A's is walks. You walk batters you don't see the mound.
As a coach, batting average was not as important as obp to me. I didn't care how you got on as long as you got on.
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