I recall Butch saying that his Bearcats trip to Neyland in 2011 was very intimidating. So, I was wondering what USU players were thinking after seeing Neyland erupt like that on 3rd down, for the first time. I bet it rattled them a bit (like "what the heck did our AD get us into, scheduling this team at home?").
I recall Butch saying that his Bearcats trip to Neyland in 2011 was very intimidating. So, I was wondering what USU players were thinking after seeing Neyland erupt like that on 3rd down, for the first time. I bet it rattled them a bit (like "what the heck did our AD get us into, scheduling this team at home?").
I can't remember the last time that I saw the student section look that involved. I was watching on TV and it shocked me, actually! It was like that when I was in school but it has been very vanilla the last few years. Butch knows how to unite a fan base!