40-41 year old Millenials

Alcohol is a drug and it often makes people homicidal. Did you say such a substance should be banned?
I actually never said to ban anything. But these guys are calling for a legalization of all drugs. That's absolutely stupid. And there is nothing "conservative" about legalizing all drugs. I have never known a single conservative politician to have ever advocated for such. They cannot provide the name of one who has.

What they want is not conservatism but an extreme form of social libertarianism. Plus they would never dare live around what they advocate for. They are the same as the "Not In My Backyard" democrats.
I actually never said to ban anything. But these guys are calling for a legalization of all drugs. That's absolutely stupid. And there is nothing "conservative" about legalizing all drugs. I have never known a single conservative politician to have ever advocated for such. They cannot provide the name of one who has.

What they want is not conservatism but an extreme form of social libertarianism. Plus they would never dare live around what they advocate for. They are the same as the "Not In My Backyard" democrats.
But we do live around it. Lots of people drink. The clubhouse is just up the road and plenty of meandering golf carts on the road leaving there each evening. I know lots of friends who are successful and still smoke pot or eat gummies and edibles.

There is no one arguing meth, crack or Heroin is likely to make a person successful. What's being argued is that they should have the right to be high and unsuccessful if they choose. That war was fought and your side lost but can't admit it
But we do live around it. Lots of people drink. The clubhouse is just up the road and plenty of meandering golf carts on the road leaving there each evening. I know lots of friends who are successful and still smoke pot or eat gummies and edibles.

There is no one arguing meth, crack or Heroin is likely to make a person successful. What's being argued is that they should have the right to be high and unsuccessful if they choose. That war was fought and your side lost but can't admit it
And as always, anything the government does backfires.

Look at DARE, an anti drug campaign ran in schools during the 80s and 90s. It actually increased the average number of drug users.

"D.A.R.E. was (and is) completely ineffective in preventing drug use. The numbers demonstrating this started rolling in way back in 1992, when a study conducted at Indiana University showed that graduates of the D.A.R.E. program subsequently had significantly higher rates of hallucinogenic drug use than those not exposed to the program. (Maybe they shouldn't have told 5th graders that hallucinogens exist.)"

Was D.A.R.E. Effective?
Legalizing drugs says to people that it's okay. Therefore it is a form of encouragement. People being addicted to drugs or doing them on a regular recreational basis creates lack of motivation. Lack of motivation leads to laziness. Laziness leads to people not wanting to work.

We need to be encouraging people to be responsible and to contribute to society in good ways.

What else are you okay with legalizing?
The way I see it . If it's legal and the idiots that want it can, then there is no cartel or drug wars and states get the tax money . As for working there will always be people wanting to work there will be no drug dealers so they will need a job.
I haven't been in a casino except to see a show in years, just don't have the urge. But if people want to gamble it should be legal.
You can online but no let's not build a casino in a town they just get to buy scratch offs.
And as always, anything the government does backfires.

Look at DARE, an anti drug campaign ran in schools during the 80s and 90s. It actually increased the average number of drug users.

"D.A.R.E. was (and is) completely ineffective in preventing drug use. The numbers demonstrating this started rolling in way back in 1992, when a study conducted at Indiana University showed that graduates of the D.A.R.E. program subsequently had significantly higher rates of hallucinogenic drug use than those not exposed to the program. (Maybe they shouldn't have told 5th graders that hallucinogens exist.)"

Was D.A.R.E. Effective?
I remember it well. I don't remember being scared away from drugs by it. I was more scared by their claim that athletes could be drug tested. I wasn't going to risk that
And as always, anything the government does backfires.

Look at DARE, an anti drug campaign ran in schools during the 80s and 90s. It actually increased the average number of drug users.

"D.A.R.E. was (and is) completely ineffective in preventing drug use. The numbers demonstrating this started rolling in way back in 1992, when a study conducted at Indiana University showed that graduates of the D.A.R.E. program subsequently had significantly higher rates of hallucinogenic drug use than those not exposed to the program. (Maybe they shouldn't have told 5th graders that hallucinogens exist.)"

Was D.A.R.E. Effective?

Information campaigns work, unless you're lying and people find out you're lying. The Truth tobacco campaigns crushed smoking habits in America because they had the truth* on their side and they talked to kids like they were smart enough to handle the reality. D.A.R.E. was telling us how bad all drugs were, including weed. They sent a stupid band to our school to sing songs and tell us how we'll be addicted to cocaine after one use. They tried to make it seem cool to be anti-drug, but they did the opposite. D.A.R.E. was also associated with the police, which I don't think helps. We had a D.A.R.E. patrol car that was a Firebird confiscated from a drug dealer. The cop who drove it thought he was so cool, but we all made fun of him.

When you finally try weed for the first time (especially with alcohol for comparison), you find out how full of **** they were, and then you're not so scared to try the other things they forbade.

*except maybe when it comes to second hand smoke estimations
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Have only seen 1 conservative president. Too young to know about Reagan.

George bush 1 lost to Clinton
George bush 2 started a war with 2 countries for no reason. Got votes from Hillary and Biden to go fight in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Donald Trump, as dumb as he is, at least tried to do what he said he was going to do.
George Bush 1 and 2 are enemy of the United States of America. Ronald Reagan was for America. He cut taxes so people could live. He was a real conservative.
Is that a one time treatment, or a life time?

Individuals will obviously vary, but there has been promising data for a sizeable portion of patients after just one secession. These secessions are typically accompanied with therapy.

If I had to have a rule of thumb, I would say a handful of treatments was sufficient to elicit a strong change across the bulk of patients. Regardless, it is way cheaper and more effective than our current way of treating addicts.
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Information campaigns work, unless you're lying and people find out you're lying. The Truth tobacco campaigns crushed smoking habits in America because they had the truth* on their side and they talked to kids like they were smart enough to handle the reality. D.A.R.E. was telling us how bad all drugs were, including weed. They sent a stupid band to our school to sing songs and tell us how we'll be addicted to cocaine after one use. They tried to make it seem cool to be anti-drug, but they did the opposite. D.A.R.E. was also associated with the police, which I don't think helps. We had a D.A.R.E. patrol car that was a Firebird confiscated from a drug dealer. The cop who drove it thought he was so cool, but we all made fun of him.

When you finally try weed for the first time (especially with alcohol for comparison), you find out how full of **** they were, and then you're not so scared to try the other things they forbade.

*except maybe when it comes to second hand smoke estimations

I dunno man...I tried PCP for the first time last week and had a horrible time.
Individuals will obviously vary, but there has been promising data for a sizeable portion of patients after just one secession. These secessions are typically accompanied with therapy.

If I had to have a rule of thumb, I would say a handful of treatments was sufficient to elicit a strong change across the bulk of patients. Regardless, it is way cheaper and more effective than our current way of treating addicts.
I would agree with that. I am just worried about another government program that is supposed to be temporary for the end user becoming permanent.

And I believe both sides of the equation will want it to become permanent. It gives the government power and control, and we know people will abuse it and use it as excuses. Until any welfare program grows some actual cold heartedness and starts pruning any program is going to fail as they turn to one size fits all strategies.
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political views are drastically impacted by how you are raised inside the home. I'm 45 and, I was raised in a family of old conservative democrats. My views stayed the same but my party shifted to Republican voting.
Very true. My folks are mostly libertarian, and that definitely stayed with me, especially on social issues. I lean a little more center-left evil liberal these days, but the core beliefs remain.
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George Bush 1 and 2 are enemy of the United States of America. Ronald Reagan was for America. He cut taxes so people could live. He was a real conservative.

Regan did a lot of good things but he wasn’t a real conservative unless you are using the classical definition instead of todays bastardized one.

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