40% of San Francisco residents plan to leave due to quality of life

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They're flooding our county. I saw a stat the other day that had us listed as the 9th most expensive county to live in the U.S. factoring in median wage vs median home cost.
Another example clearly showing just how stupid San Franciscans are. Birds of a feather with you and what not. 🤡

Doesn't exactly indicate that fire sales are happening because people are desperate to leave, does it?
My secretary moved here to SE Georgia from California a few years ago. This past week she was telling me how sad it is when she goes back and sees how it has been completely destroyed by their incompetent governor. Maybe the recall will help.

Any idea on her voting habits since she moved to GA?
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Fingers crossed the vast majority of the ones leaving the bay and coming to Tennessee are like her in that regard.

I can't help but think think that most people are smart enough to know the reasons they are having to flee their Democrat run states
I'm fine with them coming here...unless they continue to vote for the same kind of candidates that ruined the cities they came from.

Every leftist I have ever known that moved to this area still thinks and votes the same way they did before they fled their failed utopia. They really are that short sighted and stupid.

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