5 Things I Learned At Vol Nation U


Fine Vol

Go Vols
Sep 15, 2006
1.They have reasonable gator fans! LG
2. Hatvols love for muppets and cpf
3.Fadeproofs team is not fadeproof...sorry fade
4.I cant speelll
5.got twelve will change his name Sat. to 'got crying towel'

Your 5 are welcome.
1. I hate 'Bama even worse that I used to.
2. LIO is a psychic.
3. We're not in Kansas anymore.
4. JJ Hickman makes ALOT of pointless posts.
5. Go Vols.

I only knew 4, so I just tossed in #5 as a cherry on top. :)
At VolNation U I learned......

1.Avatars can be very touchy subjects.
2.No, spelling, no grammar - no problem.
3.The politics forum is to be avoided at all costs.
4.VN is so great rival posters hang out here more than at their own boards. :birgits_giggle:
5.I never want to graduate from VolNation U
At VolNation U I learned......

1.Avatars can be very touchy subjects.
2.No, spelling, no grammar - no problem.
3.The politics forum is to be avoided at all costs.
4.VN is so great rival posters hang out here more than at their own boards. :birgits_giggle:
5.I never want to graduate from VolNation U
i got a ged
1. BBQ is very popular.
2. LIO is the president of the Ric Flair Fan Club.
3. Moderators have Job-like patience.
4. We need an official Gentlemen's Club of Vol Nation.
5. Everybody but me hates the "U."
1. That Bama fans continue to prove my theory that they are ALL idiots.
2. Florida fans have an inferiority complex.
3. There's only a handfull of people whose posts I can understand without having to re-read them.
4. It's still a pretty good source for Vol information.
5. People worry too much about Coach Cut leaving.
4. We need an official Gentlemen's Club of Vol Nation.
5. Everybody but me hates the "U."
I'm in for the Gentlemen's Club. Don't worry, I'm of age.

As for Miami... I don't hate it. In fact, I have a lot of respect for the U as an academic institution. I just have no respect for some of the idiots that manage to find themselves in shoulder pads for half the games at the OB every year.
1. LIO loves to give a little sugar to all the boys on the board.
2. OWB is the nicest communist in the world.
3. Volnation has some great musical tastes.
4. The Nation argues amongst themselves, but they circle the wagons when LG spews his poison.
5. The Nation has an expert in every vice whether it be smoke, libation or groceries.
LG will never admit he's a borderline flamer.:p
All mods do a good job
Freak's idea for having this site was ingenious
LIO loves the Lady Vols especially
HV likes them South-Beach Chicks
1. My knowledge regarding the Vols has increased ten fold since joining the VN.
2. Enjoy having fun and spirited discussions with almost all in the VN.
3. LIO is soft spoken by heart but don't make her pull out the big stick.
4. Enjoy reading the also spirited politicial discussions between RealUT, OE, OWB, CSpindizzy and more. Also have increased my scope of understanding and positions regarding many many many issues.
5. There are oh so many more Vols fanatics other then myself.
1. Most VN posters fall in one of two categories: overly pessimistic or overly optimistic.
2. VN would have about 500,000 fewer cumulative posts if it were not for Peyton Manning getting 'robbed' in 1997, Fulmer not winning an SEC Championship since 1998, Cutcliffe leaving in a year, ESPN having an anti-UT agenda, and the BCS finalizing their end of the season rankings midway through October.
3. Do not get between a VASF donor and their tailgating.
4. Hat and I find middle ground on topics concerning George Brett and Peyton Manning.
5. The politics forum is a jungle, you had better bring more to the fight than just some party line.
1. that i am neither a "negavol" nor a "fulmerite"...i happily ride the fence
2. that there are actually a lot of knowledgeable football fans capable of seeing a team for what it is, with out orange tinted glasses
3. That i'm not as objective as i thought i was when it comes to certain things about TN football.
4. That Hatvol isn't as bad as some think.
5. That i'm glad i'm not from Bucksnort.
1. Tennessee alumni are, for the most part, intelligent and thoughtful. And then there's havol...
2. The regulars on this board respect the University of Florida because you like the competition.
3. Just when you thought they were done inventing the little icon-thingys, they invent seven more.
4. When it comes to clothing that can be worn someplace other than a football stadium, there is at least one school with crappier colors than UF.
5. I seriously cannot remember why I ever dropped by this site. I mean, glad I did and all, its a lot of fun. But I now have no clue how I came across it to begin with.
a few more things...
1. ESPN is apparently the media vehicle for evil
2. it's no lie, BBQ in the south is serious business
3. there is such a thing as stupid questions
4. our "friendly" rivals that post here regularly are the excepitons, not the rule.
5. this wouldn't be near as much fun if we all agreed with each other all the time.
1. Nascar fans can't take a joke.
2. Hooked on Phonics was left out of many poster's education.
3. LG will whine about the ref's at some point in every season.
4. There is a definite line between old and young posters about our biggest rival, by the way it's Bama.
5. Volnation is more addictive than crack.
1. Tennessee alumni are, for the most part, intelligent and thoughtful. And then there's havol...
Rule No. 1-If you're going to attack someone's intelligence, don't give away your lack thereof by failing to spell their name correctly. You make it too easy, LG.
here u go


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