5 Things I Learned At Vol Nation U

"Most" being the key word. As long as he insists on defending or excusing the University of Miami, I will maintain a healthy skeptcism as to his sobriety, intellect, etc.
"Most" being the key word. As long as he insists on defending or excusing the University of Miami, I will maintain a healthy skeptcism as to his sobriety, intellect, etc.
"Skepticism?" That's an awfully big word for a graduate of the University of Florida at Backwater. Did someone get you one of those darling "Word-A-Day" calenders?
2. Hatvol has straddled the fine line between abrasiveness and conviction enough to earn the respect of most posters, where others have failed. I point to donsargegolf, aka John Majors' cabana boy.

Believe it or not Hat shows a good deal of gracious restraint. I can vouch for it.
"Skepticism?" That's an awfully big word for a graduate of the University of Florida at Backwater. Did someone get you one of those darling "Word-A-Day" calenders?

No, but last night I slept at a..... oh, never mind.

Hey, hat, the UofM thing has stirred quite a controversy here in central Florida. Dan Silio, a radio announcer hereabouts and a UM fan (I believe he's an alum), unashamedly says he is PROUD of the fight and viewed it as the players spontaneously trying to reinstill that sense of hostile and violent pride. He says the program had become too soft and needs to renew its reputation as a team full of rage and brute force.

Meanwhile, I am told a lawyer I know (and UM alum) is getting emails from Shalala claiming that they are going to do everything in their power to curb this kind of behavior, squash it, look at reform to prevent it from happening again.

I sense that there are two camps in this situation: those that saw the fight as an inexcusable display of an utter lack of discipline; 2) those who yearn for the days when Miami was feared, respected as tough, maybe even a little proud of their thuggishness.

Thoughts? I think you saw a lot of the latter group in the stands there Saturday night, wouldn't you agree?
No, but last night I slept at a..... oh, never mind.

Hey, hat, the UofM thing has stirred quite a controversy here in central Florida. Dan Silio, a radio announcer hereabouts and a UM fan (I believe he's an alum), unashamedly says he is PROUD of the fight and viewed it as the players spontaneously trying to reinstill that sense of hostile and violent pride. He says the program had become too soft and needs to renew its reputation as a team full of rage and brute force.

Meanwhile, I am told a lawyer I know (and UM alum) is getting emails from Shalala claiming that they are going to do everything in their power to curb this kind of behavior, squash it, look at reform to prevent it from happening again.

I sense that there are two camps in this situation: those that saw the fight as an inexcusable display of an utter lack of discipline; 2) those who yearn for the days when Miami was feared, respected as tough, maybe even a little proud of their thuggishness.

Thoughts? I think you saw a lot of the latter group in the stands there Saturday night, wouldn't you agree?
1. Dan Silio is an absolute pox on the sports media. If brains were 50 cent pieces, he wouldn't be able to purchase off McDonald's dollar menu.
2. Shalala is simply lurching around in the dark. She botched the press conference yesterday as badly as possible.
3. There were a number of fans in the OB Saturday who do have the mentality you describe in category #2 above.
4. There are a lot more 'Cane fans, like myself, who remember the Dan Morgan/Ken Dorsey/Ed Reed/Clinton Portis teams being feared and respected simply because they beat the living hell out of most teams they played on the scoreboard. Those teams had fewer off field problems and graduated a greater percentage of their players than most other big time programs. The biggest mistake Coker made was allowing the alums back on the sideline. I say that despite the fact I count several of those guys as friends.
1. My temper is a lightning rod for insults and bans.
2. Freak is a genius
3. OWB is a pervert. :)
4. UT fans are overly confident about thier football team.
5. I RULE.
Are you serious? Wow, then I hope your vote gets lost in transition. Dont we have enough used car salesman in Congress already.

Does he shoot his pistol at truckers while driving down I-40 like Ford Sr.?

According to former members of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Ford allegedly fired a pistol at a trucker on Interstate 40 near Lexington, Tenn., in 1990. A Dallas trucker reported the shooting to the Highway Patrol station in Jackson, Tenn. The Jackson troopers called Nashville headquarters for guidance, and according to a former THP official, TBI director Larry Wallace said, "Don't stop that car [Ford's]. Let it go."

At this point, there was adequate time to apprehend Ford on the interstate and search his car for the weapon. But because of Wallace's order, Ford escaped and wasn't questioned until the next day. By that time, there was no pistol found in his Mercedes-Benz.

Although a bullet was recovered from the truck, Ford accused the trucker of making everything up. A jury in Jackson acquitted Ford of all charges.

Ford politics at its finest!!!!!!

WorldNetDaily: Corruption, Tennessee-style
1. I know how it feels to be a pinata.

2. If the board is slow, just mention any Clausen, Majors or the Heisman trophy.

3. I should have never told CBC how to post in all orange.

4. People are very brave from behind a computer screen.

5. Mods don't get health benefits.
1. Attempts to masquerade as a moderator after 12 posts, are
largely unsuccesful. :)

2. :boobies: is the most underrated and underused emoticon.

3. Sports message boards are a magnet for last-word freaks.

4. Introduction to Vol Pride course syllabus states that, "If the
Vols win the '06 NC, Prof. LIO will get up on a table and show some

5. The Second Coming of Christ will likely be set to Rocky Top
playing in the background.
1. The mods are very slow to anger - just like Billy Jack
2. Professional Wrestling has more fans than I ever imagined
3. Vol fans are a very diverse group joined by a love of checkerboard
4. We've all becum bett'r spellr's and riters doo too LIO's f-orts
5. No one - I mean no one could derail a thread like ToddBond
1. The mods are very slow to anger - just like Billy Jack
2. Professional Wrestling has more fans than I ever imagined
3. Vol fans are a very diverse group joined by a love of checkerboard
4. We've all becum bett'r spellr's and riters doo too LIO's f-orts
5. No one - I mean no one could derail a thread like ToddBond
Why not just kick me in the groin and mention JMX while you're at it. You sheep you.
Why not just kick me in the groin and mention JMX while you're at it. You sheep you.

Does one of yours have something to do with getting kicked in the groin?

Maybe I should read the whole thread prior to posting :whistling:
1. Some people should be forced to get approval before they start threads.

2. If you want to start a "heated debate" question Manning's greatness or imply that Fulmer is the greatest coach ever.

3. People get WAY too fixated on our uniforms.

4. I always expect hatvols posts to entertain simply because he knows how to push anyone's buttons. It is especially good when he aims his ire at opposing fans. *cough* lawgator *cough*

5. What else... oh, yeah, we always play better as the underdog. :birgits_giggle:
6. LIO is obsessed with sparkly bling bling.
7. Some people have way too much time on thier hands.
8. We would play even better as underdogs if we wore single orange stripes, no wait or was it double orange stripes?
9. Moderating is much easier when we're winning.
10. Bama still sux.
1. I have no where near the knowledge of UT football that some of yall have.

2. I am not alone when it comes to acting totally stupid when watching a game at home.

3. I didnt realize there were that many "lefties" in Tennessee.:) :birgits_giggle:

4. Lastly and most importantly, yall are bunch of great guys and gals.:cray:
1. With the time I have spent on VN at work, I could have learned another language with rosetta stone.
2. My wife is so much more informed on UT football.
3. Sometimes I speak off the cuff when pissed and it gets me in trouble.
4. Vol fans can unite under a grand orange flag for 60 min of football and forget about all that is going on in the world around them.
5. Tennesse is the greatest football program in all the land and there is no other place I want to be in football season.

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