61% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2020

I'm not sure why @TNVOLNAVY is bothered by this. When it was reported that certain political figures beloved by the right paid little to no taxes it was cheered as an appropriate use of the system to keep the government from taking money.

Quite the contrary. I’m amused watching the country burn.
I'm not sure why @TNVOLNAVY is bothered by this. When it was reported that certain political figures beloved by the right paid little to no taxes it was cheered as an appropriate use of the system to keep the government from taking money.
Yeah the 1% dont make up 61% of the population.....

It's kinda in the very statement.
An indication that the minimum wage in America is way too low. Too many people work full time but don't make enough to even have today taxes on it. Especially if they have dependents.
From Google:
In 2017, 80.4 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.3 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 542,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
An indication that the minimum wage in America is way too low. Too many people work full time but don't make enough to even have today taxes on it. Especially if they have dependents.
So you think 61% of the people in the country pay no taxes because they don't make enough? So if we just take a little from people like you and give it to the non taxpayers, they will do better?
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From Google:
In 2017, 80.4 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.3 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 542,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

Oregon just told you math is over rated. Math is the devil....
So you think 61% of the people in the country pay no taxes because they don't make enough? So if we just take a little from people like you and give it to the non taxpayers, they will do better?
Of course they don't make the entire 61% but I suspect there's a whole hell of a bunch of 'em who aren't paid enough to pay taxes. I don't pay enough taxes and haven't in years but I'm not gonna volunteer to pay more since I alone can't fix it.
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From Google:
In 2017, 80.4 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.3 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 542,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Don't come in here spouting stats. It's boring.
Of course they don't make the entire 61% but I suspect there's a whole hell of a bunch of 'em who aren't paid enough enough to pay taxes. I don't pay enough taxes and haven't in years but I'm not gonna volunteer to pay more since I alone can't fix it.

Paying taxes is an arbitrary number. That is the point.

As far as I am concerned, you make $7/hour, you still pay something. I did, you did, everyone did.
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Not at all.

We should all be looking to move away from income tax which gives politicians added power to pit us against each other and allows them to manipulate rates, rules, exemptions to buy votes.
Democrats plan:

1. Tax salaries and wages
2. Tax investment income at a higher rate
3. Tax consumption
4. Tax gasoline usage
5. Tax miles driven
6. Tax wealth (unrealized gains) to absolutely ensure the stock market collapses
7. Confiscate any remaining assets at time of death

Did I miss anything?
Of course they don't make the entire 61% but I suspect there's a whole hell of a bunch of 'em who aren't paid enough to pay taxes. I don't pay enough taxes and haven't in years but I'm not gonna volunteer to pay more since I alone can't fix it.
Good for you. I'm paying your share then, because every April you can find me in the fetal position on my accountant's floor.

I guess that's how I feel about wearing a stupid mask.
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Democrats plan:

1. Tax salaries and wages
2. Tax investment income at a higher rate
3. Tax consumption
4. Tax gasoline usage
5. Tax miles driven
6. Tax wealth (unrealized gains) to absolutely ensure the stock market collapses
7. Confiscate any remaining assets at time of death

Did I miss anything?
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Good for you. I'm paying your share then, because every April you can find me in the fetal position on my accountant's floor.

I guess that's how I feel about wearing a stupid mask.
I'd tax you for not wearing a mask if I could.
When A&E network was still showing Live PD my wife and I used to watch and ask ourselves.... Are we the only people in America who bother to maintain drivers licenses, registration and insurance on our vehicles? Now we are asking ourselves are the the last middle class family paying taxes? Cause we sure aren't rich!
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I say all taxes from the federal government should stop.. taxes are a state/ County issue...... living in TN my taxes should go to TN and my county... not so some addict in SF can **** in the street and draw unemployment...
Democrats plan:

1. Tax salaries and wages
2. Tax investment income at a higher rate
3. Tax consumption
4. Tax gasoline usage
5. Tax miles driven
6. Tax wealth (unrealized gains) to absolutely ensure the stock market collapses
7. Confiscate any remaining assets at time of death

Did I miss anything?

Take a walk, they’ll tax your feet.

Be thankful they don’t take it all.

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