61% of Americans paid no federal income taxes in 2020

Of course they don't make the entire 61% but I suspect there's a whole hell of a bunch of 'em who aren't paid enough to pay taxes. I don't pay enough taxes and haven't in years but I'm not gonna volunteer to pay more since I alone can't fix it.
Um..It starts with one person. You CAN make a difference.

What kind of liberal are you?
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Democrats plan:

1. Tax salaries and wages
2. Tax investment income at a higher rate
3. Tax consumption
4. Tax gasoline usage
5. Tax miles driven
6. Tax wealth (unrealized gains) to absolutely ensure the stock market collapses
7. Confiscate any remaining assets at time of death

Did I miss anything?
Sin taxes - tobacco, alcohol, and weed
It can no longer be said that Republicans are the party of the rich. Tax policies are largely Republican and they cut taxes for so many people that now less than 40% even pay

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