Hardly. However, ill be the first to admit that the constitution is not the document that guides my life. I don't pray over it, study it, strive to live by it. You don't either. Every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. When I stand before the maker of Heaven and Earth he's not going to ask me if I upheld the laws of men. He's going to care if I upheld His laws. You know that and so do I. The rest of these cats can plead ignorance OE you know the truth. You gonna step inthat booth and vote directly against Gods will?
1. The Constitution is the document that is supposed to guide both the Federal Government and the individual state governments in the United States. You want to disregard that document so that you can have a theocracy. At least be honest in admitting that.
2. You are never going to "stand before god" and answer questions. That is a children's story. If there is an all-powerful and all-knowing god, such a god does not need to patronize you in a mock trial: such a god would already know the answers.
3. You do not know the will of this god. You simply know the will of certain human authors that wrote neat stories.
4. Moreover, you are not conforming to the will of these authors. You are not hearkening the government to mandate that women be prohibited from teaching men or that women remain quiet in an assembly. So, you might have this notch (anti-homosexual marriage) marriage on your belt, but you are failing in making others conform to the rest of the dictates in Paul's Epistles.
5. Speaking of failing to conform to dictates, you are failing to conform to the very last admonition in the bible:
Let the wicked be wicked;
let the filthy be filthy;
let the righteous be righteous. God will judge.
The fact is that you and your ilk, simply cherry-pick the parts of the bible you find convenient, and then start crusades based solely on your personal preferences. To me, that seems to count as a higher-order blasphemy than anything else. I would imagine that for a god-fearing Christiant, blasphemy would have to be a sin of greater magnitude than consensual sex.