A Conspiracy You Believe or Wouldn't Be Shocked If Real

The Hellen Keller narrative was just a grand hoax orchestrated by Anne Sullivan.

By the mid 1960s, The US had figured out how to weaponize cancer at the New Orleans Oschner medical facility and the first high profile person likely killed by a fast spreading/weaponized cancer was Jack Ruby.

Tupac was killed by a gang member that he had gotten into a fight with earlier that night, but Notorious BIG was killed by rogue members of the LAPD.

Governor John Connally was hit by two shots in Dealey Plaza, not a single magic bullet.

OJ's son killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman
Pearl Harbor: FDR wanted us in WWII bad, but I don't think the public would have gone along had the attack not happened. There was intelligence that pointed to an attack... but I don't think they believed it would be as bad as it was.

I'm totally down to debate Pearl Habor.
It is interesting that Admiral Kimmel was exonerated of wrong doing 3-4 years later. During that trial/court martial, several things came up to explain his actions and what was going on.
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The Hellen Keller narrative was just a grand hoax orchestrated by Anne Sullivan.

By the mid 1960s, The US had figured out how to weaponize cancer at the New Orleans Oschner medical facility and the first high profile person likely killed by a fast spreading/weaponized cancer was Jack Ruby.

Tupac was killed by a gang member that he had gotten into a fight with earlier that night, but Notorious BIG was killed by rogue members of the LAPD.

Governor John Connally was hit by two shots in Dealey Plaza, not a single magic bullet.

OJ's son killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman

For real. Idk how you would teach a deaf and blind person how to wipe their ass, much less enough to become a Harvard graduate.
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The Hellen Keller narrative was just a grand hoax orchestrated by Anne Sullivan.

By the mid 1960s, The US had figured out how to weaponize cancer at the New Orleans Oschner medical facility and the first high profile person likely killed by a fast spreading/weaponized cancer was Jack Ruby.

Tupac was killed by a gang member that he had gotten into a fight with earlier that night, but Notorious BIG was killed by rogue members of the LAPD.

Governor John Connally was hit by two shots in Dealey Plaza, not a single magic bullet.

OJ's son killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman

OJ's son? First I heard of that one.
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Pretty much all the surrounding conspiracies to 9/11, just not much of the day it self conspiracies.

It was my first conspiracy rabbit hole. Government knew, but didnt stop. Even helped bring in some of the terrorists. KSA involved with the government.

I believe jets hit the two towers and were ultimately responsible for the collapse of all three buildings, no thermite. The targetting of the towers was on purpose to cover up "lost" government money. Not sure about the Pentagon vs jet. And some evidence was clearly planted, the passports, which points back to the government knowing/being involved.

But the tower collapse/jet fuel portion I 100% believe is real because I have done the math, and seen the professionals do the math. Plus adding thermite and trusting the planes would hit the correct floors is a HUGE stretch and also risks upsetting the charges.
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Pearl Harbor: FDR wanted us in WWII bad, but I don't think the public would have gone along had the attack not happened. There was intelligence that pointed to an attack... but I don't think they believed it would be as bad as it was.

I'm totally down to debate Pearl Habor.
This is pretty much correct. We knew the Japanese were going to attack pearl harbor. They tested this with bringing up various failures at different pacific military bases. The japanese reported the fake water failure at Pearl Harbor with the code word for a big attack. So we knew where, just not when, or even from where, or how big.

The japanese navy went radio silent, even to communicate within that fleet after they left port. Our military knew they left port and were heading to PH so that gave them a time window. They scrambled the Pacific fleet out there. The Japanese thought the attack was unknown and went through ridiculous lengths to avoid being found beyond the radio chatter. Instead of going "straight" to Pearl Harbor they went into the North Pacific since there are no military bases and aviation coverage was spotty at best. The even commandeered a couple American and japanese civilian ships they ran across so word could not get back.

But by going north they added so much time to the travel the attack didnt happen in the window our Military intelligence thought, so most of our battleships got parked while our carriers kept up scouting. They make far better scouts than battleships. Our MI were so tunnel visioned looking more due west they never looked north or south. And eventually gave up the search assuming it was a feint and that the Japs knew we had cracked their code, and that really the fleet had gone west to fight the Brits around India. They were currently fighting the Brits in the Indian ocean so this made a whole lot of sense.

Then their was the Japanese sub that got caught at Pearl Harbor like an hour before and sunk. So it's not like we were purposefully not defending ourselves. But one sub was not enough to scramble the entire fleet. And it wouldnt make sense to deploy the fleet if you think there are a bunch of subs out there waiting.

So japs attacked blew up most of our fleet except the carriers. But the carriers missing made Yamamoto nervous and he called off the landings. He was afraid we would do exactly what later happened at Midway. Catch his planes rearming and not able to defend the fleet.
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I wouldn't be surprised if:
We were in a simulation. Being so close to VR in just a manner of 30-40 years of gaming just seems the likelihood is decently high compared to other theories. How many simulations are we in? Did yesterday even happen? Do you die when you sleep and respawn when you wake up like the star trek theory?

We never landed on the moon
Not a conspiracy believer as it takes too many people to pull one off.

That said, Chappaquidick is one I believe is full of mystery. I like the theory based on a letter a party goer wrote that Mary Jo got drunk and passed out and friends put her in the back seat of Teddy’s car to sleep it off. Later Teddy and another girl left the party unaware of the back seat and drove into the river. Both got out and went back to the party unaware Mary Jo was in the car.
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Not a conspiracy believer as it takes too many people to pull one off.

That said, Chappaquidick is one I believe is full of mystery. I like the theory based on a letter a party goer wrote that Mary Jo got drunk and passed out and friends put her in the back seat of Teddy’s car to sleep it off. Later Teddy and another girl left the party unaware of the back seat and drove into the river. Both got out and went back to the party unaware Mary Jo was in the car.
Hadnt heard about a passenger. But considering *Chappaquidick* wasnt the only time Ted was tied to a dead woman I am willing to believe he left her.
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This is pretty much correct. We knew the Japanese were going to attack pearl harbor. They tested this with bringing up various failures at different pacific military bases. The japanese reported the fake water failure at Pearl Harbor with the code word for a big attack. So we knew where, just not when, or even from where, or how big.

The japanese navy went radio silent, even to communicate within that fleet after they left port. Our military knew they left port and were heading to PH so that gave them a time window. They scrambled the Pacific fleet out there. The Japanese thought the attack was unknown and went through ridiculous lengths to avoid being found beyond the radio chatter. Instead of going "straight" to Pearl Harbor they went into the North Pacific since there are no military bases and aviation coverage was spotty at best. The even commandeered a couple American and japanese civilian ships they ran across so word could not get back.

But by going north they added so much time to the travel the attack didnt happen in the window our Military intelligence thought, so most of our battleships got parked while our carriers kept up scouting. They make far better scouts than battleships. Our MI were so tunnel visioned looking more due west they never looked north or south. And eventually gave up the search assuming it was a feint and that the Japs knew we had cracked their code, and that really the fleet had gone west to fight the Brits around India. They were currently fighting the Brits in the Indian ocean so this made a whole lot of sense.

Then their was the Japanese sub that got caught at Pearl Harbor like an hour before and sunk. So it's not like we were purposefully not defending ourselves. But one sub was not enough to scramble the entire fleet. And it wouldnt make sense to deploy the fleet if you think there are a bunch of subs out there waiting.

So japs attacked blew up most of our fleet except the carriers. But the carriers missing made Yamamoto nervous and he called off the landings. He was afraid we would do exactly what later happened at Midway. Catch his planes rearming and not able to defend the fleet.

Actually, the water failure was at Midway. We used that to confirm the target.

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