A Conspiracy You Believe or Wouldn't Be Shocked If Real

Yesterday I pulled a open box of Mike and Ike's out the pantry and finished eating them. Today there was an embedded link on this forum advertising Mike and Ike's. Scary coincidence or is it the camera reading a QR code if I hold the box against my phone unintentionally?
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Yesterday I pulled a open box of Mike and Ike's out the pantry and finished eating them. Today there was an embedded link on this forum advertising Mike and Ike's. Scary coincidence or is it the camera reading a QR code if I hold the box against my phone unintentionally?

I see you are a gentleman of culture and class. Mike and Ikes are the candy of Renaissance men worldwide. I only question why the box was not finished shortly after being opened the 1st time....

There is a gas station close to my last job that sells the 25c boxes. Originals, reds only, tropical etc. I prefer the originals myself.
I actually believe this one. China unleashed COVID on us because they had a capital shortage (US dollar shortage). The best way to remedy this was to make us debase our own currency by shutting down the economy and then senseless stimulus spending.
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I'll give it a serious go...

Roswell: while it may not have been a UFO, I seriously doubt it was a weather or intelligence balloon. There was some serious secret stuff going on they didn't want the public knowing about.

Kennedy assassination: yes, there was a conspiracy. Maybe not two gunmen, but he wasn't acting alone.

Pearl Harbor: FDR wanted us in WWII bad, but I don't think the public would have gone along had the attack not happened. There was intelligence that pointed to an attack... but I don't think they believed it would be as bad as it was.

I'm totally down to debate Pearl Habor.
What proportion of our Pacific fleet was at Pearl?
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Okay I'm bored and found myself going down a conspiracy and paranormal rabbit hole. It got me wondering what some of yall have to say. So what conspiracy theories, paranormal and or UFO events do you believe could be real. I want anything and everything. The Kennedy assasination. A good ghost story, ETC I'm not here to judge or poke fun. I'm genuinely curious. I know their is more to reality than whats shown on the news or what we experience day to day. So give me what you got Nation. My mind is open.

I went back and forth on whether to put this here or the pub. I decided here because a ton of these are political by their nature but feel free to move if ya like.
Bill Clinton did inhale many times.
Hillary was the deepthroat informant
Joe Dimaggio was involved with JFK assassination
Russian Collusion was only a three way thing with Trump filming Melania and Vlad.
Anthony Fauci helped the Chinese release COVID to oust Trump
Many x file episodes were based on true events from intentional CIA leaks to Hollywood.
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Not a conspiracy believer as it takes too many people to pull one off.

That said, Chappaquidick is one I believe is full of mystery. I like the theory based on a letter a party goer wrote that Mary Jo got drunk and passed out and friends put her in the back seat of Teddy’s car to sleep it off. Later Teddy and another girl left the party unaware of the back seat and drove into the river. Both got out and went back to the party unaware Mary Jo was in the car.
Nah, that is a cover story. That takes it from manslaughter to no crime at all.
That 90% of professional sports playoff games and half of college sports are fixed or at least controlled by referees to determine an outcome
90% is a huge number.

Question, Pete Rose likely did bet on games, but do you think he bet on the Reds to win or did he bet on them to lose most of the time and make managerial decisions accordingly?

Also, did Shoeless Joe participate in the Black Sox scandal? The stats seem to indicate he didn't.
90 percent no, but I could go with half. And the reason is for gambling.
So what was this percentage before the NFL and NHL moved teams to Las Vegas? Because for a long time, I thought the concern was having too much local influence on the games if a sports franchise was located there.
I actually believe this one. China unleashed COVID on us because they had a capital shortage (US dollar shortage). The best way to remedy this was to make us debase our own currency by shutting down the economy and then senseless stimulus spending.
I don't buy the "intentional" release story because that is risking too much blowback on their own population. And it is obvious by now that they don't want to destroy their own population because they have reversed the One Child Policy and are now encouraging people to get married and have children.

I just think it was an accidental release.
What proportion of our Pacific fleet was at Pearl?
One thing to remember, the admiral right before Husband Kimmel resigned a few months before Pearl Harbor because of the situation involving the Pacific fleet. I'm going off of memory and I'm on the road right now, but either the previous admiral or Husband Kimmel or both had brought up the fact that the Pacific fleet should have been stationed in San Diego or San Francisco (can't remember which right now) because having the fleet in Pearl Harbor opened the fleet up to attack from 360 degrees, where if it was on the mainland, it would be further logistically and can only be attacked in one direction.

There are also a few things that were revealed in Husband Kimmel's court marshal trial that blew up the original narrative and exonerated him and one of his subordinates.

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