A great read for those who mock the Ivy League

Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to Trump supporters?

People who trot out 'freedom of speech' in instances like this clearly have no idea of what the 1A protects against.

No one's saying its illegal to wear maga hats.
What is your pronoun and how do you identify?

My pronouns are he/him (important, as my first name is Ashley and that has caused me hell my whole life. I still get feminine product samples in the mail because of it.) and I identify as a hungry as hell Vol fan whose children may not make it back to Michigan alive if they don't settle down in the back seat.
And at a private university I have zero issue with them setting their own dress code.
Students pay a lot to go to "public" universities and "private" universities receive federal services and grants.
Plus I can extend it to noise in a public library, recording and taking pictures at a trial, being searched before entering a prison, etc..
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My pronouns are he/him (important, as my first name is Ashley and that has caused me hell my whole life. I still get feminine product samples in the mail because of it.) and I identify as a hungry as hell Vol fan whose children may not make it back to Michigan alive if they don't settle down in the back seat.
Students pay a lot to go to "public" universities and "private" universities receive federal services and grants.
Plus I can extend it to noise in a public library, recording and taking pictures at a trial, being searched before entering a prison, etc..

Luther, the way your mind works I'm sure you can extend the argument indefinitely. You'd be wrong but but I'm sure you could.
They really have every right, and maybe even an obligation, if it's disruptive to the class.

The idea goes way back. AS an act of respect. Indoors, classroom setting, professional setting, etc., we were required to remove hats period. What was on them was irrelevant.

My previous employer had strict policies about any attire that promoted political or religious beliefs, and the active promotion of such conversations on work property on work time.
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My pronouns are he/him (important, as my first name is Ashley and that has caused me hell my whole life. I still get feminine product samples in the mail because of it.) and I identify as a hungry as hell Vol fan whose children may not make it back to Michigan alive if they don't settle down in the back seat.

Could have been worse , your dad could have named you SUE. 😊
IMO one of the problems with higher education is that from the administration on down they have forgotten that they are service providers.
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There has to be a reasoning behind it.

There's multiple reasonings, and I'm not versed in them. But things I have heard growing up:

Spill over from our military culture (back to Olde England) into society.
Respect/Reverence (Not able to make eye contact, etc)
Actually can be seen back to biblical times as well. Head dress outdoors/not indoors.
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IMO one of the problems with higher education is that from the administration on down they have forgotten that they are service providers.

To a point, yes. But higher education is also not Burger King nor should it be.

My student course evaluations last semester are all the proof I need. They all wanted something different from each other. Some loved the way I taught, some didn't. And the difference isn't just fixable by "well, mix it up a bit" as the differences were in the fundamental structure of the class.

So, I take notes, watch video, and figure out how to make it better next time. But I'm not completely changing what I do when it is proven to work.
To a point, yes. But higher education is also not Burger King nor should it be.

My student course evaluations last semester are all the proof I need. They all wanted something different from each other. Some loved the way I taught, some didn't. And the difference isn't just fixable by "well, mix it up a bit" as the differences were in the fundamental structure of the class.

So, I take notes, watch video, and figure out how to make it better next time. But I'm not completely changing what I do when it is proven to work.

In no way am I suggesting the customer have a direct say in the way you teach, if you are bad you will see less and less students sign up for your class if you are good your class will be full.

I'm referencing the instructors who allow their politics into the classroom or try to enforce their personal beliefs onto their students.
In no way am I suggesting the customer have a direct say in the way you teach, if you are bad you will see less and less students sign up for your class if you are good your class will be full.

I'm referencing the instructors who allow their politics into the classroom or try to enforce their personal beliefs onto their students.

That I agree with.
My pronouns are he/him (important, as my first name is Ashley and that has caused me hell my whole life. I still get feminine product samples in the mail because of it.) and I identify as a hungry as hell Vol fan whose children may not make it back to Michigan alive if they don't settle down in the back seat.

Are we there, yet? Good luck with the drive.
To a point, yes. But higher education is also not Burger King nor should it be.

My student course evaluations last semester are all the proof I need. They all wanted something different from each other. Some loved the way I taught, some didn't. And the difference isn't just fixable by "well, mix it up a bit" as the differences were in the fundamental structure of the class.

So, I take notes, watch video, and figure out how to make it better next time. But I'm not completely changing what I do when it is proven to work.
Squash the little liberal pansies..... make them earn their grades

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