A great read for those who mock the Ivy League

I happen to agree with AshG about removing hats in the classroom, but then I'm old enough to have been taught that wearing hats indoors is rude. Had I not gotten that from my parents and grandparents, the Army certainly made it crystal clear.
There has to be a reasoning behind it.
No, I'm just saying that Vietnam and Watergate caused a bit of blowback to authority. Before that, we thought they had our best interest at heart.
That's all I'm saying also. Again, how can you blame people for wanting to push back against authority after that?
Yeah, but I also came away with why was he there - as in what does a liberal arts degree really do for anyone. In his case he's retired, and if he wants the experience just because, that's fine. However, if he happened to be one of his young classmates, what career other than teaching or writing would would he be preparing for? It's a great way to be well rounded if that's your goal, but I've always looked at the primary purpose of education as preparation for a productive career. I'm honestly not sure how understanding Homer (as directed by a "professional") really buys you.

You get to make a splash of a first impression when you get to tell people where you graduated from and impress your friends around the coffee table or at social gatherings with your knowledge of classical literature.
You get to make a splash of a first impression when you get to tell people where you graduated from and impress your friends around the coffee table or at social gatherings with your knowledge of classical literature.
These days, they would think you were talking about Homer Simpson.
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There has to be a reasoning behind it.

Why? Customs and manners are just something that are handed down. If you want to get into reasons, there's a reason hats have bills and where the bill is oriented, but that seems to have little to do with how hats seem to be worn these days. Why do we drive on the right side of the road? Why do some countries drive on the left? Do you suppose there's a real reason, or it's simply a custom that became law when we had to find a way to keep the roads semi sane?
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Why? Customs and manners are just something that are handed down. If you want to get into reasons, there's a reason hats have bills and where the bill is oriented, but that seems to have little to do with how hats seem to be worn these days. Why do we drive on the right side of the road? Why do some countries drive on the left? Do you suppose there's a real reason, or it's simply a custom that became law when we had to find a way to keep the roads semi sane?
I always hold doors open for people too for the same reason I take a cap off indoors. I was taught that was the polite and respectful thing to do. Different times.
There has to be a reasoning behind it.

When I was in the army it was customary and I did it. When I got out I didn’t see the need to wad up my hat or cap in my pocket every time I walked indoors. I get it was customary many years ago but times change. Obviously I’m not gonna wear anything on my head when I attend a funeral, wedding, job interview, or any other formal/semi formal function. I don’t view school as that type of environment especially if it’s allowed for some.
When I was in the army it was customary and I did it. When I got out I didn’t see the need to wad up my hat or cap in my pocket every time I walked indoors. I get it was customary many years ago but times change. Obviously I’m not gonna wear anything on my head when I attend a funeral, wedding, job interview, or any other formal/semi formal function. I don’t view school as that type of environment especially if it’s allowed for some.

One very practical reason for removing hats in places like classrooms, theaters, etc is so they don't get in the way of people sitting behind.
Why? Customs and manners are just something that are handed down. If you want to get into reasons, there's a reason hats have bills and where the bill is oriented, but that seems to have little to do with how hats seem to be worn these days. Why do we drive on the right side of the road? Why do some countries drive on the left? Do you suppose there's a real reason, or it's simply a custom that became law when we had to find a way to keep the roads semi sane?
Well picking which side of the road to drive on is a matter of safety and keeps traffic flowing. I'm sure there was a reasoning behind picking one side or the other.

That is a different conversation than why wearing a hat in a building is poor manners or considered rude.

As far as the bills on a hat, that seems to be another thing that gets some people's jimmies worked up. It amazes me how people can get worked up about flags and hats.
One very practical reason for removing hats in places like classrooms, theaters, etc is so they don't get in the way of people sitting behind.
I've sat in plenty of churches growing up where the ladies had hats that blocked the view.

But outside of those big church hats, I can't remember one incident where I've had my view blocked because of a ball cap or some guy wearing a hat of any sort.
Well, that really doesn't explain "why" it irks you so much. I realize that was how you were raised, but did you ever ask yourself why we do certain things? or are you one of those people that thinks "we've just always done it like that"?

Without getting into the thick and dirty history of it all, I do have a cursory understanding of why we do certain things regarding headwear.

In the music world, the rehearsal hall shares common practices across the globe. Among those practices is the removal of headwear during rehearsal. From a practical standpoint, hats can block line of sight of the conductor for the wearer or those behind them. They can also become another object for the wearer to mess around with and take attention away from the rehearsal. From a philosophical standpoint, removing one's hat prior to rehearsal signals to the conductor and other musicians that the individual has begun putting their mind in the right space and is ready or almost ready to rehearse.
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Lol. Yea you PRESUME the person wearing is all about getting a reaction same as the other liberaltarians. And denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.

I'm a certain brand of assh*le so I gotta ask if you recognize that you are a specific brand of douche or not.
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Ok, I read the article.

Seems the dude is very self deprecating and everyone he met was so amazing and just awesome.

His lit professor was amazing.

His peers, while many spoke English as a second language, were amazing and it was obvious to him that his navy cussing was not going to fly....again bring self deprecating.

Glad he fit in. Seems everyone was just so amazing to him and he was happy to have their acceptance.

Thats where I stopped reading. Author was a tool.
I said disruptive not offensive. Many would do it to get a reaction ande cause issues (likely for social media cred). If I'm doing stuff like that at my work I'd get removed too. That's real world

Difference being is you are getting paid to be at work, they are paying to be in that classroom. So not real world.
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I just don't want hats on in my rehearsal hall. On field is fine, but remove your cover indoors. Didn't realize I was making a political statement.

While I find it refreshing for you to have a no hats indoors rule, I can’t see it being enforced since these people are paying you for your services.
Until about 35-40 years ago, all males removed their hats indoors. Try to find a picture from when I grew up in the 1950's and 60's, that has a man wearing a hat indoors. I still remove my cap if I'm wearing one (usually only when it rains).

Hats at the table is no go in the Hog household, even while eating out.
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I get where you're coming from. I defend my dissertation in February and am hooded in May. All of my coursework has cleared despite my not having taken a single Liberal Indoctrination or Leftist Inculcation course or seminar.

Ultimately, one has to wonder why so many people end up center or center/left who have gone through a process that requires them to examine fact while documenting how they account for their personal bias. It's almost as if confronting one's own bias as bias changes how they think.
What is your pronoun and how do you identify?
While I find it refreshing for you to have a no hats indoors rule, I can’t see it bein g enforced since these people are paying you for your services.
You're paying for services at a restaurant but they can still tell you that you have to wear shoes, or a shirt, or even a jacket and tie.
You're paying for services at a theater but they can still insist that you turn off your cell phone.
Paying for services does not give you the freedom to break the rules of the service provider.
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You're paying for services at a restaurant but they can still tell you that you have to wear shoes, or a shirt, or even a jacket and tie.
You're paying for services at a theater but they can still insist that you turn off your cell phone.
Paying for services does not give you the freedom to break the rules of the service provider.

And at a private university I have zero issue with them setting their own dress code.

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