A thread for realistic fans...



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
This weekend I only hope to keep the game competitive.

It's not going to be an indication of anything other than will we play hard for all 4 quarters.

Either way I am still happy with Butch and the leadership he has shown. Simply don't have enough cards in the deck to compete with Oregon this year.


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This weekend I only hope to keep the game competitive.

It's not going to be an indication of anything other than will we play hard for all 4 quarters.

Either way I am still happy with Butch and the leadership he has shown. Simply don't have enough cards in the deck to compete with Oregon this year.



While I tend to agree, any given Saturday.
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Hate it when we don't stand a chance, I mean, no one ever bothers to watch the game....for instance, the 1986 sugar bowl, nobody....oh, wait....

Ok, like in 2004 after getting slaughtered by Auburn at home and UGA had destroyed LSU, we had to go to Athens with two freshmen QBs and we....oh, wait.....

Alright, they dang Notre Dame game up in South Bend, we got down early and never.....ah....won that one, too, huh?

Hey, they play the games for a reason. Sure, we could lose. Sure, we could lose bad. But we could also shock a LOT of people, too. Enough talk, let'em play!!!
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Hate it when we don't stand a chance, I mean, no one ever bothers to watch the game....for instance, the 1986 sugar bowl, nobody....oh, wait....

Ok, like in 2004 after getting slaughtered by Auburn at home and UGA had destroyed LSU, we had to go to Athens with two freshmen QBs and we....oh, wait.....

Alright, they dang Notre Dame game up in South Bend, we got down early and never.....ah....won that one, too, huh?

Or....when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor....

Hey, they play the games for a reason. Sure, we could lose. Sure, we could lose bad. But we could also shock a LOT of people, too. Enough talk, let'em play!!!

Let's go get 'em!
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I want to see us play fundamentally sound football. I don't want to see busted coverage, dropped passes, false start/delay of game penalties, missed tackles, etc.

If we can play fundamentally sound, even if we lose 48-17, I'll be excited to see improvement in the coming years when we finally get more depth.
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Win or Lose, another brick will be laid. Our team will get better from the experience of playing the Ducks. We will come out ahead either way. We are rebuilding rep by rep and brick by brick.
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If things do happen to get ugly for us in the first half, I just want to see our guys continue to fight hard in the second. To me that would show vast improvement over last season.
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Can we have a mod please change the name of this thread to:

" Thread for Women"?

I'd rather see fans clamoring for Kiffin to return than this baloney. When did our fanbase because such a bunch of scaredy cats?
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Rocky lost his first fight with Creed. The story didn't end there. We go, we fight hard and even in a loss we can get better.

Losses don't make seasons and they damn sure don't have to be a portent of what's further down the road. IIRC we trounced Saban's 1st AL team...and in Tuscaloosa at that.

If we come out of this game even a rather lopsided loser BUT we can honestly say "We played with all we had...they're just a better team right now." then I'll feel pretty good about the big picture. If we really keep it close then all the better. If we win...God I hope my friends house where we'll be watching is insured against mayhem, like me.
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I just want to see our guys keep fighting all the way up to the end of the game and never give up like Dooley did with his team last year. I don't care what Oregon is ranked, as long as we play fundamental football, we have a chance to win this game. I don't care what the NegaVols think.
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Rocky lost his first fight with Creed. The story didn't end there. We go, we fight hard and even in a loss we can get better.

Losses don't make seasons and they damn sure don't have to be a portent of what's further down the road. IIRC we trounced Saban's 1st AL team...and in Tuscaloosa at that.

If we come out of this game even a rather lopsided loser BUT we can honestly say "We played with all we had...they're just a better team right now." then I'll feel pretty good about the big picture. If we really keep it close then all the better. If we win...God I hope my friends house where we'll be watching is insured against mayhem, like me.

UT is not in the mold of a "Rocky" at this current time, just saying.
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Here is realistic, we have not lost the game because WE HAVE NOT played the D$$@ thing! The last time I looked its 0-0!
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UT is not in the mold of a "Rocky" at this current time, just saying.

Just pointing out that a "loss" can still be viewed in a positive light IF you see certain things. If both teams play to their potential there's no reason in the world to expect us to win. None. If we play to our potential and they don't it could be interesting.

Right now what I want to see is a team that's playing the way it should. If we can consistently see this team doing that then more players will come and the wins will start coming with them.

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