A thread for realistic fans...

Feel sorry for the defense because our offense is beyond pathetic. Oregon will hit 50 easily. I actually predicted more along the lines of 60.

The Bama TAM game is a much better game than this.
Feel sorry for the defense because our offense is beyond pathetic. Oregon will hit 50 easily. I actually predicted more along the lines of 60.

The Bama TAM game is a much better game than this.

Could not agree more on Worley. Time to get one of the Frosh coached up enough to take over at QB.
Hard to watch Worley. I know he is trying. The defense has played OK. They have missed some assignments but ok . The offense has not adjusted. Long day.
Now they are tired & missing tackles. Keep playing Defense. Hopefully Worley can settle down or they switch QBs.trying not to bash our players but wow.
Realistically... This is the worst team I can remember Tennessee ever putting on the field. It is not Butch's fault, we can thank our previous coach for that. This is going to be a rough year though and I am usually optimistic.
Nobody is talking about this, but it's true. The WRs aren't exactly giving Worley big windows to throw into.

Yea really except for the one overthrow that was wide open everyone has been blanketed. One of the best DB groups in the country vs. some of the youngest WRs in the SEC. Growing pains.
not really up for making a thread about this, but I hope all the sunshine pumpers (are we still allowed to use that phrase here?) that complain about us realistic fans (aka negavols) realize that even though I've been prepping for exactly this kind of loss since April, it isn't any easier to watch. It still sucks and turns my stomach.
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not really up for making a thread about this, but I hope all the sunshine pumpers (are we still allowed to use that phrase here?) that complain about us realistic fans (aka negavols), even though I've been prepping for exactly this kind of loss since April, it isn't any easier to watch. It still sucks and turns my stomach.

I agree brotha it hurts to see this and I'm slowly becoming a full blown alcoholic..
hey sunshine pumpers that think Vegas doesn't know what they're doing....

what was the over/under? 73.5?

so what was the total?

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