Listen. If you guys dont like Missouri that is fine it is your Opinion. As a Tiger Fan I have alot of respect for the Conference and the Vols. Mizzou would NOT rather be in the BIG. The AP article that came out a few days ago should not be taken seriously. Look at the Article. He took one official (anybody that works for the school) with an agenda and was probably very selective in picking them. The Facts are:
1. The Athletic Department overwhelmingly supports the move.
2. There was a grassroots effort of make the move by the fans and support by those who matter at the school. Thousands of emails were sent. We never did any of that for the BIG. There was nowhere near the passion or excitement of a move to the SEC
3. This has angered the very small minority of bitter pro-BIG Ten officials who just want to sabotage what would be best for the University.
4. Being that it was an anonymous source that should definitely tell you an agenda is being pushed. Otherwise why not stand by it. I mean anybody can make a random statement under the veil of being anonymous.
5. If we get in the SEC, under no circumstance would we EVER leave. The backlash our university would get would be nothing compared to the backlash the administration would get from the fans. Trust when we say we are working with honest intentions.
6. There will continue to be articles that come out that will try to ruin the move. Schools in the Big 12 especially Texas have a strong interest in keeping us in the Big 12. And ESPN will keep running with these "Source" documents to protect Texas and their LongHorn Network investment, much like they tried to put down TAMU.
We have made our voices heard and now a small few would like to ruin that. I just wanted to come aboard and clear the misconception. In the BOC meeting the Big Ten is never discussed. Thank you for your time, and for giving me the privilege of posting on your board.