He certainly can be all four.
Tough to be a Nazi and a Communist.
As a matter of fact Hitler was happy with merely
sending away all Jews from Germany and captured
territory but the mufti of Jerusalem convinced him to
enact the final solution.
Did this mufti also encourage him to write about it in Mein Kampf?
Obama's butthole communist pal Ayers helped to incite
unrest in Egypt recently and our best ally of the arab
world was overthrown and now the muslim brotherhood
is calling the shots in that country.
Ayers incited the popular revolution in Egypt?
As for the peace sign, it represents a semaphore
meaning ND which stands for nuclear disarmament and
Obama recently signed a pact with Russia that Reagan
would never have signed that disadvantages America.
And that doesn't even consider China which is building
subs with balistic missiles while our own American navy
will soon be at it's lowest level of strength since WWI.
Your imperialist sentiments are showing through...yet, you cast aside non-US imperialist sentiment so thoroughly...
I'm not very sure that some have no problem with it,
including you.
So then you do support the rights of states banning
sharia law in their courtrooms??
Do you think that the Justice System should operate as the Framers intended?