ACLU pardners with moslem organization to promote islamic sharia law in America.

I think gs should join the military and fight islam. More effective than being an idiot on msg boards, imo.
Gs again refuses to even attempt to answer the question. Shocking.

Using the Socratic principle, I answered your quetion
with a question.


you didn't get that but it's par for the course for you.

As a state senator the only bill Obama got passed was
a hallal food bill to accomodate moslems, he also tried
to pass a bill designating an Illinois state holiday to
honor muhammed that failed.

As a US senator he illegally campaigned for a marxist
in Kenya and now he and Hitlery have successfully
enabled sharia law to be established in Kenyan courts
through a constitutional amendment.

Obama and Hitlery have supported a would-be marxist
takeover in Honduras and now we find through the
gunwalker investigation that they, along with Holder
have been facilitating the shipments of illegal weapons
to Honduras that most likely are meant to arm marxist
guerrilla forces.

How much of that are you still denying?


Can you explain a difference in "principle" in these situations?

Your obfuscations are tedious at best.

The principle I'm talking about is that in some countries
of Europe there are areas a native citizen can't go
because they have been taken over by moslem
immigrants who have begun to rule those areas
under sharia law.

Western thinking is far different, we tend to think of
nations and nationalities but the ummah generally
consider only two countries, one ruled by sharia under
islam and the other to be conquered one way or another
and made to submit to islam.

You should do some reading on cloisters. Most guests must be invited, and then their access is extremely limited.

No doubt.

Yes. You can take one Bible per traveler into Saudi Arabia. More than that and they consider you to be proselytizing.

You are the only one I have ever heard make that

Here are some sites that refute your claim:

Christian site. (quoting SA airlines site)
Bibles, Crucifixes Not Allowed into Saudi Arabia, Christian News

Secular site.
Is it a crime to possess a Christian Bible in Saudi Arabia? - Yahoo! Answers

Jewish site.
Saudi Arabia Bars Bible-Bearing Flight Attendant - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Copt site.
EXECUTED FOR TAKING BIBLES INTO SAUDI ARABIA Unpopular Arab Thoughts That All Arabs Have Thought

What do you call the principle that moslems demand
the right to prosletize anywhere but forbid it in their
own territory.

Furthermore what do you thnk of the death penalty
for anyone to leave islam?? Remember, most all muslims
are so because they have had the misfortune to be
born into a muslim household, Where is the freedom
in that??

I think gs should join the military and fight islam. More effective than being an idiot on msg boards, imo.

I am a veteran and furthermore served in an intelligence
capacity and my entry test into that program was
administered in the Arabic language, and that was
probably even before your grand daddy was born.

You use the word 'idiot' quite frequently.

I suggest that if you are interested in anyone not
being an idiot on a message board then you should
quit making so many vacuous, puerile comments.

No you didn't answer it, you retarded piece of ****. Act like you have a pair and quit dodging questions.
No you didn't answer it, you retarded piece of ****. Act like you have a pair and quit dodging questions.

Sieg heil mine fuher.

Must you be so banal?


If you demand a yay or a nay then yay.

The reasons are encyclopedic.

To be fair, and if you want to carry on the conversation
in an adult, gentlemanly way (unlike your last post
indicates) man up and answer my question;

Does anti-Jewish bias play any role in what we are
talking about??

I didn't ask, it was a link. I just thought it was funny that you're acting like Islam is the Devil because "it's too violent" but the Crusades were just righteous killing.

Well you must recall that the islamic jihad had been
going on for fifteen hundred years now and the crusades
were rather brief in duration and the crusaders had
plenty of reason to fight back, perhaps much more than
the reasons we have for being in Iraq, Afghanistan and
the bombing of Libya.

The Normans liberated Sicily from the moslems in 1072.

After three years of battle in the First Crusade the
Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.

In the Second Crusade the Crusaders circa 1147-49
failed to capture Damascus.

During he Third Crusade or the King’s Crusade circa
1189-92, the Crusaders failed to capture Jerusalem.

The King’s Crusade ended with a peace treaty signed
between Sultan Saladin and Richard the Lionheart that allowed the Christians pilgrimage to Jerusalem which
remained under Muslim control. (Of course we know
that the koran tells muslim leaders to make no peace
treaty that exceeds ten years and even then if a better
way of jihad is discovered then ignore the treaty and
proceed as usual. It wasn't long before moslems were
taking European slaves, castrating the men and cutting
out their tongues and never stopped taking black slaves
until today. As matter of fact the moslemsms never
honored the treaty at all except in and about Jerusalem
for a while.)

The Crusaders captured Constantinople in 1204. The
Fourth Crusade ended without even reaching the Holy

Joint forces of Christian Kingdoms of the Iberian
Peninsula - Castile, Aragon, Navarre and Portugal
severely defeated the Berber Moslems in the Battle of
Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212. The event was the
turning point in the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula
by the Christian Kingdoms.

The last Muslim stronghold in Spain, Granada, fell to
the Christians in 1492 the same year Columbus
'discovered' America.

For over 700 years muslims were tyrants to the people
of all or portions of the Iberian penensula.

The Children’s Crusade of 1212. Thousands of children
departed to the Holy Land but the vast majority were
sold into slavery and never made it neither to the Holy
Land nor back home.

The Fifth Crusade of 1217-21 resulted in Sultan Al-Kamil
agreeing to surrender Jerusalem, Bethlehem and
Nazareth to the Crusaders.

The Seventh Crusade led by Louis IX of France to Egypt
failed. Louis IX was captured and released after paying
an enormous ransom in 1250.

Louis IX of France died in 1270 during the Eighth
Crusade which ended as a failure.

Mamluks captured Acre in 1291, the last Crusader
stronghold in the Holy Land.

1324 marked the death of Marco Polo, the Venetian
merchant known for his journey to China and who
described the thriving Assyrian Christian church network
founded by St Thomas that stretched all along the silk
road and was also an important influence in China itself.

At no time did the the Crusades recover for Chrisendom
the destroyed churches of the Arabian penensula, the
Tigris Euphrates valleys, or in northern Africa and many
other areas.

Ottoman forces under Bayezid I decisively defeated
the Christian allies under the leadership of Sigismund
of Hungary and the future Holy Roman Emperor at the
Battle of Nicopolis in 1396. Bulgaria became an Ottoman
vassal state.

Ottoman Sultan Murad I decisively defeated the Serbian
forces led by Prince Lazar at the Battle of Kosovo in
1389. Prince Lazar and most of the Serbian nobility are
killed in the battle.

The Ottomans under Sultan Murad II decisively defeated
the crusader army led by Polish-Hungarian king
Wladislaw III who was killed in the battle in 1444.
The event set the stage for the Fall of Constantinople.
(Now istanbul and still controled by the moslems under
a Turkish government that seems intent on reviving the
Ottoman Empire.)

The Ottomans under Sultan Mehmed II captured
Constantinople in 1453. The Fall of Constantinople
marked the end of the Byzantine Empire. (or the head
of the eastern branch of the Orthodox Catholic Christian
Church and it's political affiliates.)

In 1683 the Ottoman muslim Turks laid siege to Vienna
in Austria, only with the reinfocement from a Polish army
was the siege broken.

We are living in a day of a war that is very very old.

Time construction next 4 miles.
Watch for falling clocks.
So who are they referring to in the prayer, Sikhs
and Hindus, or may Zoroastrians and Taoists??

You are a terrific example of the 'strain at the gnat
and swallow the camel' crowd.

BTW, what country?

"Those who evoked your anger and those who have gone astray"... It doesn't get much clearer. If I'm a Muslim, am I immune from evoking God's anger and going astray??? It's pretty much a generality. But your mind is already made up, your hatred and fear of Muslims clouds your judgement.

What country? Jordan.
You realize that the 4th Crusade was about an Italian Doge capturing Eastern Orthodox CHRISTIAN Constantinople and converting it to Roman Catholicism, right? It is proof-positive that the Crusades were foreign adventures for wealth with a religious excuse.
Last edited:
Sieg heil mine fuher.

Must you be so banal?

If you demand a yay or a nay then yay.

The reasons are encyclopedic.

To be fair, and if you want to carry on the conversation
in an adult, gentlemanly way (unlike your last post
indicates) man up and answer my question;

Does anti-Jewish bias play any role in what we are
talking about??

Any bias toward religion is bound to skew feelings toward or about another religion. However, to say that an anti-Christian bias somehow corrupts one's feelings toward Islam more than an anti-Islamic bias would is just silly. I refuse to believe that you actually believe that, and if you do, there is certainly some truth to my post.

As for my post towards you, I feel that considering your approach to most here that disagree with you, the name-calling is entirely acceptable. It's amazing to me that you continue to ***** about the name-calling considering your actions. Like I said in another thread. You can get as animated as you want, I sure as hell do, as long as you can take what you dish out.
Using the Socratic principle, I answered your quetion
with a question.


you didn't get that but it's par for the course for you.

As a state senator the only bill Obama got passed was
a hallal food bill to accomodate moslems, he also tried
to pass a bill designating an Illinois state holiday to
honor muhammed that failed.

As a US senator he illegally campaigned for a marxist
in Kenya and now he and Hitlery have successfully
enabled sharia law to be established in Kenyan courts
through a constitutional amendment.

Obama and Hitlery have supported a would-be marxist
takeover in Honduras and now we find through the
gunwalker investigation that they, along with Holder
have been facilitating the shipments of illegal weapons
to Honduras that most likely are meant to arm marxist
guerrilla forces.

How much of that are you still denying?


Your obfuscations are tedious at best.

The principle I'm talking about is that in some countries
of Europe there are areas a native citizen can't go
because they have been taken over by moslem
immigrants who have begun to rule those areas
under sharia law.

Western thinking is far different, we tend to think of
nations and nationalities but the ummah generally
consider only two countries, one ruled by sharia under
islam and the other to be conquered one way or another
and made to submit to islam.

No doubt.

You are the only one I have ever heard make that

Here are some sites that refute your claim:

Christian site. (quoting SA airlines site)
Bibles, Crucifixes Not Allowed into Saudi Arabia, Christian News

Secular site.
Is it a crime to possess a Christian Bible in Saudi Arabia? - Yahoo! Answers

Jewish site.
Saudi Arabia Bars Bible-Bearing Flight Attendant - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Copt site.
EXECUTED FOR TAKING BIBLES INTO SAUDI ARABIA Unpopular Arab Thoughts That All Arabs Have Thought

What do you call the principle that moslems demand
the right to prosletize anywhere but forbid it in their
own territory.

Furthermore what do you thnk of the death penalty
for anyone to leave islam?? Remember, most all muslims
are so because they have had the misfortune to be
born into a muslim household, Where is the freedom
in that??

I am a veteran and furthermore served in an intelligence
capacity and my entry test into that program was
administered in the Arabic language, and that was
probably even before your grand daddy was born.

You use the word 'idiot' quite frequently.

I suggest that if you are interested in anyone not
being an idiot on a message board then you should
quit making so many vacuous, puerile comments.


So I'm being childish...and you try and make fun of my age? If you took an entrance exam before my grandfather was born - you would be over 110. Congrats. Waiting for the obit.
You realize that the 4th Crusade was about an Italian Doge capturing Eastern Orthodox CHRISTIAN Constantinople and converting it to Roman Catholicism, right? It is proof-positive that the Crusades were foreign adventures for wealth with a religious excuse.

Bump. Would like gs' take on the 4th Crusade.
"Those who evoked your anger and those who have gone astray"... It doesn't get much clearer. If I'm a Muslim, am I immune from evoking God's anger and going astray??? It's pretty much a generality. But your mind is already made up, your hatred and fear of Muslims clouds your judgement.

What country? Jordan.

I think you are going off half cocked about my

Do you understand the islamic doctrine of 'tahrif'?

If you do then you understand that when they
speak of those 'gone astray' they are referring
to Jews and Christians.

Referring to islamic texts; surah 2:27, surah 2:28-79.

Never mind that they are factually wrong in those

But of course in a moslem decides to leave islam
he is going astray the the death penalty is
ascribed to any such apostate.

Never mind that he never made the choice to
enter islam, he just happened to be born into
a family of moslems.

You realize that the 4th Crusade was about an Italian Doge capturing Eastern Orthodox CHRISTIAN Constantinople and converting it to Roman Catholicism, right? It is proof-positive that the Crusades were foreign adventures for wealth with a religious excuse.

Do you realize that fifteen hundred years of islamic
jihad has been all about money and power?

Much of the motivation of the crusades had to do
with having to pay tribute to the moslem world.

BTW, they did intend to go all the way to Jerusalem
during the 4th crusade, it just didn't happen.

Any bias toward religion is bound to skew feelings toward or about another religion. However, to say that an anti-Christian bias somehow corrupts one's feelings toward Islam more than an anti-Islamic bias would is just silly. I refuse to believe that you actually believe that, and if you do, there is certainly some truth to my post.

As for my post towards you, I feel that considering your approach to most here that disagree with you, the name-calling is entirely acceptable. It's amazing to me that you continue to ***** about the name-calling considering your actions. Like I said in another thread. You can get as animated as you want, I sure as hell do, as long as you can take what you dish out.

You strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.

I see you demand and answer to your question and
ignore mine, nothing at all new about that.

Go ahead and split some more hairs though, I'm sure
it makes you think you are real hip.

So I'm being childish...and you try and make fun of my age? If you took an entrance exam before my grandfather was born - you would be over 110. Congrats. Waiting for the obit.

Well I figured your age to be about eight, since that
is about the level of maturity you display.

Did your grandad ever mention respect for your elders?

Bump. Would like gs' take on the 4th Crusade.

And I am interested in how you related the 4th
crusade to the question of whether or not islamic
sharia law should be allowed in American courts.
Gs, are you talking about your question of Anti-Jewish bias? If so, see my thoughts about Anti-Christian bias. To suggest that either corrupt knowledge of or one's view of Islam as much as an Anti-Islamic bias is ridiculous. lt would be the same if you switched any of them up, and I would have no problem calling the anti-Christian or anti-Jew an idiot either.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Bottom line, I think all religious nuts are ****ing idiots, be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish or otherwise.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
And I am interested in how you related the 4th
crusade to the question of whether or not islamic
sharia law should be allowed in American courts.

Who on this board has ever said it should be? You're arguing with yourself
By fanatics you mean Westboro, correct? Then you'd be right.

But they have the right to be idiotic.

They do. I also have the right to let them know that.

As for fanatics, yes people like Westboro, although there are plenty of people who fall short of that type of over-the-top crap that can still be fanatical and idiotic.
Obama is a Muslim Communist Nazi Hippie. He is also the offspring of Satan.

I hope he gets re-elected in '12 just so I can enjoy 4 more years of gs' funny pictures.

He certainly can be all four.

The nazis and the moslems were allies just seventy
years ago when America fought WWII.

The moslems fielded three divisions of crack SS troops
that specialized in brutalizing and exterminating Jews
and any Christians who happened to support them.

As a matter of fact Hitler was happy with merely
sending away all Jews from Germany and captured
territory but the mufti of Jerusalem convinced him to
enact the final solution.

The communists, just another face of statist socialism,
took over where the the fascists left off after the war,
soon the communist Nasser of Egypt tried to eliminate
Israel in 1949.

Obama's butthole communist pal Ayers helped to incite
unrest in Egypt recently and our best ally of the arab
world was overthrown and now the muslim brotherhood
is calling the shots in that country.

As for the peace sign, it represents a semaphore
meaning ND which stands for nuclear disarmament and
Obama recently signed a pact with Russia that Reagan
would never have signed that disadvantages America.

And that doesn't even consider China which is building
subs with balistic missiles while our own American navy
will soon be at it's lowest level of strength since WWI.

Bottom line, I think all religious nuts are ****ing idiots, be they Muslim, Christian, Jewish or otherwise.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Which doesn't mean that there are non-religious nuts
who are ****ing idiots, I could give you some good
examples close at hand.

But OTOH, can I take it you vote against the ACLU
and the moslem groups on this matter??

Who on this board has ever said it should be? You're arguing with yourself

I'm not very sure that some have no problem with it,
including you.

Only if they push their drivel on others.

So then you do support the rights of states banning
sharia law in their courtrooms??

Interesting article, the following excerpt is a prelude
to the article.

Meanwhile, in Britain there are concerns that Sharia
courts are enforcing anti-woman decisions; in Canada
Hindus protest Muslim religious services held in public
schools; and in both countries polygamy is officially
condoned when husbands receive welfare payments
for multiple wives.

France and Belgium, on the other hand, are having
second thoughts about “multiculturalism,” and have
banned the burqa in public. Liberals want us to
emulate the French. In this respect at least, let
us do so.

“Tolerance” does not require that we tolerate the
intolerable. “Diversity” does not require that we
tolerate diverse varieties of injustice, oppression,
and misogyny. “Sensitivity” does not require that
we be sensitive to the feelings (if any) of those
who are so utterly insensitive that they oppress
women, mutilate girls, and practice “honor”

“Multiculturalism” does not require that we throw
our own culture into the trash − and endanger
ourselves in the bargain.

On the contrary, our values require that we apply
the same standards of justice and protection to all
people within our borders. Sometimes we fall short,
but this is no excuse to abandon our values. Other
nations are defined by their ethnicity; we are defined
by our values.

If we abandon our values, we lose our reason
for existence.


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