ACLU pardners with moslem organization to promote islamic sharia law in America.

Who is an idiot?

No, puerile fatuity!


One of the pillars is prayer, let me say this about that:

The Fatiha (Opening) is the first sura (chapter) of
the Qur’an and most common prayer of Islam. If you’re
a pious Muslim who prays the five requisite daily
prayers of Islam, you will recite the Fatiha seventeen
times in the course of those prayers.

From Wafa Sultan’s book “A God Who Hates” pg. 168:

“A Muslim prays five times a day, and on each
occasion he recites the Fatiha, the first verse
of the Koran, a number of times. This verse
describes Christians as “those who have gone
astray” and Jews as “those who have incurred
Your wrath.” We see from this that Muslims
execrate Christians and Jews a number of times
in the course of a single prayer, which they
repeat five times a day.

Another thing is that islam divides the world into
two houses, the house of islam and the house of

In the house of islam the will of allah (as interpreted
by their religious leaders) is the highest rule.

The house of war is any and all areas not included
in the house of islam. Moslems are instructed to
conquer those areas, making jihad in whatever
manner, that can be anything from using kaffir
courtrooms to blowing up subway stations.

Migration for the sake of jihad is and has been used
for going on fifteen hundred years.

Here is just one example:


'You can't preach the Bible here, this is a Muslim area': What police told Christian preachers | Mail Online

France presently has 750+ 'no-go areas' where non-
moslems are not permitted, not even the French police
enter, effectively they are under sharia rule.


How many Christian "no-go areas" are in France?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
1. According to Christian dotrine, non-Christians are not equal. According to US Law, non-Citizens are not equal.

2. Hooch is served and consumed throughout the Arab world; just as there are Southern Baptists and Pentecostals that drink liquor and make moonsine. Your knowledge on anything and everything concerning the Arab Muslim world is either nonexistent or completely corrupted by your biggoted Christian zealotry.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Non Christians are equal under American law.

Therein lies the rub, moslems want to be more than

My knowledge of the world of islam isn't corrupted by
anything, yours however is corrupted by your obvious
anti-Christian bias.
gs, the Koran is quite explicit in saying Christians and Jews are people "of the book" who are to be treated as brothers for they believe in the day of judgment.

Tell me that the above is not present in the Koran.
Non Christians are equal under American law.

Not exactly true. The American Justice System has recognized "asylum" for a couple centuries now. While an agnostic or an atheist may enter a Church for asylum, it is questionable as to whether or not the presider would welcome them and allow them to remain inside.

Therein lies the rub, moslems want to be more than

They might want their name spelled correctly and given proper noun status.

My knowledge of the world of islam isn't corrupted by
anything, yours however is corrupted by your obvious
anti-Christian bias.

I have no anti-Christian bias. Unlike you, I always capitalize both Christian and Muslim; Christianity and Islam. You might want to remove that beam from your eye now.
so an anti-Christian bias corrupts knowledge of Islam more than an anti-Muslim bias. Stupid just doesn't do that justice.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
"One of the pillars is prayer, let me say this about that:

The Fatiha (Opening) is the first sura (chapter) of
the Qur’an and most common prayer of Islam. If you’re
a pious Muslim who prays the five requisite daily
prayers of Islam, you will recite the Fatiha seventeen
times in the course of those prayers.

From Wafa Sultan’s book “A God Who Hates” pg. 168:

“A Muslim prays five times a day, and on each
occasion he recites the Fatiha, the first verse
of the Koran, a number of times. This verse
describes Christians as “those who have gone
astray” and Jews as “those who have incurred
Your wrath.” We see from this that Muslims
execrate Christians and Jews a number of times
in the course of a single prayer, which they
repeat five times a day." -gs

lol, this is wrong. Go read the Fatiha, it's a very short Sura. It will take you less time to read it than finding one of your stupid pictures. You will not find the word Christian or Jew in the Fatiha.
so an anti-Christian bias corrupts knowledge of Islam more than an anti-Muslim bias. Stupid just doesn't do that justice.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The following is written by a non Christian writer.

The two links have short excerpts included which don't
do the whole articles justice.

Needless to say you probably won't read them as your
previous posts indicate you havn't considered much of
what has been presented previously.

Your mind is made up and that's it, I can only
'hope you will learn better on down the road.

This will make interesting reading for those with
open minds.

K.P.S. Gill: Freedom From Fear -- Politics & Governance - Tolerating Islamist intolerance

Venomous characterisations of Hindus, Jews, Christians
and, generally, all kafirs, are the stock-in-trade of the
discourse in some Muslim countries, often communicated
through official media, such as national television

The ideologies of hatred against other faiths are
systematically propagated in so many Muslim states -
we in India are familiar with the Pakistani case, where
school curricula routinely demonise non-Muslims.

(Many Pakistanis living in America send their children
to Pakistan to attend Madrassas where they are
indoctrinated in koranic teachings.)gs

And do the words or pictures or caricatures by non-
Muslims do more injury to the 'Islamic world' than the
hideous acts of terrorism that Islamists have been
inflicting on non-Muslims - and, indeed, on so many
Muslims - all over the world?

Worse, after so many Muslim-majority states have
simply wiped out their own minorities, or are, even
today, in the process of doing so, these very states
go shrieking around about 'hurting the sentiments of
minorities' when something is said against Muslims or

Many 'Islamic' countries have institutionalised this
intolerance, outlawing the public practice of any other
Faith, and made the possession of any religious icon,
other than Muslim, a punishable offence. Non-Muslim
minorities live in abject terror of blasphemy laws in
Pakistan, as in many other Muslim countries.

Muslim liberals have long advocated 'understanding and
tolerance' when dealing with Muslim sensibilities, but
have seldom been known to aggressively argue for
greater 'understanding and tolerance' for other faiths
in 'Islamic' countries, where the record of intolerance
towards and oppression of religious minorities is utterly
revolting. There is a great 'Muslim exceptionalism' at
work here.

The demand, today, to impose a selective
censorship in Europe on speech that is insulting
to Muslims - when similar speech against other
faiths enjoys full freedom - is an effort by Muslim
minorities to impose, through mass violence and
intimidation, their belief systems within the larger
systems they have come to inhabit.

The final paragraph is basically what this thread is
all about.

Gates of Vienna: Surrender, Genocide… or What?

Finally, we have the controversy over the British
documentary “Undercover Mosque,” which showed
undercover footage from a variety of British mosques
and Islamic centres of Muslims being Muslims.

This development allowed the usual apologists for Islam,
Muslim and non-Muslim, to crawl out of the woodwork,
claiming that the revelations in the film were
meaningless, the intent Islamophobic, and the featured
imams victims. This significantly blunted any effect the
film might otherwise have had in alerting the British
public to the danger of the growing Muslim presence in
their country. It also had the effect of libeling the
creators of the film, as Ofcom itself concluded
that “Undercover Mosque was a legitimate investigation,
uncovering matters of important public interest… On
the evidence (including untransmitted footage and

Ofcom found that the broadcaster had accurately
represented the material it had gathered and dealt with
the subject matter responsibly and in context.”

It is striking to note that there does not seem to be
any discernible philosophy or strategy guiding the
response of the British police or establishment to the
encroachment of Islam into our lives and societies. The
terrible, mind-numbing boilerplate about inclusion, and
integration, and assimilation, and reaching out, and
Muslims being just the same as everyone else, and
inter-community respect, and Islam being one of the
great religions, and on, and on, and on, simply
highlights their complete and utter cluelessness.


They therefore take action against the most
egregious examples of Muslim criminality, whilst
simultaneously recommending that clergymen in
London not wear their collars in public for fear
of being assaulted by adherents of the Religion
of Peace.


Anyone masochistic to enough re-read my earlier
10,000-word essay will find ample explanation of
why I believe that accommodation of, indeed
coexistence with, Islam is impossible, and I do
not propose to revisit those arguments here.

Instead, I will claim that the pathetic and dispiriting
abandonment of pride and principle in the face of Islam
described so far has attained a momentum that renders
it impossible to reverse by any gradual process.

The Holocaust, like the Armenian Genocide that
provided the inspiration for it, was conducted with
as much deception and misdirection as was possible
given the vast numbers of people involved. Both
genocides were heavily reliant on the relocation of
vast numbers of victims to sparsely-inhabited areas
to be dispatched, whether in recently conquered
territories as in the case of Germany, or the wilder
reaches of empire, as in the case of the Ottoman

Some people seem to be more likely to embrace
dhimmitude than others, you seem to fit in the former

The word 'stupid 'doesn't do your post justice,
that's for sure.
Sorry. Not thinking too much, today. Confused myself with our incursion into Mexico at the turn of the Twentieth Century.

Carry on.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

It hasn't been clearly demonstrated that you think
all that much any day.

That you confuse yourself is no surprise to anyone.

News Item

We frequently hear about religious fanatics, but there
are also secular fanatics. Examples include Marxists,
radical environmentalists, and health zealots.

These people strive to control all human activity until
everyone conforms to their ideas. Like all fanatics, they
believe that you can’t have too much of their favorite
I didn't have to go too far back to find this:

Since the recent admonition by Freak, in preparation
for the coming football season, I have been refraining
from that sort of degenertion of discussion.

Prior to that, and some sanctions by some of the
monitors, I never reported objectionable posts.
How many Christian "no-go areas" are in France?
Posted via VolNation Mobile


gs, the Koran is quite explicit in saying Christians and Jews are people "of the book" who are to be treated as brothers for they believe in the day of judgment.

Tell me that the above is not present in the Koran.

That is in in the koran. Written when muhammed
was weak and had few followers, mostly his own

However you don't seem to have read the fine print.

ALL islamic authorities agree that verses that appear
later in the koran take precedence over earlier verses.
(supposedly because 'allah' had revealed more to

One example:

Sura (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son
of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the
son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths;
they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved
before; may Allah destroy them; how they
are turned away!"

Not exactly true. The American Justice System has recognized "asylum" for a couple centuries now. While an agnostic or an atheist may enter a Church for asylum, it is questionable as to whether or not the presider would welcome them and allow them to remain inside.

They might want their name spelled correctly and given proper noun status.

I have no anti-Christian bias. Unlike you, I always capitalize both Christian and Muslim; Christianity and Islam. You might want to remove that beam from your eye now.

Unlike you I accord no divinity to muhammed, he is
a false prophet.

Spawn of the devil not worthy of that sort of respect.

Islam is a blight on humanity and cancerous and an
atithema to any free society.

"One of the pillars is prayer, let me say this about that:

The Fatiha (Opening) is the first sura (chapter) of
the Qur’an and most common prayer of Islam. If you’re
a pious Muslim who prays the five requisite daily
prayers of Islam, you will recite the Fatiha seventeen
times in the course of those prayers.

From Wafa Sultan’s book “A God Who Hates” pg. 168:

“A Muslim prays five times a day, and on each
occasion he recites the Fatiha, the first verse
of the Koran, a number of times. This verse
describes Christians as “those who have gone
astray” and Jews as “those who have incurred
Your wrath.” We see from this that Muslims
execrate Christians and Jews a number of times
in the course of a single prayer, which they
repeat five times a day." -gs

lol, this is wrong. Go read the Fatiha, it's a very short Sura. It will take you less time to read it than finding one of your stupid pictures. You will not find the word Christian or Jew in the Fatiha.

Sura (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah
nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath
been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they
are of the People of the Book, until they pay
the Jizya with willing submission, and feel
themselves subdued."

That is in in the koran. Written when muhammed
was weak and had few followers, mostly his own

However you don't seem to have read the fine print.

ALL islamic authorities agree that verses that appear
later in the koran take precedence over earlier verses.
(supposedly because 'allah' had revealed more to

One example:

Sura (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son
of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the
son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths;
they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved
before; may Allah destroy them; how they
are turned away!"

Unlike you I accord no divinity to muhammed, he is
a false prophet.

Spawn of the devil not worthy of that sort of respect.

Islam is a blight on humanity and cancerous and an
atithema to any free society.

Sura (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah
nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath
been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor
acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they
are of the People of the Book, until they pay
the Jizya with willing submission, and feel
themselves subdued."

So gs, you couldn't find the word Christian or Jew in the Sura you said Muslims say 17 times a day... it's ok.

I live in a predominantly Muslim country. 92% Muslim (Sunni) and the remaining 8% are Christian (Mostly Greek Orthodox and Catholic). Christians are doing fine here, they pay no Jizya. In fact, some of the richest families here are Christian. They are represented in parliament, serve in the army and police force and are free to drink alcohol and eat pork as they please.

My point is... I'm not arguing there aren't any Islamic zealots in this world, there are. But 99% are more concerned in this life about jobs, feeding and educating their children, and just getting by. Are there not Jewish and Christian zealots in this world? 99% of Muslims are not hell bent on destroying and dominating the world... get over it.
So gs, you couldn't find the word Christian or Jew in the Sura you said Muslims say 17 times a day... it's ok.

I live in a predominantly Muslim country. 92% Muslim (Sunni) and the remaining 8% are Christian (Mostly Greek Orthodox and Catholic). Christians are doing fine here, they pay no Jizya. In fact, some of the richest families here are Christian. They are represented in parliament, serve in the army and police force and are free to drink alcohol and eat pork as they please.

My point is... I'm not arguing there aren't any Islamic zealots in this world, there are. But 99% are more concerned in this life about jobs, feeding and educating their children, and just getting by. Are there not Jewish and Christian zealots in this world? 99% of Muslims are not hell bent on destroying and dominating the world... get over it.

Even though the term "Jew" or "Christian" isn't used,
the prayer characterizes them is as I previously stated.

You seem to strain at the gnat and swallow the camel,
as it were.

(I can elaborate extensivly to refute the moslem
claim about Christians and Jews if you wish.)

What country?

Do you have any regligious beliefs of your own?

Do you have any inkling of the definition of the term
'one percenter?'

I am not trying to argue that all moslems are fanatics.

I am arguing that we don't have any need of introducing
sharia law into American courts and I do argue that the
individual states do have the right to outlaw sharia
arguments and disputes into our courts.

So I am saying the marxist inspired ACLU and their
moslem affiliates should lose this court case!
You again clearly demonstrate that your understanding of Marxism is about on par with your understanding of Islam.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Even though the term "Jew" or "Christian" isn't used,
the prayer characterizes them is as I previously stated.

So we've established the Sura doen't... Now please explain to me where in the Islamic prayer, that Jews or Christians are mentioned in any way.

Are there no Christian cloisters in France?

Unlike you I accord no divinity to muhammed, he is
a false prophet.

Spawn of the devil not worthy of that sort of respect.

Islam is a blight on humanity and cancerous and an
atithema to any free society.

Do I accord divinity to any human? What is it that keeps a "prophet" from being a "false prophet?

Are there no members of any Christian sects that could be considered as blights on humanity and/or antithetic to
free society?
so, gs, does anti-Christian bias corrupt one's view of Islam more than an anti-Muslim bias, or not?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I would implore anyone who reads gs' rantings about Muslims that doesn't dismiss them out-of-hand to seek out and meet Muslims in real life, visit Muslim countries, and see that this guy is a hate-monger.
I would implore anyone who reads gs' rantings about Muslims that doesn't dismiss them out-of-hand to seek out and meet Muslims in real life, visit Muslim countries, and see that this guy is a hate-monger.

I'd have ignored him right out of the gate, but the comedy's just golden.
You again clearly demonstrate that your understanding of Marxism is about on par with your understanding of Islam.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Thank you Carnac the great, who knows all.

Reagan had marxists pegged:

"A communist is someone who has read marx,
an anti-communist is someone who understands
what marx wrote!"


So we've established the Sura doen't... Now please explain to me where in the Islamic prayer, that Jews or Christians are mentioned in any way.

So who are they referring to in the prayer, Sikhs
and Hindus, or may Zoroastrians and Taoists??

You are a terrific example of the 'strain at the gnat
and swallow the camel' crowd.

BTW, what country?

Are there no Christian cloisters in France?

You compare a cloister to whole towns or portions
of large cities?

Still, could a moslem not visit a cloister and be
entertained as a guest?

Can you take a Bible into Saudi Arabia?

1Do I accord divinity to any human? 2What is it that keeps a "prophet" from being a "false prophet?

3Are there no members of any Christian sects that could be considered as blights on humanity and/or antithetic to
free society?

1. That is for you to say.
2. Divinity.
3. No.

so, gs, does anti-Christian bias corrupt one's view of Islam more than an anti-Muslim bias, or not?
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Doesn't anti-Jewish bias have any role??

Allah’s Apostle said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight
with the Jews till some of them will hide behind
stones. The stones will (betray them) saying,
‘O ‘Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew
hiding behind me; so kill him.’ “

The epitome of islamic tolerance that Baraq Hussein
Obama brags on.


I would implore anyone who reads gs' rantings about Muslims that doesn't dismiss them out-of-hand to seek out and meet Muslims in real life, visit Muslim countries, and see that this guy is a hate-monger.

Actually I am talking about islam, not individual
moslems, do you have a problem understanding

Confronting your own false beliefs can be
a daunting task, even more so when coupled
with an overwhelming level of corruption
in the world around you, steering you the
wrong way. Coming to grips with the latter
can end your days of innocence about mass
media and politics.

Yes I am the hate-monger who isn't afraid to
point out that islamic pogroms and genocides
have caused the deaths of ten million+ Christians
in the past century, not that many others who
are other than Christian have suffered similar
fates at the hands of the ongoing islamic jihad.

Orwell said something like:
"In times of universal deceipt, it is a revolutionary
act to tell the truth."
One of his posts accused milo or IP of having their mind made up already...

I don't even know how to react to that.
Are there no Christian cloisters in France?

You compare a cloister to whole towns or portions
of large cities?

Can you explain a difference in "principle" in these situations?

Still, could a moslem not visit a cloister and be
entertained as a guest?

You should do some reading on cloisters. Most guests must be invited, and then their access is extremely limited.

Can you take a Bible into Saudi Arabia?

Yes. You can take one Bible per traveler into Saudi Arabia. More than that and they consider you to be proselytizing.

Do I accord divinity to any human? What is it that keeps a "prophet" from being a "false prophet?

Are there no members of any Christian sects that could be considered as blights on humanity and/or antithetic to
free society?

1. That is for you to say.
2. Divinity.
3. No.

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