Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

the first cops pulled up and that teacher that met them at the front door was obviously receiving texts from terrified staff members. she said "there are a lot of kids upstairs" or something to that effect.

by design, by planning, or by luck, the majority of the students were upstairs. those cops cleaned that building so fast, they won the race against time to get up there and end it quickly.

in the bodycam footage, you can see miniscule moments of hesitation, but they pushed themselves or each other on. i am proud of the nashville police department. i am proud of the staff there. they saved many, many lives.

though their bravery fills my heart, i have the giant deflation of heartbreak simultaneously. they are clearing a school. with little backpacks in the cubbies, arts and crafts on the wall, seasonal decorations on bulletin boards. it's massively depressing to think about those families.
Don't tell me that a condition that was documented as a mental illness up until 2012 is now so fully understood to the point that you can make definitive statements. You may be right. You may be wrong. But there are plenty of legitimate questions here.

I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.
This is the shot. Shooter still standing on the left edge of the large window.

View attachment 543556

He comes around the corner and takes her out quick.

Wish they had been closer.
Remember the police somewhere that hid, the ones that stood there for like 15 minutes while the person kept shooting and the security guy that ran away? My kids school is like Fort Knox 😂 try bringing them lunch if they forgot it lol.. but that girl just shot through the glass front doors (which you can so with any gun, or a rock or brick..and just walked right in.. super scary
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they pulled up and that teacher that met them at the front door was obviously receiving texts from terrified staff members. she said "there are a lot of kids upstairs" or something to that effect.

by design, by planning, or by luck, the majority of the students were upstairs. those cops cleaned that building so fast, they won the race against time to get up there and end it quickly.

you can see miniscule moments of hesitation, but they pushed themselves or each other on. i am proud of the nashville police department. i am proud of the staff there. they saved many, many lives.

though their bravery fills my heart, i have the giant deflation of heartbreak simultaneously. they are clearing a school. with little backpacks in the cubbies, arts and crafts on the wall, seasonal decorations on bulletin boards.

That is so painful to watch, without even seeing a single child. To watch law enforcement searching thru a school hunting down a killer. Ugh that is beyond awful.
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Well one of the victims families from a mass shooting thinks it’ll accomplish educating people on what those guns do.

But if being enraged is a motivating favor to make changes then absolutely.
Did she actually have AR-15s? She could’ve broken the glass front door with a rock, and she could’ve been just as effective with a handgun if she were a good shooter..just in attorney mode here 😂 Devil’s advocate
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the first cops pulled up and that teacher that met them at the front door was obviously receiving texts from terrified staff members. she said "there are a lot of kids upstairs" or something to that effect.

by design, by planning, or by luck, the majority of the students were upstairs. those cops cleaned that building so fast, they won the race against time to get up there and end it quickly.

in the bodycam footage, you can see miniscule moments of hesitation, but they pushed themselves or each other on. i am proud of the nashville police department. i am proud of the staff there. they saved many, many lives.

though their bravery fills my heart, i have the giant deflation of heartbreak simultaneously. they are clearing a school. with little backpacks in the cubbies, arts and crafts on the wall, seasonal decorations on bulletin boards.
“Let’s go!” “Let’s go, now!”

They went in immediately. They did it right.
I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.

They have a higher suicide rate than any other mental illness by 2 fold. Bipolar, schizophrenics, clinical depression, major depression, etc. No other demographic comes close.

On top of that is the simple fact that they are delisional. They believe in a false reality. It has nothing to do with being “weird” or “misunderstood”
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Well one of the victims families from a mass shooting thinks it’ll accomplish educating people on what those guns do.

But if being enraged is a motivating favor to make changes then absolutely.
So it is to enrage. A worthy goal in your estimation. I understand the anger.

Everyone knows what happens when you level a gun on a child and fire. Not buying the educational aspect.
I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.

You believe and insist you are a gender that you aren’t. You’re ill.
Yeah F people with emotions about children getting obliterated by ARs. Weak, amirite[/QUOTE
Yeah F people with emotions about children getting obliterated by ARs. Weak, amirite
Everyone is upset about these kids I believe, we just need to come together in determining how this happened and prevent it from happening again, without everyone (either side) digging in their heels
The overall US homicide rate depending on the year is around 6 per 100k. Plenty of other developed countries are at or above that rate. More interestingly the white homicide rate is on par with that of Canada or the EU (depending on the year it may be slightly above or slightly below, but is essentially the same) despite white American's have far greater access to guns than inhabitants of the other countries.

The unfortunate truth is that there is a massive black homicide problem in this country (12-13% of the population commits over 50% of all homicides). If the issue were guns, wouldn't both the white and black homicide rates be elevated? Especially given white Americans own more guns?
There are 5 EU countries with homicide rates far above the rest of the bloc that skew the numbers, and Canada has gun laws that are closer to ours than they are to, say, Germany’s. Nice red herring with bringing race into it, though.
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Yes. The rounds have different ballistics.

The end result is ultimately the same.

So it’s your belief a mass shooter can do just as much damage with a handgun as they can with an AR?

Let’s say someone breaks into your kids school and starts shooting. You want them to have an AR or a handgun?
“Suck it up buttercup” to the families of murdered 9 year olds so you can own an AR and go plinking with your buddies on the weekends? That’s depraved, sir.

His and his buddies firearms have nothing to do with murdered 9 year olds. You're the depraved one, with an agenda, to make such associations.

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