Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

Which is fine. But the words I quoted were yours? Or am I mistaken?

I didn’t say my goal was to enrage, tho. I simply answered your question by saying “if” being enraged makes you want change then absolutely.

But I see what you’re saying. My opinion is there should be change. But I also don’t think sharing things on an anonymous message board is gonna do much to enact change. Just sharing things on topics that are being discussed to add to discussion.
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Those parents don’t get their kids back. Doesn’t matter if male, female. It was a hate crime by a trans targeting a Christian school. That’s the reporting

Doesn't matter if the shooter was male or female because the parents don't get their kids back. But it matters that the shooter was trans, because the parents care about that?
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When I was in school whenever these shootings started happening (I still remember the Columbine coverage on Channel One News) I would plan my escape routes for different classes/locations. Sometimes I'd wonder, what would I do if the shooter(s) was close? Fight? What if they were near a class I knew had family inside, or my best friend or a girl I was dating? Could I live with myself if I didn't try to help? Could I trust this elderly teacher or that meek teacher to lead the class(es) to safety? Could I trust that other students would help if I did engage the shooter(s)? Would I have the courage to help someone else that was engaging?

I didn't think about it a lot, but you know how it is when you're in school. Your mind wanders from time to time. Maybe there was a mock shooting "drill" (whatever they were called) that week that had it on your mind. Sometimes you'd read books about it, or see the stories on TV. Another shooting happened somewhere else so you're thinking about it. Just as fleeting as anything else. At least enough to know the escape routes for any part of the school that I was in.

Now, as a parent with girls. It's crushing to think about. Little kids. What can anyone really do?
My .30-06 bolt action is going to do way more damage than a typical 5.56 AR-15. Hell, my .40 Glock handgun will as well and I can shoot it just as fast.
How fast can you shoot the .30-06? And as for the 40, does the term “muzzle velocity” mean anything to you? How many rounds will the factory mag hold?
There are 5 EU countries with homicide rates far above the rest of the bloc that skew the numbers, and Canada has gun laws that are closer to ours than they are to, say, Germany’s. Nice red herring with bringing race into it, though.

You’re still pointing out all the zebras in the distance when there’s a horse right in front of you. It’s safe to assume rates of mental disorders are fairly consistent across different nations, and yet no other developed country has anything close to the homicide rate that the US does. It’s our extreme permissiveness with firearms. Period. In other news the sky is blue.

So your argument is that Canada has similar laws and lower homicide than the EU (which has far stricter laws) but the problem is 100% the laws? Do you even try to make logical arguments?

Yes, in America there are multiple states that skew the numbers for the rest of the country but we don't get to cherry pick and remove the blackest states (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Maryland) simply because of their homicide rates.
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Well one of the victims families from a mass shooting thinks it’ll accomplish educating people on what those guns do.

But if being enraged is a motivating favor to make changes then absolutely.
So the gun sprouted legs, walked in the school and "did that" to the kids? I fail to follow your logic. An AR-15 was not used. You could be just as accurate posting what a BMG does to a body.
I like your line of thought here.

95,000 schools to harden.

What went in to your $240k per school per year?

Really just pulled a random percentage out of the defense budget and this is what came out. Then schools would have to figure how many officers at what pay, full or part time, summers off or not. A lot of variables that would really get into the weeds, I know. But just used it as a starting point.
So the gun sprouted legs, walked in the school and "did that" to the kids? I fail to follow your logic. An AR-15 was not used. You could be just as accurate posting what a BMG does to a body.

I. Didn’t. Write. The. Article.

ARs were being discussed. I shared an article about ARs.
Doesn't matter if the shooter was male or female because the parents don't get their kids back. But it matters that the shooter was trans, because the parents care about that?
That’s correct, because it was a hate crime. The fact you’re upset about the wording/correction shows the lives are secondary.
I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.
But that isn't what was said. You deny there is any correlation. I pointed out the high rate of mental illness associated with those that identified as LBTQ etc and drew a logical conclusion that that may make them at risk for higher rates of erratic and or violent behavior........ And you dismissed it outright.

I don't care to demonize any group of people. But these are legitimate questions and perhaps it's time we take kid gloves off and have real discussions instead of skirting the issue because it may offend someone. Science and facts should never be dismissed or ignored because it's inconvenient.
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So your argument is that Canada has similar laws and lower homicide than the EU (which has far stricter laws) but the problem is 100% the laws? Do you even try to make logical arguments?

Yes, in America there are multiple states that skew the numbers for the rest of the country but we don't get to cherry pick and remove the blackest states (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Maryland) simply because of their homicide rates.
Yet cherry pick is exactly what you did to begin with…
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So it’s your belief a mass shooter can do just as much damage with a handgun as they can with an AR?

Let’s say someone breaks into your kids school and starts shooting. You want them to have an AR or a handgun?

Yes. The majority of all homicides are committed with handguns. Including the most lethal school shooting of all time, Va Tech
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I didn’t say my goal was to enrage, tho. I simply answered your question by saying “if” being enraged makes you want change then absolutely.

But I see what you’re saying. My opinion is there should be change. But I also don’t think sharing things on an anonymous message board is gonna do much to enact change. Just sharing things on topics that are being discussed to add to discussion.
I agree there should be change. Schools should no longer be soft targets. Then, these cowards will stop targeting schools. That would be addressing the actual problem though. Leftists don't want to do that.
I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.

On the surface, I agree with this. I should also say that I appreciate that the MNPD and most of the media have are referring to Hale by her given name and biological sex. She was a piece of **** and not deserving of respect or kindness.

To your point, I think there is something to consider here when analyzing this event in the greater context of recent shootings. This is now the 4th incident of a transgender person committing a shooting attack in the past 4 years (Colorado Springs, Denver, Aberdeen). It's the second that was committed by a biological female identifying as a male, which is extremely interesting given how rare it is for females to carry out such attacks. This is obviously a very small sample, but it should raise some questions. We know that gender dysphoria is coupled with a variety of mental illnesses in a high percentage of cases, namely depression, bipolar, borderline, schizophrenia, and anti-social personality disorder. The medical and psychiatric community in the country has rapidly moved away from treating gender dysphoria via counseling or mental health practices, and has instead taken the approach of "confirming" the person's gender identity. This results in these coexisting mental illnesses to either go untreated, or the caregivers simply cross their fingers and hope that they will magically go away if the sufferer's "identity" is "confirmed."

Even if the professional communities insist upon treating gender dysphoria as a reality that must be confirmed, it is critical that we start asking whether or not it might also be a symptom of a larger mental malady. On the flip side, we must also flesh out whether or not some declarations of gender non-congruence are in fact attention-seeking behavior. Extreme attention-seeking tends to escalate.
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