Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

“Suck it up buttercup” to the families of murdered 9 year olds so you can own an AR and go plinking with your buddies on the weekends? That’s depraved, sir.

When the first reaction to a tragic even is to start suggesting innocent law abiding citizens be punished, that is depraved. Actually it is beyond depraved it is a sign of mental illness.
We could have funded that with what we sent to the Ukraine?

Glad you brought this up because I’ve run through some rough calculations after several of these school shootings. There are about 95,000 public schools in the US. If there was a block grant to states, mandated to distribute funds equally and directly to each individual public school for armed security officers and other security measures ONLY, it would cost about $19.3B annually OR just over $200K per year per school. Here’s how…

The defense budget in 2022 was $772B. It’s even higher in 2023. If we peeled off just 2.5% of that budget ($19.3B), it would fund those measures at just over $200K for each school. Or, as you astutely mentioned, we could have easily paid for it out of monies that went to Ukraine. At 3%, approx $240K would go to each school for armed security officers and other security measures. Just a rough sketch for discussion and plenty of other bloated bureaucracies to pull funds from to make these numbers work.
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Commendations are in order for these officers who didn't cowardly sit outside barricaded behind vehicles or on the other side of an unlocked door while children where being slaughtered.

Impressive work by those officers. Those body cam videos are amazing. No hesitation at all.
You’re still pointing out all the zebras in the distance when there’s a horse right in front of you. It’s safe to assume rates of mental disorders are fairly consistent across different nations, and yet no other developed country has anything close to the homicide rate that the US does. It’s our extreme permissiveness with firearms. Period. In other news the sky is blue.

Actually we far outpace (by miles) by number and per capita the people with prescriptions for mental illnesses.
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The overall US homicide rate depending on the year is around 6 per 100k. Plenty of other developed countries are at or above that rate. More interestingly the white homicide rate is on par with that of Canada or the EU (depending on the year it may be slightly above or slightly below, but is essentially the same) despite white American's have far greater access to guns than inhabitants of the other countries.

The unfortunate truth is that there is a massive black homicide problem in this country (12-13% of the population commits over 50% of all homicides). If the issue were guns, wouldn't both the white and black homicide rates be elevated? Especially given white Americans own more guns?
You keep bringing this up and I've tried to let is slide because we debated this extensively a while back.
You need to filter your numbers through socio-economic filters instead of lazily and dangerously focusing on race.
If you were to do so, you would learn a lot, chiefly that your whole hypothesis is meaningless.
Is it ridiculous? I don’t make the terms up. Christian school targeted by a trans in time when the state that is banning drag shows. Would you prefer domestic terrorist or is that assigned to suburban parents at school boards?
I think all of the terms are useless. "Hate crimes" are still crimes. The term doesn't prevent anything and other than tracking trends of the motivations of deranged people.
I agree that we could do a better job as Christians sometimes, we know how we are supposed to act, but sometimes don’t live our faith as well as we should..but, we are like anyone else, imperfect

Not be snide or disrespectful on any level. What you say is true, and I'm certainly not an exception. Yet, we still have an obligation to actively strive. He literally commanded us to do so. [Matthew 5:44 - 48]
Glad you brought this up because I’ve run through some rough calculations after several of these school shootings. There are about 95,000 public schools in the US. If there was a block grant to states, mandated to distribute funds equally and directly to each individual public school for armed security officers and other security measures ONLY, it would cost about $19.3B annually OR just over $200K per year per school. Here’s how…

The defense budget in 2022 was $772B. It’s even higher in 2023. If we peeled off just 2.5% of that budget ($19.3B), it would fund those measures at just over $200K for each school. Or, as you astutely mentioned, we could have easily paid for it out of monies that went to Ukraine. At 3%, approx $240K would go to each school for armed security officers and other security measures. Just a rough sketch for discussion and plenty of other bloated bureaucracies to pull funds from to make these numbers work.
That's why it's so infuriating. We act like somehow we can't afford to make our schools safer. That's not true, we just don't want to afford it.
Not be snide or disrespectful on any level. What you say is true, and I'm certainly not an exception. Yet, we still have an obligation to actively strive. He literally commanded us to do so. [Matthew 5:44 - 48]
Ha! Now you quoted scripture! 😂. Just kidding 😂 I think most Christians do strive to do the right things, but sometimes people do fall short.. but this has taken an odd turn 😂.. I think this girl had in her mind that Christians were somehow persecuting her because they did not approve of her changing into a man.. which I am going to out on a limb and say the Bible is never going to say it’s cool.. it goes against pretty much everything..and we can’t rewrite it to suit people’s needs.. she can do it as she was an adult with free will, to make mistakes..but the church is never going to say ‘hey, that’s a great idea’ lol and I think that was probably what she was wanting.. that or she was just plum crazy and there’s no way to make sense of it
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How is it that right-leaning media pushes their agenda harder than anyone and yet it’s also people on the right calling the press the “enemy of the people?” I can’t figure that one out.

Because you're being nonsensical. How many years of Russia narrative, irrational pandemic panic and incuriosity surrounding the abdication of the medical community for treating it while wrecking economies and lockstep vax fascism do you require to "figure it out"?
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸
The trans shooter left a manifest not a suicide note and it isn’t hard to infer the message intended

‘You mess with our kids, we kill your kids’

Textbook act of domestic terrorism
It would be good to see what she wrote before jumping to conclusions. It may well be what you assume but let's see.
You keep bringing this up and I've tried to let is slide because we debated this extensively a while back.
You need to filter your numbers through socio-economic filters instead of lazily and dangerously focusing on race.
If you were to do so, you would learn a lot, chiefly that your whole hypothesis is meaningless.

You're missing the point because you're focusing on "why is the black rate higher"? My point is simple and one you can't answer so you just pretend it's "dangerous":

If the white homicide rate is the same as that of Canada and the EU, how can you proclaim the problem is guns?
I take an issue with the default position being they are distressed and experience mental illness due to mistreatment.

Many times with mental illness the mistreatment is perceived rather than real. Not saying they aren't mistreated but I've read other studies that went into more detail than just what was reportedly perceived by the subjects.

As do I and for the same reason. And in no small part because intragroup and domestic partner violence is abnormally high among the LGBTWXYZ community.
It's telling that they still can't avoid the dramatic difference in psychological malady - real or imagined - while providing cover under guise of 'mistreatment'.
You're missing the point because you're focusing on "why is the black rate higher"? My point is simple and one you can't answer so you just pretend it's "dangerous":

If the white homicide rate is the same as that of Canada and the EU, how can you proclaim the problem is guns?
Because icky per capita stuff...

Why use bandaids when we can strap a tourniquet to every problem? Just throw money and deprivation of rights at everything.
You're missing the point because you're focusing on "why is the black rate higher"? My point is simple and one you can't answer so you just pretend it's "dangerous":

If the white homicide rate is the same as that of Canada and the EU, how can you proclaim the problem is guns?

If he’s right that it’s correlated with socioeconomic status, which makes a lot of sense, then the “white homicide rate” is meaningless
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So you believe the life of one outweighs all the rights of everyone else? If so then the terrorist just accomplished their goal of using fear to cause surrender
Hell yes I believe your right to own an AR is dog crap compared to the hundreds of innocent kids (and adults) killed in mass shootings so far and the hundreds who will die in the future if something doesn’t change.

“Fear to cause surrender”? What are you even talking about? Surrender of what?

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