Active Shooter Killed At Nashville School

What Would ‘Defunding The Police’ Mean In Nashville? Activists And Lawmakers Have Some Ideas.

Nashville People's Budget Coalition returns for another fight

Gov. Lee's 'Extreme Political Agenda' Claim About Nashville Is Disingenuous

"In an Oct. 11 tweet Lee wrote: “As cities across the country face surging crime politicians in Nashville have chosen to defund local police to fuel an extreme political agenda. This is an affront to Tennessee families & taxpayers.” He included a link to this WKRN piece, which references Metro's plan to pull $500,000 from various departments and send it to Planned Parenthood."
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So your argument is that Canada has similar laws and lower homicide than the EU (which has far stricter laws) but the problem is 100% the laws

Yet cherry pick is exactly what you did to begin with…

You’re ignoring a very important question. You claimed only we have this level of a homicide problem and it was because of our laws. You said that. Now you’re saying Canada has similar laws.

If so, it would seem the problem isn’t the laws given Canada has a low homicide rate
I compared America to your two best comparable Canada and the EU. What exactly did I cherry pick and how?

More interestingly the white homicide rate is on par with that of Canada or the EU (depending on the year it may be slightly above or slightly below, but is essentially the same) despite white American's have far greater access to guns than inhabitants of the other countries.
That’s correct, because it was a hate crime. The fact your upset about the wording/correction shows the lives are secondary.

Not liking the school after going there doesn't make it a "hate crime" and regardless, by your own logic, that doesn't matter because the parents aren't getting their kids back.

The only person "upset about the correction" is the idiot who tweeted about it; me saying it makes sense to get the facts straight is in no way an indication that I'm upset lol
Dude literally said that murdered kids is worth it so he can keep his guns. That is what he said. If objecting to that makes me depraved in your eyes, I don’t value your opinion very much.

Yammering made the false equivalency choice to provoke an answer you then sought to vilify him with. Are you willing to give up your car or martini to save people killed by others misuse of them? Are you willing to silence yourself in order to prevent hate speech by others?

Back under the porch until you form a cohesive thought.
You. Literally. Posted. "what those guns will do". The guns DIDN'T DO THIS. THE MENTALLY ILL PERSON DID IT.

I posted an article about what ARs can do to a human body while there was active discussion on ARs.

You realize you could’ve just skipped the article? OR WERE YOU JUST LOOKING TO ARGUE TODAY
I just think the question is much more complicated than:

1) transgender people are weird and I can't understand it;

2) therefore, transgender people are mentally ill;

3) mentally ill people can be dangerous;

4) therefore, transgender people are dangerous.

Just a lot of gaps in that reasoning for me.
I completely agree. But it also can't be as simple as:

1) I recognize transgenderism as a completely natural occurrence;
2) therefore, regardless of the lack of information, any discussion of transgenderism and its correlation to mental illness should be automatically dismissed out of hand because I don't want to oppress them.

It's completely possible to have questions about people's customs, behaviors, biology, etc. that you don't understand without being a bigot or even rude.
I posted an article about what ARs can do to a human body while there was active discussion on ARs.

You realize you could’ve just skipped the article? OR WERE YOU JUST LOOKING TO ARGUE TODAY
Why did you post about AR's? And are you talking AR-15's or AR's? What exactly is an AR that you talk about?
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Lol why are you so annoyed by an article? Just skip it

I'm annoyed by prohibitionists with agenda masquerading as rational voices.

Extensive background checks + firearms safety course and test before being allowed to own a gun + raise age of purchase to 21 + registration of all firearms would be a good place to start.

Where's a good place to end?
You’re ignoring a very important question. You claimed only we have this level of a homicide problem and it was because of our laws. You said that. Now you’re saying Canada has similar laws.

If so, it would seem the problem isn’t the laws given Canada has a low homicide rate
More similar to ours than to the UK’s is what I said. They still have mandatory licensure to own firearms, which by itself makes their system quite a bit different from ours. So yes, it’s still the laws.
More similar to ours than to the UK’s is what I said. They still have mandatory licensure to own firearms, which by itself makes their system quite a bit different from ours. So yes, it’s still the laws.

Lmfao Canada has very low homicide rates but you just gave away your game. You believe the answer is to disarm everyone
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Yammering made the false equivalency choice to provoke an answer you then sought to vilify him with. Are you willing to give up your car or martini to save people killed by others misuse of them? Are you willing to silence yourself in order to prevent hate speech by others?

Back under the porch until you form a cohesive thought.
Good grief, read his post for Pete’s sake: “While my heart goes out to the victims and their families I have a “suck it up buttercup” attitude. Freedom is dangerous but I accept that risk as it’s much more palatable than the alternatives.” What exactly am I misinterpreting so badly?
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More similar to ours than to the UK’s is what I said. They still have mandatory licensure to own firearms, which by itself makes their system quite a bit different from ours. So yes, it’s still the laws.

Why was New Hampshire’s homicide rate lower than England in 2020 if the problem is firearms?
When I was in school whenever these shootings started happening (I still remember the Columbine coverage on Channel One News) I would plan my escape routes for different classes/locations. Sometimes I'd wonder, what would I do if the shooter(s) was close? Fight? What if they were near a class I knew had family inside, or my best friend or a girl I was dating? Could I live with myself if I didn't try to help? Could I trust this elderly teacher or that meek teacher to lead the class(es) to safety? Could I trust that other students would help if I did engage the shooter(s)? Would I have the courage to help someone else that was engaging?

I didn't think about it a lot, but you know how it is when you're in school. Your mind wanders from time to time. Maybe there was a mock shooting "drill" (whatever they were called) that week that had it on your mind. Sometimes you'd read books about it, or see the stories on TV. Another shooting happened somewhere else so you're thinking about it. Just as fleeting as anything else. At least enough to know the escape routes for any part of the school that I was in.

Now, as a parent with girls. It's crushing to think about. Little kids. What can anyone really do?
When the Newtown shootings happened (eerily similar minus the trans angle).. they called all the parents to come pick up the kids (Louisiana) because of fear of copycats.. and then the little kids (mine were in third grade) did drills where they hid under desks, and the teachers told them it was in case of ‘hunters’.. I think they were trying not to scare them as much.. that dude in the Newtown shootings was autistic as well? And the Aurora movie theater, and the Lafayette movie theater.. all soft targets, all people with autism
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