Adam Schefter on what he's hearing about whether there will be a 2020 CFB season

Perhaps this graph has some bearing. From

I wonder how many of those 762 people polled in Seton Hall Sports Poll were from the greater Tri-State and New York Metro area?
What no one talks about much is all the moving parts in determining whether there will be college football in 2020 and when. For example, what happens if college football higher ups decide to play football allowing fans to attend and a governor of a state still has a ban on large gatherings? I can see this happening in several states, for example New York or California. Another real possibility is requiring everyone to wear masks that attends. What a mess that would be. People would take them off to cheer and other fans would complain.
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What no one talks about much is all the moving parts in determining whether there will be college football in 2020 and when. For example, what happens if college football higher ups decide to play football allowing fans to attend and a governor of a state still has a ban on large gatherings? I can see this happening in several states, for example New York or California. Another real possibility is requiring everyone to wear masks that attends. What a mess that would be. People would take them off to cheer and other fans would complain.
I think we will have football, but without fans or very limited amount of fans.
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What no one talks about much is all the moving parts in determining whether there will be college football in 2020 and when. For example, what happens if college football higher ups decide to play football allowing fans to attend and a governor of a state still has a ban on large gatherings? I can see this happening in several states, for example New York or California. Another real possibility is requiring everyone to wear masks that attends. What a mess that would be. People would take them off to cheer and other fans would complain.

It is very possible to play fall sports (unrestricted or otherwise) without the participation of every single school. There are obviously hoops through which programs/conferences/television networks would have to jump, of course, but even the Pac-12 would find a way to persevere if 33% of their conference was prohibited from suiting up and I don’t imagine you’d see quite as much pushback from red states provided things continue to look better.
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Why do I need a vaccine if I can simply get tested and take something 95% effective as soon as I get it?

HEY! You are catching on! That's exactly right; Now try and convince Big Pharma and the Vaccine Proponents . I was merely noting that a vaccine from Israel would likely be safer than the WHO. And you know they are going to push the hell out of a Vaccine; there is no Profit in the Cheap Malaria Drug. ( $20 per patient; full Therapy) Ah how the mind doth twisteth.
things change daily so the talking heads on sports are shooting at moving targets trying to guess if and when ball will be played.

I thought what I heard was helpful today in getting the country back on track at some future point.. It seemed to stress, to me anyway, that here are some guidelines for each state and the local governments to use to work back to a somewhat normal life..

My impression is that the medical experts on infectious disease (Fauci, Birx and CDC) developed a three phase list of guidelines. But that is what they are, guidelines. Now each government entity can use them to advance back to working and living. The federal government is available to help when and where requested.

Lot of layers to be worked through and all states are unique. No way to execute something on a nation wide basis that can be done at one time, as they have said many times.

That means it will be difficult for athletics that are multi state entities (college football, basketball, etc) to kick in as normal until states involved are on equal footing from a virus recovery standpoint. Pro sports can be more flexible because they can find one state and play all games in it, like baseball is talking about. But for colleges, schools have to be back in session on campus. That is all schools for a conference to even think about having some sort of season. Decision has to be made in June on opening campuses if you intend to play football. TO have a season, players need to be on campus in July to get prepared..

Don't see that being possible with each state having autonomy in deciding when they will do what. Schools were suggested to not open until phase 3 if I recall correctly.. For some states, that will be fall or later..
Well, I did say "major sporting events." (I realize the Tour de France is a big thing there, but still.) The differences between bicycling and football, both from a participant and spectator perspective, are obvious and enormous.

Also, a lot of events are being "postponed" for now, but will very likely end up being cancelled. No one wants to make the decision to cancel events and sports seasons until they absolutely have to. I am reading reports that several major universities are making contingency plans to have no classes this fall. I don't mean everything shifts online. I mean "closed down." I don't see how college athletics goes forward until there are some medical breakthroughs.

As I said, I would badly love to see sports return.
There's much closer contact for a much longer time for fans, staff and athletes in professional bike racing than any major US sport.

In races like the grand tours, cyclists ride in a group of 100+ shoulder to shoulder for a few hours a day for three weeks straight and then ride in buses, eat and stay in hotels together every night along with their support staff.

Tens of thousands of fans arrive hours and sometimes days before the race and wait along the route standing side by side for the pre-race procession and peloton. Then it can take hours of waiting and walking to get off the route away from the crowd. Fans are also much closer to the athletes than on any other sport.
And I think this is what led to the measures that are being taken. Imo long before a lot of this information has started coming to light I believe our government knew info like that and did not release. But since it is generically engineered nobody knows how it will react. My biggest fear is some of the discussions that I've seen in this thread. Being in a rush to reopen the country. Yes it sucks I'm one of the many unemployed because of this virus. But until we have a vaccine or a 95% measure of testing that will identify the virus day 1 of contracting it we are not safe. All it takes is 1 and we are back in this same situation.

Well one way to be safe is everyone wear an N95 or P95/ R95 (I even bought an N99 last year for work) Masks will all but prevent any spread. SO we could have games even with less than 100% eradication if Masks were mandatory. And NOT home made or plain surgical! I see that NOW after I was advocating wearing masks for two months that Everyone is on board. The cdc-----"Masks will not help you". 3/2/20. Total asinine BS.
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Well one way to be safe is everyone wear an N95 or P95/ R95 (I even bought an N99 last year for work) Masks will all bet prevent any spread. SO we could have games even with less than 100% eradication if Masks were mandatory. And NOT home made or plain surgical! I see that NOW after I was advocating wearing masks for two months that Everyone is on board. The cdc-----"Masks will not help you". 3/2/20. Total asinine BS.
A temperature check at gates would also be very helpful.
Because you're treating the symptoms of the virus and not the virus itself. So just like the flu we would have Covid 19 season every year, and then eventually it would mutate like any other virus and then what happens when this virus has mutated. It can kill thousands in its weakest form what do we do when it has become resistant to the 3 drug cocktail that will cure they symptoms of it. Until there is a way to keep the virus from sticking human cells and infecting them there is a chance it can mutate and become much stronger than it already is

Nobody really know about mutation. We were initially told there were TWO Stains. WELL, what happened to that? Poof. Just like the under reported Deaths in Wuhan. I'm betting since the Hydroxy/Zinc has shown Prophylactic Benefits (prevention) and the fact that Hydroxy IS an antiviral; we can handle a new "outbreak" IF Doctors aren't handcuffed and made to wait until symptoms become severe. And This has Happened Right Now. Wear the Masks when in groups, and Treat the cases aggressively Stat; Test until everyone is tested. Over in 30 days.
On the - side, it appears that a number of the "flu" deaths in early December were actually COVID-19 according to studis carried out on the West Coast. Blood in the blood banks which have not been used because of the reduced number of elective surgeries,were tested and found to have COVID-19 antibodies. It is interesting that the outbreaks on the West Coast seam to have come from China and the outbreaks on the East Coast cane from Europe. As many know, the rush to get U S citizens home from Europe were not screened fro symptoms when they arrived back in the States. It is likely this is how the East Coast was infected.

Maybe so, but the virus came from a lab in Wuhan. Why the Chinese created it is still up for debate. But, I believe it was created to completely destroy their enemies and humans were accidentally exposed to it.

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Maybe so, but the virus came from a lab in Wuhan. Why the Chinese created it is still up for debate. But, I believe it was created to completely destroy their enemies and humans were accidentally exposed to it.

There is No scientific evidence that the virus was created anywhere but in mammals, the same as SARS and EBOLA. I can not believe that people are so uneducated to believe all this conspiracy crap. I worked at CDC for 35 years and keep informed about what is going on. There are three strains of the COVID-19, A, B, and C. The evidence indicateds that these strains originated at different places and the strains on the West Coast and East Coast are different. Little is still known about the virus because it is a novel virus. As we learn more about the epidemiology, we will know how to treat it and if and how a vaccine can be developed. Please study a little bit before you spread false information. Thank you.
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There is No scientific evidence that the virus was created anywhere but in mammals, the same as SARS and EBOLA. I can not believe that people are so uneducated to believe all this conspiracy crap. I worked at CDC for 35 years and keep informed about what is going on. There are three strains of the COVID-19, A, B, and C. The evidence indicateds that these strains originated at different places and the strains on the West Coast and East Coast are different. Little is still known about the virus because it is a novel virus. As we learn more about the epidemiology, we will know how to treat it and if and how a vaccine can be developed. Please study a little bit before you spread false information. Thank you.

Thanks for opinion for what it may be worth. There is plenty of credible information regarding the truth of Wuhan virus get you head out of the freezer and take a look at it.

China and the World Health Organization have lied and continue to lie about this virus and the U.S. needs to hold them accountable.

As for the CDC, they lack credibility too because much of the information that they have disseminated has been completely wrong.

Why America is scared and confused: Even the experts are getting it wrong
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Well one way to be safe is everyone wear an N95 or P95/ R95 (I even bought an N99 last year for work) Masks will all but prevent any spread. SO we could have games even with less than 100% eradication if Masks were mandatory. And NOT home made or plain surgical! I see that NOW after I was advocating wearing masks for two months that Everyone is on board. The cdc-----"Masks will not help you". 3/2/20. Total asinine BS.
Well, not everyone is on board. Dear Leader ain't wearing one.
I haven’t been paying any attention to what’s being said about all this, but I would think if the football calendar was shortened it would make sense to have regular season games vs divisional opponents.
There is No scientific evidence that the virus was created anywhere but in mammals, the same as SARS and EBOLA. I can not believe that people are so uneducated to believe all this conspiracy crap. I worked at CDC for 35 years and keep informed about what is going on. There are three strains of the COVID-19, A, B, and C. The evidence indicateds that these strains originated at different places and the strains on the West Coast and East Coast are different. Little is still known about the virus because it is a novel virus. As we learn more about the epidemiology, we will know how to treat it and if and how a vaccine can be developed. Please study a little bit before you spread false information. Thank you.


Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.

According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.

According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!

“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:

Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.

BECAUSE some Countries are More Interested in Curing their Citizens than attempting to suppress the fact that this drug is working; in order to keep the Pandemic going for Political Gain. That's just the damn truth. And it is Murderous to Deny any Patient this therapy because of a Political Cover-up. Meanwhile the Left is Hugging China's Neck; the very ones who unleashed this disaster on us. Monumental Insanity.

Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.

According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.

According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!

“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:

Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.

None of Luc Montegnier's claims have been peer reviewed, as he has provided literally, zero evidence of his claims. Since aiding in the discovery of HIV, he's turned to trying to prove the homepathic pseudoscience of 'DNA teleportation' to be scientifically true, and is generally shunned by the scientific community for publishing non-peer reviewed papers in a "scientific" publication, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, of which he is the chair of.

He's the literal definition of 'quack' these days, which is why no self-respecting scientist agrees with him, and why conspiracy-theory loons think he's the second coming of Pasteur.

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