Adam Schefter on what he's hearing about whether there will be a 2020 CFB season

None of Luc Montegnier's claims have been peer reviewed, as he has provided literally, zero evidence of his claims. Since aiding in the discovery of HIV, he's turned to trying to prove the homepathic pseudoscience of 'DNA teleportation' to be scientifically true, and is generally shunned by the scientific community for publishing non-peer reviewed papers in a "scientific" publication, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, of which he is the chair of.

He's the literal definition of 'quack' these days, which is why no self-respecting scientist agrees with him, and why conspiracy-theory loons think he's the second coming of Pasteur.

LMAO. Argue with the Indian Scientists too, If you like . HIV Dna in Cov19? Yeah right. That came from Bats too; I suppose. These so called Americans defending China beats the hell out of everything fathomable. Carry on! You should bill China; if you're not already on their Payroll like most Dems in DC.
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So, to all of the doom and gloom posters on here, what do you make of the new Stanford study? I'll even cite my source from a liberal leaning outlet.

Covid-19 has infected up to 85 times more people in Santa Clara, California, than reported, study estimates - CNN

So the death toll numbers go right out the window right?

Come on @BeardedVol cite 100 different sources that further pushes your agenda.
That is what the blood test are showing. That is likely the reason reported cases of the flu were 30-40% less last Fall in that area.
LMAO. Argue with the Indian Scientists too, If you like . HIV Dna in Cov19? Yeah right. That came from Bats too; I suppose. These so called Americans defending China beats the hell out of everything fathomable. Carry on! You should bill China; if you're not already on their Payroll like most Dems in DC.
HIV came from pet monkeys.

Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.

According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.

According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!

“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:

Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.
BS Don't br fooled by hearsay propaganda. The RNA of viruses can be traced by location because of the continuous mutation. That has been known for over 40 years.
Thanks for opinion for what it may be worth. There is plenty of credible information regarding the truth of Wuhan virus get you head out of the freezer and take a look at it.

China and the World Health Organization have lied and continue to lie about this virus and the U.S. needs to hold them accountable.

As for the CDC, they lack credibility too because much of the information that they have disseminated has been completely wrong.

Why America is scared and confused: Even the experts are getting it wrong
Unbelievable nonsense. You must think you are an expert. Remember that many believed the rumors that World was flat until they became better educated.
Unbelievable nonsense. You must think you are an expert. Remember that many believed the rumors that World was flat until they became better educated.

Hahahahaha! I’m no expert; but who is?

Common sense can go along way!
2,813,503 Americans die each year.

...647,457 have or will die to heart disease (heart attacks, etc.)
...599,108 have or will die to cancer
...169,936 have or will die to accidents (car accidents are a big part of this one)
...160,201 have or will die to chronic respiratory diseases
...146,383 have or will die due to a stroke
...121,404 have or will die due to Alzheimer's
......83,564 have or will die to diabetes
......55,672 have or will die to the flu and pneumonia
......47,173 have or will die to suicide

......18,777 of us thus far this year died due to covid-19
......61,500 is the expected death toll by August, according to current modeling
......80,000 or less is a center point of the (far less certain) models for all of 2020

If you don't stop living a normal life because of fear of, say, car accidents, or catching the flu, you shouldn't stop living a normal life because of covid-19 ... AFTER we get past the point where we know the medical system can keep up with demand.

The current isolation measures are entirely for that last bit: to flatten the curve of infection rate until the hospitals and medical crews are sure they can keep pace with demand.

Back at the early part of March, when we started pushing social distancing, the estimate was that we'd need about 6 to 8 weeks of it to flatten the curve enough.

We're about 4-5 weeks in now, and that initial estimate still looks about right. Maybe another 3-4 weeks, and the medical infrastructure will be able to cope.

We don't have to do this forever, just for a little while longer. Of course, we'll "return to normal" in stages, not all at once, but still we should start down that road in just a few more weeks.

Will there be a football season this year? Absolutely. And it may not even be delayed until October (that's just one of the contingency plans the college football community is considering; another is starting on time).

Relax, stay cool, things will play out alright. Just give it time, and for now continue to annoy everyone in your house by staying there. :)

Great post. I’d only add that out of that list only two are infectious diseases; one of which we have a fairly effective vaccine for. You should stay home, for now, to avoid getting it. If I knew my chance of getting in an accident were higher than normal I really would think twice before leaving.

Interesting aside. I wonder what these I numbers look like this year with reduced travel and people more or less at home? Do the heart disease numbers go up? Accidental deaths go down? No idea but will be curious to find out.
You know, you can still have your service. I am not sure God would care if you were the only one in attendance. Or are you wanting to be seen at worship? My interaction with the MAN doesn't require me to have an audience nor do I think he requires me to have one. So go ahead have your service, he will know it.
I think you totally misunderstood what I meant. I'm not one of those who want to be seen at church so people will believe me to be a good man. I simply meant that a lot of Christians want to attend Easter service for their own reasons, whatever they may be. I really hope that they are there to honor the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I think you totally misunderstood what I meant. I'm not one of those who want to be seen at church so people will believe me to be a good man. I simply meant that a lot of Christians want to attend Easter service for their own reasons, whatever they may be. I really hope that they are there to honor the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

IME, most go for the free after-service Easter Egg hunt.
I'd be fine starting mid October and just playing our division games, have everybody just do that, then conference championships. If ND and BYU want in they can join the Big 12 for the year. Then have the SEC, ACC, Big 10, Pac 10 and Big 12 champs, the worst 2 have a play-in game and do a final 4. That's 10 games tops, 6 or 7 for most.
That's as of today. Public opinion will change over time.

In a few weeks, say some time in May, we'll start getting back toward normal. Folks will go back to work, more and more as the month progresses. Restaurants will open for dine-in again, perhaps with lower capacity and spaced seating. States will go back to holding election primaries. You'll be able to easily find toilet paper because people will realize this isn't actually the zombie apocalypse (and the worst offenders' attics will be so full of TP they can't fit any more).

A month later, in mid-June, the news will no longer be focused on corona virus to the near-exclusion of everything else. Consequently, we'll hear about, think about, and have conversations about, other things. Covid-19 will begin to fade into the background, maybe not quite as much an after-thought as the flu, but heading in that direction. Everyone will be eager to get back to work, and restrictions will ease up even more.

By mid-July, people will start going on vacation, just like they used to. Seaside towns will no longer turn them away, business will be booming, the whole covid-19 scare will start to feel less like something we're living through and more like something that happened to us. It will move from "present" to "past".

By early August, [make that "late May"] the NCAA and its member institutions will agree that it's okay to hold fall camp.

In September, the football season will likely begin. Maybe as late as the start of October, but probably September. Maybe on original schedule, even.

At that point, the 72% who said back in April they wouldn't attend without a vaccine, they'll be significantly less worried. Covid-19 will be in a wider context by then.

Things are going to be okay. Let's just take it one step at a time, but we're turning the corner.

Go Vols!

p.s. Of those 72%, most don't attend football games in person anyway. The pollsters should have restricted the question to those who do normally attend games. :)

Bumping this just to say we are right on track for a fairly normal fall season. In fact, in one way we're shifting back toward normal even quicker than I imagined: what i thought would happen by early August is already beginning.

Go Vols!

p.s. Some "doom and gloom" nuggets in this thread back in early-mid April. Here are a few that made me chuckle:
Bert Rechichar, an MD and Epidemiologist at the CDC in Atlanta, told us: "There will not be a season. We will not have another event until 2022."

UTK said: "It'll be a miracle if there's a football season." [You got it, UTK, one miracle being manufactured as we speak]

BigOrangeAl 1979 informed us: "There won't be a college football season and might never be a vaccine for this."

Catbone concluded: "There won't be a season...."
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Saw this earlier on Real Clear Politics. The CDC yesterday for the first time put out a projection based on all the data they have collected as to the true mortality rate of COVID-19 and they figure between 0.1 % (1 out of a thousand) and 1.0 % (1 out of 100) for symptomatic cases (so the numbers are actually even lower because they estimate 35% of cases are asymptomatic). That's a far cry from the 4.0 % (1 out of 25) which was the basis for pulling the plug on life to begin with. Here's the CDC report link:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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