Adam Schiff CENSURED by House For 'False' Allegations On Trump-Russia collusion

So you want to start prosecuting people for having an opinion, exercising free speech and defending the union?
When they express that opinion as fact and know it to be untrue, then yes, that opinion has become a lie and he knowingly helped perpetuate the Russia chit throughout Trump's presidency. He should rot in prison.
When they express that opinion as fact and know it to be untrue, then yes, that opinion has become a lie and he knowingly helped perpetuate the Russia chit throughout Trump's presidency. He should rot in prison.

Is lying while not under oath a crime now? I don't recall him ever testifying under oath.
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Is lying while not under oath a crime now? I don't recall him ever testifying under oath.
So you're admitting he lied to the American public? And you're OK with that? Under oath or not, he deceived the public by lying. He's a total POS. And anybody who defends him is too.
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So you're admitting he lied to the American public? And you're OK with that? Under oath or not, he deceived the public by lying. He's a total POS. And anybody who defends him is too.

He's a politician so of course he lied, continues to lie and would lie straight to his moms face without the first twinge of guilt. But that is not a crime in itself and those advocating for him to be prosecuted or expelled from congress over lies (not under oath) are advocating for a Banana Republic.

And to your question as to whether I'm "OK" with it or not, I'm as OK with it as you are since every single politician you have ever voted for also lied straight to your face.
He's a politician so of course he lied, continues to lie and would lie straight to his moms face without the first twinge of guilt. But that is not a crime in itself and those advocating for him to be prosecuted or expelled from congress over lies (not under oath) are advocating for a Banana Republic.

And to your question as to whether I'm "OK" with it or not, I'm as OK with it as you are since every single politician you have ever voted for also lied straight to your face.
There's a difference between lying on the campaign trail and vengefully lying to destroy a person because you don't like them or the politics. Yes all politicians are crooks and liars. I can forgive a failure to uphold a campaign promise. But to lie to destroy another person I can't. That said, I didnt vote for Trump in 2020 nor will I. I'm not defending Trump. I'm just condemning Schiff and his supporters.
I am waiting on the full transcripts of the interview of Steven D’Antuono to be released before I make any judgement. Somebody is lying or both are lying or telling half truths. Full discloser has been requested, needs to be redacted and voted on. Should be interesting and the bad part of all this is it is probably a he said that he said vs a he said that he said.
Two morons using Taxpayer's $$$$ and fighting like a couple of grade school kids.
Right now we are chasing a Rabbit down a hole.
Censuring Schiff is just a cheap political stunt by the GOP--everybody but MAGA can see that. This is the same
party that refused to censure George "my life story is a complete fraud" Santos, yea, and refused to kick the gangster
out of office for inciting a redneck attack on the Capitol that resulted in the deaths of police officers. So, yea, the GOP
isn't fooling anybody with this stunt.
Censuring Schiff is just a cheap political stunt by the GOP--everybody but MAGA can see that. This is the same
party that refused to censure George "my life story is a complete fraud" Santos, yea, and refused to kick the gangster
out of office for inciting a redneck attack on the Capitol that resulted in the deaths of police officers.
So, yea, the GOP
isn't fooling anybody with this stunt.
Which one was that? I only remember one death from 1/6 and that was a murder by an officer. All of the other deaths were shown to have nothing to do with 1/6. Was there another one or are you continuing to perpetuate a lie? Maybe Freak could censure you and give you a vacation for lying?
Censuring Schiff is just a cheap political stunt by the GOP--everybody but MAGA can see that. This is the same
party that refused to censure George "my life story is a complete fraud" Santos, yea, and refused to kick the gangster
out of office for inciting a redneck attack on the Capitol that resulted in the deaths of police officers. So, yea, the GOP
isn't fooling anybody with this stunt.
The impeachments of DJT were political stunts. Your hands aren't clean and stop pretending your party is. You sound like a high school senior who just took his first political science class.
Censuring Schiff is just a cheap political stunt by the GOP--everybody but MAGA can see that. This is the same
party that refused to censure George "my life story is a complete fraud" Santos, yea, and refused to kick the gangster
out of office for inciting a redneck attack on the Capitol that resulted in the deaths of police officers. So, yea, the GOP
isn't fooling anybody with this stunt.

That cheap political stunt was done & you can't change it. Learn to live with it & love it.
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Which one was that? I only remember one death from 1/6 and that was a murder by an officer. All of the other deaths were shown to have nothing to do with 1/6. Was there another one or are you continuing to perpetuate a lie? Maybe Freak could censure you and give you a vacation for lying?
If you repeat the lie enough it soon becomes the truth, and the sheeple will repeat it as so. - Democrat playbook page 4.

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