Adams has a point...

Hard to argue with most of that. But then again it's not really worth rehashing at this point.
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Don't stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Don't stop, it'll soon be here,
It'll be, better than before,
Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.
I'm physically laughing out loud over the quote about Dooley not blaming anyone. I'll bet he did a lot of blaming in order to get an NFL position coach spot.
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The saddest part is this fanbase is now complimenting Adams for voicing his opinion because it is somewhat "anti Fulmer", but the next time he writes something true about this current team, he will be castrated and tried to be run out of town.
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John Adams accurately hit Fulmer between the eyes with a 2 x 4.

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When a last-minute drive against Alabama swerved off course in 1994, Fulmer cited a poor decision by then freshman quarterback Peyton Manning.

When Florida blitzed the Vols 62-37 in 1995, Fulmer singled out Larry Binion for an awful punt.

When the Vols were overwhelmed by Kansas State in the 2001 Cotton Bowl, Fulmer’s telling postgame quote was directed at offensive coordinator Randy Sanders.

“I don’t know what Randy was thinking,” Fulmer said.

The 5-7 season of 2008 was characterized by Fulmer as a “perfect storm,” as though a series of supernatural events had combined to sabotage the program. If pressed on the subject, Fulmer probably would have thrown his first-year offensive coordinator (Dave Clawson) and his quarterback (Jonathan Crompton) under the bus.

Anybody but the head coach.
The hammer slammed the nail on the head.

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Fulmer fired himself by not doing his homework on offensive assistant coaches he hired. You want to be the man in charge you have to accept full blame when crap goes bad. That's why the big dogs in the big offices get paid big bucks because when the walls come down the blame always falls on them.
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Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


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Fulmer fired himself by not doing his homework on offensive assistant coaches he hired. You want to be the man in charge you have to accept full blame when crap goes bad. That's why the big dogs in the big offices get paid big bucks because when the walls come down the blame always falls on them.

Very true...Clawson? WTF? Fulmer knew he ran a complicated system...why do that when your already on the hot seat. Why would Dooley hire Sunseri. Both drastic changes that led to both offense and defense respectively going south in a hurry.

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