Adams has a point...

An attempt to remain relevant - "hey guys, I know everyone loves Butch but remember me?" Don't get me wrong, the man did a great job but his decisions also contributed to the sewer conditions we've suffered over the past few years. Time to move on. Time to let go. Send the ball home.
Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


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I just don't understand. All the crack and jokes and badmouthing of a hall of fame coach who brought the first BCS Championship right here to Knoxville.

Blame him for falling off in recruiting and maybe even in coaching toward the end, but can we lay off the childishness please? :hi:
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Very true...Clawson? WTF? Fulmer knew he ran a complicated system...why do that when your already on the hot seat. Why would Dooley hire Sunseri. Both drastic changes that led to both offense and defense respectively going south in a hurry.

Cha-ching! I think Clawson could have done well with time. I think he assumed he had time. I think he thought he'd have a couple of recruiting cycles to build the talent back. I think he was probably sold all those things to get him to take the job.... obviously, Fulmer's seat was much hotter than he assumed.
Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


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Sounds like a perfect description of a sports message board. What's your point? Should we all sit by the campfire and sing this song together.....

Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


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That comes with the limelight
Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


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Wow... fade route... just wow. I believe you not only did that to Dooley but attacked guys like me who just asked for you all to withhold condemnations until it could do some good.

Fulmer failed. That's a fact... not an attack.
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I have a great deal of respect for Coach Fulmer. However, i think everyone knows the fire was not there after the 2002 season, and it showed up in recruiting, as well as on the field.

But, as they say, it is what it is. It's a new day in Tennessee, and the past is just that, the past.
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Wonder what Fulmer will say now since he's no longer shackled by being the coach? I mean this could get pretty entertaining. Adams is a jerk. Fulmer has issues but so does the guy telling someone else to look in the mirror.

Adams constantly fanned the flames in 08. I am sure Fulmer has not forgotten.
I just can't believe some of you "so called" Vol Fans sit here and bash a head coach who brought you 152 wins, 2 SEC Championships, 1 NC and numerous memories of incredible plays and players!! Quite sad, actually!
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Hard to argue with most of that. But then again it's not really worth rehashing at this point.

No kidding. It's true enough, but why now? I'm sure someone probably wrote the exact same thing in substance 5 years ago.

Edit: before anyone jumps down my throat, I get that Fulmer kinda sorta brought it up, maybe.
I just can't believe some of you "so called" Vol Fans sit here and bash a head coach who brought you 152 wins, 2 SEC Championships, 1 NC and numerous memories of incredible plays and players!! Quite sad, actually!

If you're going to look at the good, the bad has to be brought up as well. Fair is fair.
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Message to recruits: We love ya when you tweet positive things about UT and on signing day when you put that orange hat on at the press conference. But may God have mercy on you if you don't meet our expectations as a player, coach, or any other role in our program. It's open season on you then.


Most of VN

True... but, it's the internet, hardly a surprise.
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Wow... fade route... just wow. I believe you not only did that to Dooley but attacked guys like me who just asked for you all to withhold condemnations until it could do some good.

Fulmer failed. That's a fact... not an attack.

Dooley had 0 accomplishments as a coach. Fulmer brought the first NC to Knoxville in 47 years, and he gets treated to donut jokes for giving an opinion to the media. There's no comparison to my treatment of Dooley and Fulmer's treatment on VN.
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