
They've been fighting going back to the '70s. Maybe they're used to it.

I'll put it another way: It makes sense they'd be tired of gettin' their butt kicked. They've lost a lot more blood in this than we have
I'm sure this will get criticized by the left in this country 'cause that's what they do but if Trump brings home thousands of soldiers from Afghanistan, that'll be huge for his re-election:

US-Taliban truce begins, raising hopes for a peace deal

The far left liberal media is not giving this enough play. NBC spent all kinds of time tonight on this new Russian collusion story, but if Trump ends this nearly 20 yrs war, the impact of his re-election cannot be overstated. This would be huge.

Imagine the commercials: "while Democrats were arguing in Nevada (show scene from Wednesday's debate) Pres Trump's team was negotiating a withdrawal from Afghanistan" (show soldiers coming home to the waiting arms of their wives and kids.)

U.S. and Taliban Sign Historic Peace Agreement

I'm wondering just how the MSM & CNN + MSNBC american communists resistance networks will spin this great news of today 2/29/20 into being such a terrible & horrible move by the Trump Administration for trying to bring peace to the region & for the USA. Time will only show if this treaty will last more than a day. I'm sure they'll say Orange Man is a bad person & he's only doing this for his political career & personal pat on the back gain & not for the people of the countries that are involved. I'm sure the do-nothing commie Democrats will get on board w/all this great news.
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I'm sure this will get criticized by the left in this country 'cause that's what they do but if Trump brings home thousands of soldiers from Afghanistan, that'll be huge for his re-election:

US-Taliban truce begins, raising hopes for a peace deal

The far left liberal media is not giving this enough play. NBC spent all kinds of time tonight on this new Russian collusion story, but if Trump ends this nearly 20 yrs war, the impact of his re-election cannot be overstated. This would be huge.

Imagine the commercials: "while Democrats were arguing in Nevada (show scene from Wednesday's debate) Pres Trump's team was negotiating a withdrawal from Afghanistan" (show soldiers coming home to the waiting arms of their wives and kids.)

Everyone left and right is going to criticize this peace deal. We got fleeced. Whoever negotiated this deal let the Taliban bend them over a barrel and that person should be launched into the sun. The Taliban commit to nothing concrete. They commit to “starting talks with the Afghan Government. The commit to “putting the ceasefire on the agenda during said talks but they don’t have to agree to a ceasefire. This means that there will be no cessation of hostilities. The U.S. and NATO however have to commit to a full withdrawal of its forces. 8,600 in 4.5 months and the U.S. commits to withdrawing (and requiring all foreign allies to join) from 5 unnamed bases. Commits to all foreign troops being out of Afghanistan in 14 months. The Trump administration commits to a "goal" of releasing all Taliban prisoners it holds by June 10 2020. US plans to remove all sanctions on (and rewards for the death of) all Taliban by Aug. 27. The Taliban do not promise to cease hostilities and do not promise to not support or harbor any other terror groups. We basic got nothing out of this all while delegitimizing the Afghan Government, cut them out of the agreement totally on a an agreement that does not bind the Taliban to do anything. It’s the Paris Peace Accord only shorter.

Oh and the Taliban have declared complete victory.
"This victory is the collective victory of the entire Muslim and Mujahid nation - of our fellow brothers and sisters who presented monumental and extraordinary sacrifices of life and wealth for nearly two decades." - Taliban Emir Hibatullah Akhundzada
Everyone left and right is going to criticize this peace deal. We got fleeced. Whoever negotiated this deal let the Taliban bend them over a barrel and that person should be launched into the sun. The Taliban commit to nothing concrete. They commit to “starting talks with the Afghan Government. The commit to “putting the ceasefire on the agenda during said talks but they don’t have to agree to a ceasefire. This means that there will be no cessation of hostilities. The U.S. and NATO however have to commit to a full withdrawal of its forces. 8,600 in 4.5 months and the U.S. commits to withdrawing (and requiring all foreign allies to join) from 5 unnamed bases. Commits to all foreign troops being out of Afghanistan in 14 months. The Trump administration commits to a "goal" of releasing all Taliban prisoners it holds by June 10 2020. US plans to remove all sanctions on (and rewards for the death of) all Taliban by Aug. 27. The Taliban do not promise to cease hostilities and do not promise to not support or harbor any other terror groups. We basic got nothing out of this all while delegitimizing the Afghan Government, cut them out of the agreement totally on a an agreement that does not bind the Taliban to do anything. It’s the Paris Peace Accord only shorter.

Oh and the Taliban have declared complete victory.
"This victory is the collective victory of the entire Muslim and Mujahid nation - of our fellow brothers and sisters who presented monumental and extraordinary sacrifices of life and wealth for nearly two decades." - Taliban Emir Hibatullah Akhundzada
Was toppling the Taliban really the mission, or was it killing Osama Bin Laden? I thought the whole purpose of going after the Taliban was they supported OBL? He's dead. He's been dead for years now. That, to me, was victory. What happens to Afghanistan now is up to the people IMO.
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I expect a swift return to business as usual by the Taliban once we're gone. If I'm an Afghan, I get the hell out now knowing what's coming. I'll be glad to get our military out of that place, but I do feel sorry for the people that will never know a better life because of the Taliban.
It is a terrible agreement where we received nothing and the Taliban got everything they wanted.

It could the best deal in the history of peace deals and you’d still feel the same if Trump had anything to do with it.

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