
Shaving or smoking is outlawed and Women are Banned from Leaving the House in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan as the Terror group implement their Harsh Islamic Rule

The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan.

Insurgents are issuing new orders to captured territories, banning smoking and beard-shaving and ordering villagers to marry off their daughters to foot soldiers and stopping women from heading out alone.


The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan (file image)

It comes a day after video emerged of Taliban fighters massacring 22 Afghan commandos who had surrendered in Dawlat Abad, in northern Faryab province.


A militiaman loads his rifle as Afghan Special Forces visit a district centre during a combat mission against the Taliban in Kandahar province

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 based on a fundamental interpretation of the Koran that has hardly changed in centuries.

Men had relatively more freedom but were ordered not to shave, would be beaten if they didn't attend prayers, and were told to only wear traditional clothing.

Afghanistan is deeply conservative and some rural pockets of the country adhere to similar rules even without Taliban oversight - but the insurgents have tried to impose these edicts even in more modern centres.

'All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,' said the letter, issued in the name of the Taliban's cultural commission.

Shaving is outlawed and women are banned from leaving the house in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online

Just curious .. are these folks allowed to take a bath & brush their teeth at least once a year?
They never knew how to carry themselves. This is what makes them 3rd world and this part of the world savage. The only thing that seems to have progressed along the way is weapons and that is due to places like the United States otherwise they have ancient ways of living. Put that into perspective.
Ancient? I would think more barbaric than ancient. I still stand by the military welfare thing. We carried the load and they lost the will. Same thing happened in Vietnam.


Classic Trump opening this very serious policy statement by referring to the "rigged" election.

And yes, if Trump was president the Taliban would behave completely different. Of course they would.

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