
It is a terrible agreement where we received nothing and the Taliban got everything they wanted.
I have a neutral opinion at this point, but what exactly does the Taliban have to utilize in bargaining? It's hard to bargain if you have nothing and are nothing. A cease fire seems all they have to place on the table.
It’s been 48 hours and the Peace Agreement is already falling apart.
Which should tell you that there probably can be no peace. Why did we waste 18+ years there? Why should we waste one more day there in the future?
Which should tell you that there probably can be no peace. Why did we waste 18+ years there? Why should we waste one more day there in the future?
Or that maybe you shouldn’t negotiate a “peace agreement” without involving the host nations government.
I have a neutral opinion at this point, but what exactly does the Taliban have to utilize in bargaining? It's hard to bargain if you have nothing and are nothing. A cease fire seems all they have to place on the table.

The recognition of the elected Afghan Government along with reconciliation,
whether or not they will provide support or sanctuary to terror groups. That whats the Taliban have to bring to the table.
The recognition of the elected Afghan Government along with reconciliation,
whether or not they will provide support or sanctuary to terror groups. That whats the Taliban have to bring to the table.
Does it really matter what the Taliban agrees to? Do you honestly expect them to keep their word? And when they don't, are we just supposed to send troops back in again?
Or that maybe you shouldn’t negotiate a “peace agreement” without involving the host nations government.
Maybe the host nation should get off their ass and negotiate their own peace? Or maybe they're smart enough to know that the Taliban doesn't really want peace? There is no winning in Afghanistan. Once OBL was dead, we should have left. Making the Taliban our mission is just creating another Vietnam.
Maybe the host nation should get off their ass and negotiate their own peace? Or maybe they're smart enough to know that the Taliban doesn't really want peace? There is no winning in Afghanistan. Once OBL was dead, we should have left. Making the Taliban our mission is just creating another Vietnam.
We wouldn’t allow them too.
We wouldn’t allow them too.
Wouldn't allow them too? It's their country. They could have and should have told us to go to hell. If they want a peace with the Taliban, they shouldn't leave it up to us. They should hold their own damn negotiations and tell us to butt the hell out.
The Afghan President Ashraf Ghani just torpedoed all the negotiating by refusing to release the Taliban prisoners. The US should just pull all the soldiers out of Afghanistan and say to hell with it.
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I'm sure this will get criticized by the left in this country 'cause that's what they do but if Trump brings home thousands of soldiers from Afghanistan, that'll be huge for his re-election:

US-Taliban truce begins, raising hopes for a peace deal

The far left liberal media is not giving this enough play. NBC spent all kinds of time tonight on this new Russian collusion story, but if Trump ends this nearly 20 yrs war, the impact of his re-election cannot be overstated. This would be huge.

Imagine the commercials: "while Democrats were arguing in Nevada (show scene from Wednesday's debate) Pres Trump's team was negotiating a withdrawal from Afghanistan" (show soldiers coming home to the waiting arms of their wives and kids.)

Every decision Trump makes will be driven by his goal to be re-elected. He doesn’t care what’s good for the people. Everything is about him and what is good for the reelection

Coronsvirus? He doesn’t care about people. He only cares that the stock market remains well over priced and it doesn’t tank until after the election
Wouldn't allow them too? It's their country. They could have and should have told us to go to hell. If they want a peace with the Taliban, they shouldn't leave it up to us. They should hold their own damn negotiations and tell us to butt the hell out.
We cut them out of the negotiations because the Taliban said they would not come to the table if the Afghan Government was also at the table.
The Afghan President Ashraf Ghani just torpedoed all the negotiating by refusing to release the Taliban prisoners. The US should just pull all the soldiers out of Afghanistan and say to hell with it.
Would your want to release 5,000 terrorists into the U.S.???
We cut them out of the negotiations because the Taliban said they would not come to the table if the Afghan Government was also at the table.
Again, it's their country. If they want peace, it's up to them to negotiate it. Obviously, the Taliban doesn't want peace, they just want us gone. At what point do we tell the Afghan government they need to defend their own country without us? We don't need to be keeping our soldiers their to defend their government. The people of Afghanistan need to do that themselves.
Again, it's their country. If they want peace, it's up to them to negotiate it. Obviously, the Taliban doesn't want peace, they just want us gone. At what point do we tell the Afghan government they need to defend their own country without us? We don't need to be keeping our soldiers their to defend their government. The people of Afghanistan need to do that themselves.
You are not understanding this at all.
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You are not understanding this at all.
Sure I do. We went to Afghanistan to get OBL. OBL is dead. Mission accomplished. Then, being who we are, we decided, hey while we're here, let's regime build. Why? Unless we remain there to prop it up, it's not going to work. And if we do remain there, more American lives will be lost. We cannot, and should not, be the world police. Enough is enough. If the Afghan people want change, it should be up to them to make it. Not us.
Every decision Trump makes will be driven by his goal to be re-elected. He doesn’t care what’s good for the people. Everything is about him and what is good for the reelection

Coronsvirus? He doesn’t care about people. He only cares that the stock market remains well over priced and it doesn’t tank until after the election

And that makes him different from every other politician how?
Every decision Trump makes will be driven by his goal to be re-elected. He doesn’t care what’s good for the people. Everything is about him and what is good for the reelection

Coronsvirus? He doesn’t care about people. He only cares that the stock market remains well over priced and it doesn’t tank until after the election

How does his pardon of Blagojevich help him win re-election?
They should have been brought home after Bin Laden was killed. Basically, he was the mission. His death should have been mission complete IMO.

I don't think we needed a full scale invasion to get Bin Laden. In fact, I think covert operations would have probably gotten the job done quicker, less expensive and without as many deaths.

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