

Taliban fighters survey armoured trucks and cars seized from an Afghan army base after they surrendered


A line of US-made Humvee armoured cars which have fallen into the hands of the Taliban


A Taliban chieftain welcomes Afghan National Army troops - the terror group are keen to show that they will welcome surrendering forces with open arms, taking their valuable weapons and 'forgiving' them for their 'weakness' in fighting with the US-led coalition


An Afghan soldier stands guard on a security tower at Bagram airfield after US troops left

20,000 Tajikistan troops are ordered to the border to stop Afghanistan soldiers fleeing the Taliban | Daily Mail Online

The US pulled a Lane Kiffin.
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Taliban fighters survey armoured trucks and cars seized from an Afghan army base after they surrendered


A line of US-made Humvee armoured cars which have fallen into the hands of the Taliban


A Taliban chieftain welcomes Afghan National Army troops - the terror group are keen to show that they will welcome surrendering forces with open arms, taking their valuable weapons and 'forgiving' them for their 'weakness' in fighting with the US-led coalition


An Afghan soldier stands guard on a security tower at Bagram airfield after US troops left

20,000 Tajikistan troops are ordered to the border to stop Afghanistan soldiers fleeing the Taliban | Daily Mail Online

Our fearless leader got huffy in a press conference and told us that the Afghanistan military was the best equipped in the region - now the Taliban holds that title thanks to our equipment.

When will we ever learn?
Seems like the Mongols were the last invading force that had a handle on Afghanistan. But their terms were simple: surrender your city and it will be spared, fight and we’ll make a literal mountain out of your dead.
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Taliban fighters scream 'Allahu Akbar' as they Execute 22 Afghan commandos who were surrendering after running out of ammo: Footage emerges as the terror group urges city leaders to surrender

Video has emerged that purports to show the moment 22 Afghan commandos were massacred by the Taliban moments after they surrendered.

The footage appears to have been taken in Dawlat Abad, in northern Faryab province, on June 16 following a major battle between the Taliban and Afghan forces.

Militants say the commandos were captured after running out of ammunition, but witness accounts from the time and the new footage suggests they were actually gunned down in cold blood.

Taliban fighters 'execute 22 Afghan commandos who were surrendering' | Daily Mail Online
George W. Bush calls Afghanistan troop withdrawal a 'mistake' and warns civilians are being left to be 'slaughtered' by the 'brutal' Taliban

Former US president George W. Bush on Wednesday said the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan was a 'mistake' and warned civilians were being left to be 'slaughtered' by the 'brutal' Taliban.

He said he thought Afghan women and girls would suffer 'unspeakable harm' as a result of the US withdrawal, adding 'it breaks my heart, in an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

George W. Bush calls Afghanistan troop withdrawal a 'mistake' warns civilians will be 'slaughtered' | Daily Mail Online
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George W. Bush calls Afghanistan troop withdrawal a 'mistake' and warns civilians are being left to be 'slaughtered' by the 'brutal' Taliban

Former US president George W. Bush on Wednesday said the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan was a 'mistake' and warned civilians were being left to be 'slaughtered' by the 'brutal' Taliban.

He said he thought Afghan women and girls would suffer 'unspeakable harm' as a result of the US withdrawal, adding 'it breaks my heart, in an interview with German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

George W. Bush calls Afghanistan troop withdrawal a 'mistake' warns civilians will be 'slaughtered' | Daily Mail Online
Should have considered that before we went in 20 damn years ago.
Shaving or smoking is outlawed and Women are Banned from Leaving the House in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan as the Terror group implement their Harsh Islamic Rule

The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan.

Insurgents are issuing new orders to captured territories, banning smoking and beard-shaving and ordering villagers to marry off their daughters to foot soldiers and stopping women from heading out alone.


The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan (file image)

It comes a day after video emerged of Taliban fighters massacring 22 Afghan commandos who had surrendered in Dawlat Abad, in northern Faryab province.


A militiaman loads his rifle as Afghan Special Forces visit a district centre during a combat mission against the Taliban in Kandahar province

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 based on a fundamental interpretation of the Koran that has hardly changed in centuries.

Men had relatively more freedom but were ordered not to shave, would be beaten if they didn't attend prayers, and were told to only wear traditional clothing.

Afghanistan is deeply conservative and some rural pockets of the country adhere to similar rules even without Taliban oversight - but the insurgents have tried to impose these edicts even in more modern centres.

'All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,' said the letter, issued in the name of the Taliban's cultural commission.

Shaving is outlawed and women are banned from leaving the house in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online
Shaving or smoking is outlawed and Women are Banned from Leaving the House in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan as the Terror group implement their Harsh Islamic Rule

The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan.

Insurgents are issuing new orders to captured territories, banning smoking and beard-shaving and ordering villagers to marry off their daughters to foot soldiers and stopping women from heading out alone.


The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan (file image)

It comes a day after video emerged of Taliban fighters massacring 22 Afghan commandos who had surrendered in Dawlat Abad, in northern Faryab province.


A militiaman loads his rifle as Afghan Special Forces visit a district centre during a combat mission against the Taliban in Kandahar province

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 based on a fundamental interpretation of the Koran that has hardly changed in centuries.

Men had relatively more freedom but were ordered not to shave, would be beaten if they didn't attend prayers, and were told to only wear traditional clothing.

Afghanistan is deeply conservative and some rural pockets of the country adhere to similar rules even without Taliban oversight - but the insurgents have tried to impose these edicts even in more modern centres.

'All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,' said the letter, issued in the name of the Taliban's cultural commission.

Shaving is outlawed and women are banned from leaving the house in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online
Sounds like the people over there need to take care of their own house for once.

The brits didnt make things better. The russians didnt make things better. We didnt make things better. It's not something outsiders can fix.
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Sounds like the people over there need to take care of their own house for once.

The brits didnt make things better. The russians didnt make things better. We didnt make things better. It's not something outsiders can fix.

Maybe some of our Dem lawmakers need to take a trip and discuss "rights" with the Taliban.
Taliban offer three-month ceasefire in exchange for Release of 7,000 Prisoners

| July 15, 2021 05:44 PM

Afghan government negotiator Nader Nadery announced on Thursday that the Taliban offered the Afghan government a ceasefire in exchange for the release of thousands of captured Taliban fighters.

The proposition comes in the wake of major Taliban gains over the course of this year, following the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country. In addition to the release of 7,000 prisoners, the Taliban also demand the removal of the names of several Taliban leaders from a United Nations blacklist, Nadery said, according to the BBC.

So far, the government has not said whether it will accept the ceasefire offer, a proposal Nadery described as a "big demand."

Taliban offer three-month ceasefire in exchange for release of 7,000 prisoners
Taliban offer three-month ceasefire in exchange for Release of 7,000 Prisoners

| July 15, 2021 05:44 PM

Afghan government negotiator Nader Nadery announced on Thursday that the Taliban offered the Afghan government a ceasefire in exchange for the release of thousands of captured Taliban fighters.

The proposition comes in the wake of major Taliban gains over the course of this year, following the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country. In addition to the release of 7,000 prisoners, the Taliban also demand the removal of the names of several Taliban leaders from a United Nations blacklist, Nadery said, according to the BBC.

So far, the government has not said whether it will accept the ceasefire offer, a proposal Nadery described as a "big demand."

Taliban offer three-month ceasefire in exchange for release of 7,000 prisoners

Gosh.....I think I know how this will go. Dont do it
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Its called military welfare. You carry then for so long that they forget how to carry themselves.

They never knew how to carry themselves. This is what makes them 3rd world and this part of the world savage. The only thing that seems to have progressed along the way is weapons and that is due to places like the United States otherwise they have ancient ways of living. Put that into perspective.
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Shaving or smoking is outlawed and Women are Banned from Leaving the House in Taliban-controlled parts of Afghanistan as the Terror group implement their Harsh Islamic Rule

The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan.

Insurgents are issuing new orders to captured territories, banning smoking and beard-shaving and ordering villagers to marry off their daughters to foot soldiers and stopping women from heading out alone.


The Taliban is enforcing its harsh interpretation of Islamic rule and reverting to its fundamental roots as it makes huge advances across Afghanistan (file image)

It comes a day after video emerged of Taliban fighters massacring 22 Afghan commandos who had surrendered in Dawlat Abad, in northern Faryab province.


A militiaman loads his rifle as Afghan Special Forces visit a district centre during a combat mission against the Taliban in Kandahar province

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 based on a fundamental interpretation of the Koran that has hardly changed in centuries.

Men had relatively more freedom but were ordered not to shave, would be beaten if they didn't attend prayers, and were told to only wear traditional clothing.

Afghanistan is deeply conservative and some rural pockets of the country adhere to similar rules even without Taliban oversight - but the insurgents have tried to impose these edicts even in more modern centres.

'All imams and mullahs in captured areas should provide the Taliban with a list of girls above 15 and widows under 45 to be married to Taliban fighters,' said the letter, issued in the name of the Taliban's cultural commission.

Shaving is outlawed and women are banned from leaving the house in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online

I bet Fake president Joe Biden likes this kind of "Neanderthal thinking" from the Taliban.
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This is not indicative of all Muslim governments, they are peace loving friends of ours. Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity that encourages inclusivity and women’s rights. Just look at the Muslim governments throughout the World in places like Indonesia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Somalia. You will find thriving, peaceful communities that accept all people and cultures!! Now that the US has left Afghanistan and Iraq, they will soon be rejoining that beaming list of cultural diversity! It’s so amazing!!!
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This is not indicative of all Muslim governments, they are peace loving friends of ours. Islam is a religion of peace and prosperity that encourages inclusivity and women’s rights. Just look at the Muslim governments throughout the World in places like Indonesia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Syria, and Somalia. You will find thriving, peaceful communities that accept all people and cultures!! Now that the US has left Afghanistan and Iraq, they will soon be rejoining that beaming list of cultural diversity! It’s so amazing!!!

I agree that is why we are fortunate to invite in the Ilhan Omar's and Rashida Tlaib's who become democrats that work to unite the country and advocate for ways for the USA to improve up to the level of other Muslim led nations. Combine them with the other cutting edge thinkers in the party and we should all be proud where it leads.
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Sounds like the people over there need to take care of their own house for once.

The brits didnt make things better. The russians didnt make things better. We didnt make things better. It's not something outsiders can fix.
We would be a better country if we had made smoking tobacco illegal.
Yes, making things illegal has worked out so well for us.
Should we have made cocaine legal again? You do know, I'm certain, when the largest amount of crack was introduced in the USA, right? And how that supply got here?

I do get your point, but offer the "what if" scenario for discussion
Should we have made cocaine legal again? You do know, I'm certain, when the largest amount of crack was introduced in the USA, right? And how that supply got here?

I do get your point, but offer the "what if" scenario for discussion
We should have never made cocaine or any drug illegal.

Yes, I also know our government has been in the drug running business for decades.

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