After the LSU loss, did anyone...

pure joy , jumped up pumped my fist in the air, screamed "hot damn they did it". then i got soul ripped out, my wife offer my some sweet stuff to help me thru. had to turn it down (till later anyway.) really sucked the life out of me.

the game or...

i keed i keed
We had the windows open so I'm sure our neighbors across the street who were outside heard me screaming when I thought we had won, and wondered what the heck was going on, and then when I saw the refs and new something was up, the only thing I could say was you've got to be kidding, I can't believe this, this is soo not fair, etc., among a few other words I can't put on here.
Was watching it in front of a brand new Samsung 55" LED/LCD 3D TV that I had bought the weekend before and knocked over the table with all of my remotes on it... almost hitting the TV. I learned a lesson that day. No matter how angry I get or what I break they still lost and that's that.
I was in a box at another college game-got to see the whole second half in the box after watching the first at a tailgate. Anyways-I went from screaming and making fun of Les Miles to the LSU fan we were with to basically not speaking for an hour. I also began drinking again...heavily.
I was about to hit something until I recalled the small hole I placed in a wall a year ago during MNF over a fantasy game (meaningless garbage TD by the Steelers when they could have taken a knee cost me the game). I instead resorted to shouting obscenities at the TV, and I got louder when they interviewed Miles. Fortunately, no one else was around.
I watched it with my brother who is a minister. Antics were minimal. After game made 2 hour road trip with wife without talking much.
I was about to hit something until I recalled the small hole I placed in a wall a year ago during MNF over a fantasy game (meaningless garbage TD by the Steelers when they could have taken a knee cost me the game). I instead resorted to shouting obscenities at the TV, and I got louder when they interviewed Miles. Fortunately, no one else was around.

Im impressed the Misses hasnt made you fix the hole in the wall in over a year.
I want to know who stores light bulbs in a bucket...that's the real issue here.....but I didn't manage to break anything....I think I was in shock from the end...anger came later
To avoid anything bad, I went to the gym for a few hours to cool off. I listened to the call in show and just got more pissed though.
I was about to hit something until I recalled the small hole I placed in a wall a year ago during MNF over a fantasy game (meaningless garbage TD by the Steelers when they could have taken a knee cost me the game). I instead resorted to shouting obscenities at the TV, and I got louder when they interviewed Miles. Fortunately, no one else was around.

You punched a hole in a wall over a fantasy game? You Sir are dedicated :clapping: :hi:
my wife laughed at me as I laid on the floor in a crumpled heap. I screamed for joy from the 25 sec mark when it became clear that LSU was about to blow the last play. My rant on what an idiot Les Miles is came back to bite me.
I'm 32 but I got drunk and called my parents. The next day my Mom called to make sure that I did not "shoot myself in the face" like I kept telling her I would do. Kinda pitiful! Clearly I was not serious!
I was screaming and cheering pulling into Red Robin for dinner (date with the wifey). Then parked and starting walking when 2 LSU fans came out as we were going in yelling with their hands in the air. Needless to waitress did not recieve a tip. I was pissed.

That's pretty trashy not leaving a tip.
I was screaming and cheering pulling into Red Robin for dinner (date with the wifey). Then parked and starting walking when 2 LSU fans came out as we were going in yelling with their hands in the air. Needless to waitress did not recieve a tip. I was pissed.

with all sincerity, you couldn't talk the wife into waiting a few extra minutes?
Me and the people I watched the game with tackled eachother cheering when we thought TN won the game, and then watched in complete horror as the game was lost. Shortlyafterwards, my brother watched the final plays of the game over and promptly shatterd my TV remote into pieces on the floor.
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with all sincerity, you couldn't talk the wife into waiting a few extra minutes?

She was fine with listening to the end of the game. I wanted to get in quick and watch the last minute of it. I dropped her off to get a table and could not find a parking spot and the rest is history.
walked down the street to my lsu fan neighbor's house and threw his trash cans down the hill in his front yard. He is single and lives alone, but there was definitely a box of tampons in there...
I was screaming and cheering pulling into Red Robin for dinner (date with the wifey). Then parked and starting walking when 2 LSU fans came out as we were going in yelling with their hands in the air. Needless to waitress did not recieve a tip. I was pissed.

Wow, Red Robin... I always see the commercials but never knew where one existed. As far as not tipping your waitress... Im sure she will be just fine with that $4 she makes an hr, prick. :no:

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